###查看配置信息,当前的安装路径如下: # cd /dbdata/mysql/enterprise/monitor # more configuration_report.txt MySQL Enterprise Monitor (Version :
Here are the settings you specified: Application hostname and port: Tomcat Ports: 18080 - 18443 (SSL) MySQL Port : 13306
Use the following command to login to the MySQL Enterprise Monitor database: mysql -u**** -p**** -P13306 -hlocalhost
# ls apache-tomcat configuration_report.txt images licenses mysqlmonitorctl.sh README_ja.txt uninstall version.txt bin etc java mysql README_en.txt support-files uninstall.dat
2、卸载Enterprise Monitor agent
###停止agent客户端进程 # /etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent stop Shutting down MySQL Enterprise Agent service...[ OK ]
###改变目录到agent安装位置 # cd /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent # ls bin configuration_report.txt doc etc java lib licenses logs spool uninstall uninstall.dat
###卸载agent客户端 # ./uninstall Do you want to uninstall MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent and all of its modules? [Y/n]: y
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall Status
###停止Enterprise Monitor进程 # /etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-server stop # pwd /dbdata/mysql/enterprise/monitor # ./uninstall Do you want to uninstall MySQL Enterprise Monitor and all of its modules? [Y/n]: y
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall Status
Do you also want to remove all data, logs and other files in the MySQL and Tomcat instances under ‘/dbdata/mysql/enterprise/monitor‘?
Caution, this will remove all user created files, even if they were present before installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor, including the data files of the bundled MySQL server. You will *not* be able to undo this action. Do not remove files if you plan to install an update.
Do you really want to remove ALL data and log files inside those directories? [y/N]: y
Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Monitor 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100% #########################################
Info: Uninstallation completed Press [Enter] to continue :