标签:c++ c++ primer plus 答案 源代码 编程
//13.1根据Cd基类,完成派生出一个Classic类,并测试 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; // base class class Cd { char performers[50]; char label[20]; int selections; // number of selections double playtime; // playing time in minutes public: explicit Cd(const char * s1 = "", const char * s2 = "", int n = 0, double x = 0.0); virtual ~Cd() {} virtual void Report() const; // reports all CD data }; static void cpStr (char* p_des_txt, const char* p_src_txt, unsigned des_arr_size) { unsigned str_len = strlen(p_src_txt) < des_arr_size-1 ? strlen(p_src_txt) : des_arr_size-1; strncpy(p_des_txt, p_src_txt, str_len); p_des_txt[str_len] = '\0'; } Cd::Cd (const char * s1, const char * s2, int n, double x) : selections(n), playtime(x) { cpStr(performers, s1, 50); cpStr(label, s2, 20); } void Cd::Report() const { cout << performers << ", " << label << ", " << selections << ", " << playtime << flush; } class Classic : public Cd { static const unsigned mk_size = 64; char m_songs[mk_size]; public: Classic (const char* songs_list = "", const char * s1 = "", const char * s2 = "", int n = 0, double x = 0.0); virtual void Report() const; // reports all CD data }; Classic::Classic (const char* songs_list, const char * s1, const char * s2, int n, double x) : Cd(s1, s2, n, x) { cpStr(m_songs, songs_list, mk_size); } void Classic::Report () const { Cd::Report(); cout << ", " << m_songs << endl; } void Bravo(const Cd & disk) { disk.Report(); cout << endl; } int main() { Cd c1("Beatles", "Capitol", 14, 35.5); Classic c2 = Classic("Piano Sonata in B flat, Fantasia in C", "Alfred Brendel", "Philips", 2, 57.17); Cd *pcd = &c1; cout << "Using object directly:\n"; c1.Report(); // use Cd method c2.Report(); // use Classic method cout << "Using type cd * pointer to objects:\n"; pcd->Report(); // use Cd method for cd object pcd = &c2; pcd->Report(); // use Classic method for classic object cout << "Calling a function with a Cd reference argument:\n"; Bravo(c1); Bravo(c2); cout << "Testing assignment: "; Classic copy; copy = c2; copy.Report(); }
//13.2对13.1,使用动态内存记录字符串 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; // base class class Cd { char* performers; char* label; int selections; // number of selections double playtime; // playing time in minutes public: explicit Cd(const char * s1 = "", const char * s2 = "", int n = 0, double x = 0.0); Cd(const Cd & d); virtual ~Cd(); virtual void Report() const; // reports all CD data Cd & operator=(const Cd & d); }; static char* cpNewStr (const char* p_src_txt) { unsigned str_len = strlen(p_src_txt); char* p_des_txt = new char [str_len + 1]; strcpy(p_des_txt, p_src_txt); return (p_des_txt); } Cd::Cd (const char * s1, const char * s2, int n, double x) : selections(n), playtime(x) { performers = cpNewStr(s1); label = cpNewStr(s2); } Cd::~Cd () { delete [] performers; delete [] label; } Cd::Cd(const Cd & d) : selections(d.selections), playtime(d.playtime) { performers = cpNewStr(d.performers); label = cpNewStr(d.label); } Cd & Cd::operator=(const Cd & d) { if (&d == this) { return (*this); } delete [] performers; performers = cpNewStr(d.performers); delete [] label; label = cpNewStr(d.label); selections = d.selections; playtime = d.playtime; return (*this); } void Cd::Report() const { cout << performers << ", " << label << ", " << selections << ", " << playtime << flush; } // derive class Classic : public Cd { char* songs; public: explicit Classic (const char* songs_list = "", const char * s1 = "", const char * s2 = "", int n = 0, double x = 0.0); Classic (const Classic& classic); virtual ~Classic (); Classic& operator= (const Classic& classic); virtual void Report() const; // reports all CD data }; Classic::Classic (const char* songs_list, const char * s1, const char * s2, int n, double x) : Cd(s1, s2, n, x) { songs = cpNewStr(songs_list); } Classic::Classic (const Classic& classic) : Cd(classic) { songs = cpNewStr(classic.songs); } Classic::~Classic () { delete [] songs; } Classic & Classic::operator= (const Classic& classic) { if (&classic == this) return (*this); Cd::operator=(classic); delete [] songs; songs = cpNewStr(classic.songs); return (*this); } void Classic::Report () const { Cd::Report(); cout << ", " << songs << endl; } void Bravo(const Cd & disk) { disk.Report(); cout << endl; } int main() { Cd c1("Beatles", "Capitol", 14, 35.5); Classic c2 = Classic("Piano Sonata in B flat, Fantasia in C", "Alfred Brendel", "Philips", 2, 57.17); Cd *pcd = &c1; cout << "Using object directly:\n"; c1.Report(); // use Cd method c2.Report(); // use Classic method cout << "Using type cd * pointer to objects:\n"; pcd->Report(); // use Cd method for cd object pcd = &c2; pcd->Report(); // use Classic method for classic object cout << "Calling a function with a Cd reference argument:\n"; Bravo(c1); Bravo(c2); cout << "Testing assignment: "; Classic copy; copy = c2; copy.Report(); }
//13.3让三个类从一个基类DMA继承而来,然后用程序清单13.10对比测试,基类使用虚类。 #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class DMA{ string label; int rating; public: DMA(const string l="null",int r=0) { label=l; rating=r; } virtual void test(){}; virtual void tese2() { cout<<"test2"; } DMA(const DMA &rs) { label=rs.label; rating=rs.rating; } virtual ~DMA() {} string lab() {return label;} int ra() {return rating;} friend ostream&operator<<(ostream &os,const DMA &rs) { os<<"label:"<<rs.label<<" rating:"<<rs.rating<<endl; return os; } virtual void show() { cout<<"label:"<<label<<" rating:"<<rating<<" "<<endl; } }; class baseDMA:public DMA { public: baseDMA(const string l="null",int r=0):DMA(l,r) {} baseDMA(baseDMA &bd):DMA(bd.lab(),bd.ra()) {} virtual void test()const{}; virtual ~baseDMA(){} friend ostream&operator<<(ostream &os,const baseDMA &bd) { os<<"This is baseDMA: "; os<<(DMA &)bd; return os; } virtual void show() { cout<<"This is baseDMA: "; DMA::show(); cout<<endl; } }; class lacksDMA:public DMA { string color; public: lacksDMA(const string c="blank",const string l="null",int r=0):DMA(l,r) { color=c; } virtual ~lacksDMA(){}; virtual void test()const{};//必须实现虚基类的所有虚函数 friend ostream&operator<<(ostream &os,const lacksDMA &ld) { os<<"This is lacksDMA: "; os<<(DMA &)ld<<" color:"<<ld.color;//通过强制类型转换调用基类友元函数 return os; } virtual void show() { cout<<"This is lacksDMA: "; DMA::show(); cout<<" color:"<<color; cout<<endl; } }; class hasDMA:public DMA { string style; public: hasDMA(const string s="none",const string l="null",int r=0):DMA(l,r) { style=s; } virtual ~hasDMA(){}; virtual void test()const{};//必须实现虚基类的所有虚函数 virtual void show() { cout<<"This is hasDMA: "; DMA::show(); cout<<" style:"<<style; cout<<endl; } friend ostream&operator<<(ostream &os,const hasDMA &hd) { os<<"This is hasDMA: "; os<<(DMA &)hd<<" style:"<<hd.style;//通过强制类型转换调用基类友元函数 return os; } }; int main () { DMA *pd[3];//虚基类不能创建对象,但可以创建指向其的指针 for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { cout<<"\nEnter the label:"; string label; getline(cin,label,'\n'); cout<<"\nEnter the rating:"; int rat; cin>>rat; cout<<"Enter the 1 for baseDMA"<<endl <<"2 for lacksDMA"<<endl <<"3 for hasDMA"<<endl; int temp; cin>>temp; cin.get(); if(temp==1) pd[i]=new baseDMA(label,rat); else if(temp==2) { cout<<"Enter the color:"; string color; getline(cin,color); pd[i]=new lacksDMA(color,label,rat); } else if(temp==3) { cout<<"Enter the style:"; string style; getline(cin,style); pd[i]=new hasDMA(style,label,rat); } else { cout<<"invalid input! try again!"<<endl; i--; } while(cin.get()!='\n') continue; } cout<<endl; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) pd[i]->show(); }
