一、.基本语法begin dbms_output.put_line('HelloWorld'); end;输出100员工的工资:
declare v_sal number(20) :=0; --声明变量,要注意的是,数据类型和要查询的表中的数据类型是对应得 --附一个默认值,:= v_email varchar2(20);--另一种写法,v_email employees.email % type v_hire_date date; --v_hire_date employees.hire_date % type //v_hire_date与employees表中的hire_date类型一样 --%type ,如果自定义类型的精度不够,那么%type就是动态的获取表中的类型及精度 begin select salary,email , hire_date into v_sal,v_email,v_hire_date from employees where employee_id = 100; --实现select操作,注意是select into dbms_output.put_line(v_sal||','||v_email||','||v_hire_date);--打印 end;修改数据
declare v_emp_id employees.employee_id%type; begin v_emp_id :=100; update employees set salary = salary + 100 where employee_id = v_emp_id; dbms_output.put_line('OK'); end;使用%TYPE
DECLARE --声明一个记录类型,类似于java中的类 TYPE emp_record IS RECORD( v_sal employees.salary % type, v_email employees.email % type,--以逗号链接 v_hire_date employees.hire_date % type);--分号 --定义一个记录变量 v_emp_record emp_record; BEGIN SELECT salary , email, hire_date INTO v_emp_record FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 101; dbms_output.put_line(v_emp_record.v_sal||','||v_emp_record.v_email||','||v_emp_record.v_hire_date); END;获取一个表中所有列的记录类型
declare v_emp_record employees%rowtype; v_emp_id number(10); begin v_emp_id := 100; select * into v_emp_record from employees where employee_id = v_emp_id; dbms_output.put_line(v_emp_record.salary||' , '||v_emp_record.last_name);--用表中的列名字即可 end;三、流程控制:
declare v_sal employees.salary%type; v_result varchar2(20); begin select salary into v_sal from employees where employee_id = 150; if v_sal >= 10000 then v_result := 'salary >= 10000'; elsif v_sal >=5000 then v_result := 'salary >= 5000'; else v_result := 'salary < 5000'; end if; dbms_output.put_line(v_sal||' , '||v_result); end;方式二
declare v_sal employees.salary%type; v_result varchar2(20); begin select salary into v_sal from employees where employee_id = 150; v_result := case trunc(v_sal/5000) when 2 then 'salary >= 10000' when 1 then '5000 <= salary < 10000' when 0 then 'salary < 5000' end; dbms_output.put_line(v_sal||' , '||v_result); end;case...when..then..相当于java的switch,使用起来有局限性,还是if..then..elsif...then比较好
declare --(1) v_i number(3) := 1; /*方式一 begin loop --(2) dbms_output.put_line(v_i); --(4) v_i := v_i + 1; --(3) exit when v_i >100; end loop;--注意每一行,都要有“分号” end;*/ 方式二:(推荐使用 ) begin while v_i <= 100 loop dbms_output.put_line(v_i); v_i := v_i + 1; end loop; end; /*方式三 begin for i in 1..100 loop --for i in reverse 1..100 loop,这样就是反着,从100-1,还要注意in后面是两个“.” dbms_output.put_line(i); end loop; end; */输出1-100的所有质数
declare v_i number(3) := 2; v_j number(3) := 2; v_flag number(3) := 1; begin /*while v_i<=100 loop while v_j <= sqrt(v_i) loop if mod(v_i,v_j)=0 then v_flag := 0; goto OK; end if; v_j := v_j + 1; end loop; <<OK>> if v_flag = 1 then dbms_output.put_line(v_i); end if; v_j := 2; v_i := v_i + 1; v_flag := 1; end loop; */ for i in 2..100 loop for j in 2..sqrt(i) loop if mod(i,j)=0 then v_flag := 0; goto OK; end if; end loop; <<OK>> if v_flag = 1 then dbms_output.put_line(i); end if; v_flag := 1; end loop; end;对于while 循环的嵌套。特别要注意初始化条件
declare --定义一个记录类型 type v_record is record( v_sal employees.salary%type, v_last_name employees.last_name%type ); --声明一个记录类型 v_emp_record v_record; --定义一个游标 cursor emp_sal_cursor is select salary,last_name from employees where department_id = 80; begin --打开游标 open emp_sal_cursor; --提取游标 fetch emp_sal_cursor into v_emp_record; while emp_sal_cursor%found loop dbms_output.put_line(v_emp_record.v_last_name||' : '||v_emp_record.v_sal); fetch emp_sal_cursor into v_emp_record; end loop; close emp_sal_cursor; end;游标的使用,用for比较简单
declare cursor emp_sal_cursor is select salary,last_name from employees where department_id = 80; begin for c in emp_sal_cursor loop dbms_output.put_line(c.last_name||c.salary); end loop; end;带参数的游标
