铅笔特效方面的算法很多,像photoshop这种牛逼软件具有这个功能就不足为奇了。偶尔闲来无事,收集一些这方面的资料,觉得蛮有意思的。最近看到一篇香港中文大学贾佳亚教授的paper,当然他只是挂个名,因为他不是第一作者,应该是他学生的作品。废话不多说,这篇paper的题目是“Combining Sketch and Tone for Pencil Drawing Production”。看到这篇paper的实现效果,简直让人惊呆了。这是我见过的最好的铅笔特效算法,没有之一。文章的原理也很简单。希望感兴趣的朋友去下来研究研究。你值得拥有!
下面贴出自己的代码 ,甚为粗糙,还望看官莫要见笑。
1 clear all; 2 close all; 3 clc; 4 ks=10; 5 dirNum=8; 6 [FileName,PathName]=uigetfile({‘*.jpg‘;‘*.png‘;‘*.bmp‘},‘Open an Image File‘); 7 Img=imread([PathName FileName]); 8 figure,imshow(Img); 9 [H, W, sc] = size(Img); 10 if sc == 3 11 I = rgb2gray(Img); 12 end 13 PC = phasecongmono(I, 5, 3, 2.5, 0.55, 2.0); 14 figure,imshow(PC); 15 PC=PC.^0.65; 16 17 %% convolution kernel with horizontal direction 18 kerRef = zeros(ks*2+1); 19 kerRef(ks+1,:) = 1; 20 21 %% classification 22 response = zeros(H,W,dirNum); 23 Sresponse = zeros(H,W,dirNum); 24 for ii = 0 : (dirNum-1) 25 ker = imrotate(kerRef, ii*180/dirNum, ‘bilinear‘, ‘crop‘); 26 response(:,:,ii+1) = conv2(PC, ker, ‘same‘); 27 end 28 [~ , index] = sort(response, 3); 29 Dirs = (index(:,:,end)-1)*180/dirNum; 30 maxindex=index(:,:,end); 31 C = zeros(H,W,dirNum); 32 for k=1:dirNum 33 for i=1:H 34 for j=1:W 35 if(maxindex(i,j)==k) 36 C(i,j,k)=PC(i,j); 37 38 end 39 end 40 end 41 end 42 Cresponse = zeros(H,W,dirNum); 43 for jj = 0 : (dirNum-1) 44 ker = imrotate(kerRef, jj*180/dirNum, ‘bilinear‘, ‘crop‘); 45 46 Cresponse(:,:,jj+1) = conv2(C(:,:,jj+1), ker, ‘same‘); 47 end 48 S=0.079*Cresponse(:,:,1)+0.079*Cresponse(:,:,2)+0.079*Cresponse(:,:,3)+0.079*Cresponse(:,:,4)+0.079*Cresponse(:,:,5)+0.079*Cresponse(:,:,6)+0.079*Cresponse(:,:,7)+0.079*Cresponse(:,:,8); 49 figure,imshow(1-S); 50 a=0:255; 51 p1 = 1/9*exp(-(255-a)/9); 52 p3=1/sqrt(2*pi*11) * exp(-(a-90).*(a-90) / (2.0*11*11)); 53 p2= 0:255; 54 p2(:)=1/(225-105); 55 p2(1:55)=0; 56 p2(225:256)=0; 57 p = 0.76 * p1 + 0.22 * p2 + 0.02 * p3; 58 figure,plot(a,p); 59 hgram=round(p*H*W); 60 61 Inew=histeq(uint8(I),hgram); 62 H=fspecial(‘gaussian‘,13,2); 63 Inew = imfilter(Inew,H,‘replicate‘); 64 Inew=double(Inew); 65 Sn=1-mapminmax(S); 66 out=Inew.*Sn*0.55; 67 figure,imshow(uint8(out));
需要提醒的是,本代码未能实现texture rendering的步骤,所以效果与文章还是有一定差距的。