//13.4根据Port类派生出一个VintagePort类,完成并测试 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; class Port { char * brand; char style[20]; // i.e., tawny, ruby, vintage int bottles; public: explicit Port(const char * br = "none", const char * st = "none", int b = 0); Port(const Port & p); // copy constructor virtual ~Port() { delete [] brand; } Port & operator=(const Port & p); virtual void Show() const; Port & operator+=(int b); // adds b to bottles Port & operator-=(int b); // subtracts b from bottles, if available int BottleCount() const { return bottles; } friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Port & p); }; static char* cpNewStr (const char* p_src_txt) { unsigned str_len = strlen(p_src_txt); char* p_des_txt = new char [str_len + 1]; strcpy(p_des_txt, p_src_txt); return (p_des_txt); } static void cpStr (char* p_des_txt, const char* p_src_txt, unsigned des_arr_size) { unsigned str_len = strlen(p_src_txt) < des_arr_size-1 ? strlen(p_src_txt) : des_arr_size-1; strncpy(p_des_txt, p_src_txt, str_len); p_des_txt[str_len] = '\0'; } Port::Port (const char * br, const char * st, int b) : brand(cpNewStr(br)), bottles(b) { cpStr(style, st, 20); } Port::Port(const Port & p) : brand(cpNewStr(p.brand)), bottles(p.bottles) { cpStr(style, p.style, 20); } void Port::Show() const { cout << "Brand: " << brand << endl << "Style: " << style << endl << "Bottles: " << bottles << flush; } Port & Port::operator=(const Port & p) { if (&p == this) return (*this); delete [] brand; brand = cpNewStr(p.brand); cpStr(style, p.style, 20); bottles = p.bottles; return (*this); } Port & Port::operator+=(int b) { bottles += b; return (*this); } Port & Port::operator-=(int b) { bottles -= b; return (*this); } ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, const Port & p) { cout << p.brand << ", " << p.style << ", " << p.bottles << flush; return (os); } class VintagePort : public Port // style necessarily = "vintage" { char * nickname; // i.e., "The Noble" or "Old Velvet", etc. int year; // vintage year public: explicit VintagePort(const char * br = "", int b = 0, const char * nn = "", int y = 0); VintagePort(const VintagePort & vp); virtual ~VintagePort() { delete [] nickname; } VintagePort & operator=(const VintagePort & vp); virtual void Show() const; friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const VintagePort & vp); }; VintagePort::VintagePort (const char * br, int b, const char * nn, int y) : Port(br, "vintage", b), nickname(cpNewStr(nn)), year(y) {} VintagePort::VintagePort (const VintagePort & vp) : Port(vp), nickname(cpNewStr(vp.nickname)), year(vp.year) {} void VintagePort::Show () const { Port::Show(); cout << endl; cout << "Nickname: " << nickname << endl; cout << "Year: " << year << flush; } VintagePort & VintagePort::operator= (const VintagePort & vp) { if (&vp == this) return (*this); Port::operator=(vp); delete [] nickname; nickname = cpNewStr(vp.nickname); year = vp.year; return (*this); } ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, const VintagePort & vp) { os << Port(vp); cout << ", " << vp.nickname << ", " << vp.year << flush; return (os); } int main() { Port port1("gallo", "tawny", 20); cout << port1 << endl << endl; VintagePort vp("gallo", 24, "nice", 16); VintagePort vp2(vp); cout << vp2 << endl << endl; VintagePort vp3; vp3 = vp; cout << vp3 << endl << endl; Port* p_port; p_port = &port1; p_port->Show(); cout << endl; p_port = &vp; p_port->Show(); cout << endl; }
c++ primer plus(第6版)中文版 第十三章编程练习答案,布布扣,bubuko.com
c++ primer plus(第6版)中文版 第十三章编程练习答案
标签:c++ c++ primer plus 答案 源代码 编程