def q(start , end , a): if start>= end : return else : mid = (start+end)/2 i = start+1 j = end key =a[start] while i<j: while i<=end and a[i]<key: i+=1 while j>=start and a[j]>key: j-=1 if i < j: tmp = a[i] a[i]=a[j] a[j]=tmp if a[start] > a[j]: tmp = a[start] a[start] = a[j] a[j] = tmp q(start,j-1,a) q(j+1,end ,a) l = input('please input the length of array') n = [] for x in range(l): n.append(input()) q(0,l-1, n) print n啊,写完了。