环境:RHEL6.4 + Oracle
$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on 星期六 2月 28 13:56:44 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup mount ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 3206836224 bytes Fixed Size 2257520 bytes Variable Size 2365590928 bytes Database Buffers 822083584 bytes Redo Buffers 16904192 bytes Database mounted. SQL> alter database open; alter database open * ERROR at line 1: ORA-03113: 通信通道的文件结尾 进程 ID: 13501 会话 ID: 853 序列号: 5 SQL>
Sat Feb 28 13:56:52 2015 Starting ORACLE instance (normal) LICENSE_MAX_SESSION = 0 LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING = 0 Initial number of CPU is 8 CELL communication is configured to use 0 interface(s): CELL IP affinity details: NUMA status: non-NUMA system cellaffinity.ora status: N/A CELL communication will use 1 IP group(s): Grp 0: Picked latch-free SCN scheme 3 Using LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter default value as USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST Autotune of undo retention is turned on. IMODE=BR ILAT =249 LICENSE_MAX_USERS = 0 SYS auditing is disabled Starting up: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options. ORACLE_HOME = /opt/app/oracle/product/ System name: Linux Node name: JJFAB01 Release: 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 Version: #1 SMP Tue Jan 29 11:47:41 EST 2013 Machine: x86_64 VM name: Xen Version: 4.1 (PVM) Using parameter settings in server-side spfile /opt/app/oracle/product/ System parameters with non-default values: processes = 1500 sessions = 2272 memory_target = 3G control_files = "/opt/oradata/gxwj/control01.ctl" control_files = "/opt/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/gxwj/control02.ctl" db_block_size = 8192 compatible = "" db_recovery_file_dest = "/opt/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area" db_recovery_file_dest_size= 4122M undo_tablespace = "UNDOTBS1" remote_login_passwordfile= "EXCLUSIVE" db_domain = "" dispatchers = "(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=gxwjXDB)" audit_file_dest = "/opt/app/oracle/admin/gxwj/adump" audit_trail = "DB" db_name = "JJFAB" open_cursors = 300 diagnostic_dest = "/opt/app/oracle" Sat Feb 28 13:56:54 2015 PMON started with pid=2, OS id=13461 Sat Feb 28 13:56:54 2015 PSP0 started with pid=3, OS id=13463 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 VKTM started with pid=4, OS id=13465 at elevated priority VKTM running at (1)millisec precision with DBRM quantum (100)ms Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 GEN0 started with pid=5, OS id=13469 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 DIAG started with pid=6, OS id=13471 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 DBRM started with pid=7, OS id=13473 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 DIA0 started with pid=8, OS id=13475 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 MMAN started with pid=9, OS id=13477 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 DBW0 started with pid=10, OS id=13479 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 LGWR started with pid=11, OS id=13481 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 CKPT started with pid=12, OS id=13483 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 SMON started with pid=13, OS id=13485 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 RECO started with pid=14, OS id=13487 Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 MMON started with pid=15, OS id=13489 starting up 1 dispatcher(s) for network address ‘(ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=YES)(PROTOCOL=TCP))‘... Sat Feb 28 13:56:55 2015 MMNL started with pid=16, OS id=13491 starting up 1 shared server(s) ... ORACLE_BASE from environment = /opt/app/oracle Sat Feb 28 13:56:56 2015 ALTER DATABASE MOUNT Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 3498004520 Database mounted in Exclusive Mode Lost write protection disabled Completed: ALTER DATABASE MOUNT Sat Feb 28 13:57:48 2015 alter database open Sat Feb 28 13:57:48 2015 LGWR: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES Sat Feb 28 13:57:48 2015 ARC0 started with pid=20, OS id=13553 ARC0: Archival started LGWR: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES COMPLETE ARC0: STARTING ARCH PROCESSES Sat Feb 28 13:57:49 2015 ARC1 started with pid=21, OS id=13555 Sat Feb 28 13:57:49 2015 ARC2 started with pid=22, OS id=13557 Errors in file /opt/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/jjfab/JJFAB/trace/JJFAB_ora_13501.trc: ORA-19815: 警告: db_recovery_file_dest_size 字节 (共 4322230272 字节) 已使用 100.00%, 尚有 0 字节可用。 ************************************************************************ You have following choices to free up space from recovery area: 1. Consider changing RMAN RETENTION POLICY. If you are using Data Guard, then consider changing RMAN ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY. 2. Back up files to tertiary device such as tape using RMAN BACKUP RECOVERY AREA command. 3. Add disk space and increase db_recovery_file_dest_size parameter to reflect the new space. 4. Delete unnecessary files using RMAN DELETE command. If an operating system command was used to delete files, then use RMAN CROSSCHECK and DELETE EXPIRED commands. ************************************************************************ ARCH: Error 19809 Creating archive log file to ‘/opt/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/JJFAB/archivelog/2015_02_28/o1_mf_1_130_%u_.arc‘ Errors in file /opt/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/jjfab/JJFAB/trace/JJFAB_ora_13501.trc: ORA-16038: 日志 1 sequence# 130 无法归档 ORA-19809: 超出了恢复文件数的限制 ORA-00312: 联机日志 1 线程 1: ‘/opt/oradata/gxwj/redo01.log‘ Sat Feb 28 13:57:49 2015 ARC3 started with pid=23, OS id=13559 USER (ospid: 13501): terminating the instance due to error 16038 Sat Feb 28 13:57:50 2015 System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=13501), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. System State dumped to trace file /opt/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/jjfab/JJFAB/trace/JJFAB_diag_13471_20150228135750.trc Dumping diagnostic data in directory=[cdmp_20150228135750], requested by (instance=1, osid=13501), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. Instance terminated by USER, pid = 13501
SQL> startup mount ORA-24324: 未初始化服务句柄 ORA-01041: 内部错误, hostdef 扩展名不存在 SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options $ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on 星期六 2月 28 14:05:59 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to an idle instance. SQL> startup mount ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 3206836224 bytes Fixed Size 2257520 bytes Variable Size 2365590928 bytes Database Buffers 822083584 bytes Redo Buffers 16904192 bytes Database mounted. SQL> show parameter db_recover NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_recovery_file_dest string /opt/app/oracle/fast_recovery_ area db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 4122M SQL> ! $ df -h /opt/ 文件系统 容量 已用 可用 已用%% 挂载点 /dev/mapper/vg_extend-lv_opt 493G 423G 45G 91% /opt $ exit exit SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=10G; System altered. SQL> alter database open; Database altered. SQL> select status from v$instance; STATUS ------------ OPEN SQL>
SQL> set linesize 120 SQL> select * from v$flash_recovery_area_usage; FILE_TYPE PERCENT_SPACE_USED PERCENT_SPACE_RECLAIMABLE NUMBER_OF_FILES -------------------- ------------------ ------------------------- --------------- CONTROL FILE 0 0 0 REDO LOG 0 0 0 ARCHIVED LOG 41.54 0 133 BACKUP PIECE 0 0 0 IMAGE COPY 0 0 0 FLASHBACK LOG 0 0 0 FOREIGN ARCHIVED LOG 0 0 0 7 rows selected. 可以rman直接删除不再需要的归档,比如删除1天之前的归档 RMAN> delete noprompt archivelog until time ‘sysdate-1‘; 此处省略删除归档的输出.. RMAN> exit Recovery Manager complete. SQL> select * from v$flash_recovery_area_usage; FILE_TYPE PERCENT_SPACE_USED PERCENT_SPACE_RECLAIMABLE NUMBER_OF_FILES -------------------- ------------------ ------------------------- --------------- CONTROL FILE 0 0 0 REDO LOG 0 0 0 ARCHIVED LOG .35 0 1 BACKUP PIECE 0 0 0 IMAGE COPY 0 0 0 FLASHBACK LOG 0 0 0 FOREIGN ARCHIVED LOG 0 0 0 7 rows selected.
$ crontab -l 00 04 * * * /opt/shell/del_arch.sh $ more /opt/shell/del_arch.sh #!/bin/bash export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/app/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/app/oracle/product/ export ORACLE_SID=JJFAB export NLS_LANG="simplified chinese_china.ZHS16GBK" export NLS_DATE_FORMAT="YYYY -MM-DD HH24:Mi:SS" export PATH=.:/opt/app/oracle/product/$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib rman target / log=/opt/backup/del_arch.log <<EOF list archivelog all; delete noprompt archivelog until time ‘sysdate-1‘; show all; list archivelog all; EOF