标签:python aop 缓存 cache function
from functools import wraps lineseq = '==' * 20 def memo( func ): cache = {} @wraps( func ) def wrapper( *args ): result = cache.get( args ) if result is None: result = func( *args ) cache[args] = result return result return wrapper @memo def fib( n ): if n < 2: return n return fib( n - 1 ) + fib( n - 2 ) print fib( 10 )
import time def logger( func ): @wraps( func ) def deco( *args, **kwargs ): start_time = time.time() result = func( *args, **kwargs ) end_time = time.time() print 'function = {0}'.format( func.__name__ ) print 'arguments = {0}{1}'.format( args, kwargs ) print 'return = {0}'.format( result ) print 'time = %.6f sec'%( start_time - end_time ) return result return deco @logger def sum_num( a, b, c ): return a + b + c
from itertools import izip rpc_info = {} def xmlrpc( in_args = (), out_args = ( type( None ), ) ): def _check_types( elements, types ): if len( elements ) != len( types ): raise TypeError( 'argument count is wrong' ) typed = enumerate( izip( elements, types ) ) for index, couple in typed: arg, type_ = couple if isinstance( arg, type_ ): continue raise TypeError( 'arg %d should be %s'%( index, type_ ) ) def _xmlrpc( func ): function_name = func.__name__ rpc_info[function_name] = ( in_args, out_args ) def __xmlrpc( *args ): check_args = args[1:] _check_types( check_args, in_args ) result = func( *args ) if not type( result ) in ( tuple, list ): check_results = ( result, ) else: check_results = result _check_types( check_results, out_args ) return result return __xmlrpc return _xmlrpc class RPCView( object ): @xmlrpc( ( int, int ) ) def method1( self, int_a, int_b ): print 'recevied %d and %d'%( int_a, int_b ) @xmlrpc( ( str, ), ( int, ) ) def method2( self, info ): print 'received %s'%( info ) return 0 a = RPCView() a.method1( 12, 21 )
class User( object ): def __init__( self, role ): self.roles = role class Unauthorized( Exception ): pass def protect( role ): def _protect( function ): def __protect( *args, **kwargs ): user = globals().get( 'user' ) if user is None or role not in user.roles: raise Unauthorized( 'I will not tell you' ) return function( *args, **kwargs ) return __protect return _protect tarek = User( ( 'admin', 'user' ) ) bill = User( ( 'user', ) ) class MySecrets( object ): @protect( 'admin' ) def waffle_recipe( self ): print 'use tons of butter!' these_are = MySecrets() #these_are.waffle_recipe() user = tarek these_are.waffle_recipe() these_are = bill these_are.waffle_recipe()
from threading import RLock lock = RLock() def synchronized( function ): def _synchronized( *args, **kwargs ): lock.acquire() try: return function( *args, **kwargs ) finally: lock.release() return _synchronized @synchronized def thread_safe(): pass
标签:python aop 缓存 cache function