属性路由(attribute routing)是最新被引进到MVC5中的,它和传统路由共同组成了mvc5中的两种主要路由.
1. 高质量的url应该满足以下几点
在MVC5中URL(Uniform Resource Locator)统一资源定位器 中的Resource代表抽象的概念,可以代表一个文件,也可以代表方法调用返回的结果,或者其他一些资源。
URI 代表 Uniform Resource Identifier,即同一资源标识符,
2. MVC中包含有两种路由:属性路由和传统路由
路由是你应用程序的入口点(entry points)。
A route definition starts with a URL template, which specifies the pattern that the route will match.
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.MapMvcAttributeRoutes(); //启用属性路由 routes.MapRoute("simple", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new {action = "index", id = UrlParameter.Optional}); }
// Existing class public class HomeController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { return View(); } public ActionResult About() { return View(); } public ActionResult Contact() { return View(); } } [RoutePrefix("contacts")] [Route("{action=Index}/{id?}")] public class NewContactsController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { // Do some work return View(); } public ActionResult Details(int id) { // Do some work return View(); } public ActionResult Update(int id) { // Do some work return View(); } public ActionResult Delete(int id) { // Delete the contact with this id return View(); } }
3. 具体选用属性路由还是传统路由呢?
a. 你希望你的路由和你的action在一起
b. 你重新创建一个新的应用程序,或者你对应用程序做重大修改时
a. 你想集中配置你所有的路由
b. 你使用自定义约束对象
c. 你不想改变已经存在的应用程序
The centralized configuration of traditional routes means there’s one place to go to understand how a request maps to an action. Traditional routes also have some more flexibility than attribute routes. For example, adding a custom constraint object to a traditional route is easy. Attributes in C# only support certain kinds of arguments, and for attribute routing, that means everything is specified in the route template string. On the other hand, attribute routing nicely keeps everything about your controllers together, including both the URLs they use and the actions that run. I tend to prefer attribute routing for that reason. Fortunately, you can use both and moving a route from one style to the other if you change your mind is not difficult.