from: 2013/8/30的笔记
使用development.js 读取 app.json 配置文件
app.json 配置了app.js文件
app.js lauch function ,首先用util.Proxy.js 读取 feed.js 的数据, (保存在local 变量?怎么传出?) viewport.add main
初始界面: view.Card.js extend:NavigationView ()
items 的类别 session --- in Detail.js
Detail extend Container
xtype : ’component’
itemtap: ’onSpeakerTap’:
onSpeakerTap:function(list, idx, el, record) {
this.speakerInfo.config.title = record.getFullName();//这个getFullName() 定义在model/Speaker.js
config: {
refs: {
speakerContainer: ‘speakerContainer‘,
speakers: ‘speakerContainer speakers‘, //
speaker: ‘speakerContainer speaker‘,
speakerInfo: ‘speakerContainer speakerInfo‘,
sessions: ‘speakerContainer speaker list‘
control: {
speakers: {
itemtap: ‘onSpeakerTap‘,
activate: ‘onSpeakersActivate‘
sessions: {
itemtap: ‘onSessionTap‘
A collection of named ComponentQuery selectors that makes it easy to get references to key Components on your page. Example usage:
refs: {
main: ‘#mainTabPanel‘,
loginButton: ‘#loginWindow button[action=login]‘,
infoPanel: {
selector: ‘infopanel‘,
xtype: ‘infopanel‘,
autoCreate: true
The first two are simple ComponentQuery selectors, the third (infoPanel) also passes in the autoCreate and xtype options, which will first run the ComponentQuery to see if a Component matching that selector exists on the page. If not, it will automatically create one using the xtype provided:
someControllerFunction: function() {
//if the info panel didn‘t exist before, calling its getter will instantiate
//it automatically and return the new instance
Defaults to: {}
Provides searching of Components within Ext.ComponentManager (globally) or a specific Ext.Container on the document with a similar syntax to a CSS selector.
Components can be retrieved by using their xtype with an optional ‘.‘ prefix
component or .component
gridpanel or .gridpanel
An itemId or id must be prefixed with a #
Attributes must be wrapped in brackets
Member expressions from candidate Components may be tested. If the expression returns a truthy value, the candidate Component will be included in the query:
var disabledFields = myFormPanel.query("{isDisabled()}");
左右滑动的效果,push / back
TouchStyle: 无限的carousel
Ext.define(‘TouchStyle.view.ProductsList‘, {
extend: ‘Ext.carousel.Infinite‘,
xtype: ‘productslist‘,
requires: [‘TouchStyle.view.Products‘],
config: {
direction: ‘horizontal‘,
innerItemConfig: {
xclass: ‘TouchStyle.view.Products‘
count: ‘auto‘,
offsetLimit: 50,
store: null,
animation: {
duration: 650
listeners: {
activeitemchange: ‘onActiveItemChange‘,
itemindexchange: ‘onItemIndexChange‘
Sencha Touch app example -- oreilly app 分析