Delphi 和Windows紧密地结合在一起,所以它的API引入了很多Windows的概念(比如文件搜索,打开和加载库文件等等)。
FreePascal 被设计为可移植的,所以太贴近Windows的特性被舍弃了。下面是需要注意的要点:
Widestrings. Widestring management is not automatic in Free Pascal, since various platforms
have different ways of dealing with widestring encodings and Multi-Byte Character Sets. FPC
supports Widestrings, but may not use the same encoding as on Windows.
Note that in order to have correct widestring management, you need to include the cwstring
unit on Unix/LINUX platforms: This unit initializes the widestring manager with the necessary
callbacks which use the C library to implement all needed widestring functionality.
FreePascal Users guide 2.6 7.3.2 Missing calls / API incompatibilities