--1、创建表空间 DROP TABLESPACE flhis INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; CREATE TABLESPACE flhis DATAFILE ‘F:\app\oracle\oradata\orcl\flhis.dbf‘ SIZE 200M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 2M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED LOGGING ONLINE PERMANENT EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL AUTOALLOCATE BLOCKSIZE 8K; --[ --删除用户 drop user flhis cascade; --删除进程 --1.查询链接状态 Select username,sid,serial# from v$session where username=‘FLHIS‘; --2.挨个删除 Alter system kill session ‘‘; --] --2.创建用户 create user flhis identified by flhis default tablespace flhis temporary tablespace temp; grant dba to flhis; grant connect to flhis; alter user flhis default role all; --3.导入数据 imp flhis/flhis@orcl full=y file=D:\flhis.dmp ignore=y --4.导出语句 exp flhis/flhis@orcl file=D:\his.dmp log=D:\his.txt