declare --定义游标 cursor emp_sal_cursor(dept_id number, sal number) is select salary + 1000 sal, employee_id id from employees where department_id = dept_id and salary > sal; --定义基数变量 temp number(4, 2); begin --处理游标的循环操作 for c in emp_sal_cursor(sal => 4000, dept_id => 80) loop --判断员工的工资, 执行 update 操作 --dbms_output.put_line(c.id || ': ' || c.sal); if c.sal <= 5000 then temp := 0.05; elsif c.sal <= 10000 then temp := 0.03; elsif c.sal <= 15000 then temp := 0.02; else temp := 0.01; end if; dbms_output.put_line(c.sal || ': ' || c.id || ', ' || temp); --update employees set salary = salary * (1 + temp) where employee_id = c.id; end loop; end;隐式游标
declare v_sal employees.salary%type; v_empid employees.employee_id%type := 101; begin update employees set last_name = 'ABC' where employee_id = v_empid; if sql%notfound then -- dbms_output.put_line('查无此人'); end if; end;五、异常处理(三种类型)
EXCEPTION WHEN first_exception THEN <code to handle first exception > WHEN second_exception THEN <code to handle second exception > WHEN OTHERS THEN <code to handle others exception > END;
declare v_sal employees.salary%type; begin select salary into v_sal from employees where employee_id > 100; dbms_output.put_line(v_sal); exception when too_many_rows then dbms_output.put_line('要输出的行数太多了!'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('其他错误!'); end;
SQL>delete employees where employee_id = 100 ORA-02292: 违反完整约束条件 (SCOTT.DEPT_MGR_FK) - 已找到子记录 因为自己表里有manager_id也指向自己表里的employee_id,而删除emp_id,因为manager_id指向,所以或无法删除 declare e_deleteid_exception exception; pragma exception_init(e_deleteid_exception,-2292);--将2292这个错和自己定义的异常名称关联起来 begin delete employees where employee_id = 100; exception when e_deleteid_exception then dbms_output.put_line('违反完整性约束异常!'); end;
declare e_deleteid_exception exception; pragma exception_init(e_deleteid_exception,-2292); e_too_high_sal_exception exception; --自定义异常 v_sal employees.salary % type; begin delete from employees where employee_id = 100; select salary into v_sal from employees where employee_id = 100; if v_sal > 10000 then raise e_too_high_sal_exception; --抛出异常 end if; exception when e_too_high_sal_exception then dbms_output.put_line('工资太高了'); when e_deleteid_exception then dbms_output.put_line('违反完整性约束异常'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('其他异常'); end;
创建函数 1. 建立内嵌函数 语法如下: CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name [ (argment [ { IN | IN OUT }] Type, argment [ { IN | OUT | IN OUT } ] Type ] [ AUTHID DEFINER | CURRENT_USER ] RETURN return_type { IS | AS } <类型.变量的说明> BEGIN FUNCTION_body EXCEPTION 其它语句 END;
create or replase function func_name (depart_id number, salary number) return number --返回某部门所有的工资 is --函数在使用过程中,需要声明的变量、记录类型record、游标cursor begin --函数的执行体 exception --处理函数执行过程中的异常 end;
create or replace function HelloDemo return varchar2 is begin return 'Hello,World'; end;
begin dbms_output.put_line(HelloDemo); end;
SQL>select HelloDemo from dual; /* create or replace function HelloDemo(v_world varchar2) return varchar2 is begin return 'Hello'||v_world; end; *//* select HelloDemo('Worrld') from dual */
create or replace function get_sysdate return date is v_date date; begin v_date := sysdate; return v_date; end; select get_date from dual;
create or replace function add_func(v_num1 number,v_num2 number) return number is v_sum number(10);--这里需要指定长度 begin v_sum := v_num1 + v_num2; return v_sum; end; select add_func(1,2) from dual;
create or replace function get_all_sal(dept_id number) return number is v_sumsal number(20,2) := 0; cursor salary_cursor is select salary from employees where department_id = dept_id; begin for c in salary_cursor loop v_sumsal := v_sumsal + c.salary; end loop; return v_sumsal; end;