Option Explicit On Option Strict On Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Diagnostics Public Structure ErrInfo Public Number As Integer Public Description As String Public Comment As String Public ClassName As String Public FuncName As String Public Sub New(Number As Integer, Description As String, Comment As String, ClassName As String, FuncName As String) With Me .Number = Number .Description = Description .Comment = Comment .ClassName = ClassName .FuncName = FuncName End With End Sub Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Dim Msg As String If Comment IsNot Nothing Then Msg = ClassName & "::" & FuncName & "()" & vbCrLf & _ "Err " & Number.ToString & ": " & Description & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & _ Comment Else Msg = ClassName & "::" & FuncName & "()" & vbCrLf & _ "Err " & Number.ToString & ": " & Description End If Return Msg End Function Public Sub ShowMsgBox() MsgBox(Me.ToString(), MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error " & Number.ToString) End Sub End Structure Public Class CErrStack Private m_ErrStack As New Stack(Of ErrInfo) Public Function Push(ErrInfo As ErrInfo) As ErrInfo m_ErrStack.Push(ErrInfo) Return ErrInfo End Function Public Function Push(Optional Comment As String = Nothing, Optional StackFrameIndex As Integer = 1) As ErrInfo Dim ErrObj As ErrObject = Err() Return Push(ErrObj.Number, ErrObj.Description, Comment, StackFrameIndex + 1) End Function Public Function Push(Number As Integer, Description As String, Optional Comment As String = Nothing, Optional StackFrameIndex As Integer = 1) As ErrInfo Dim STrace As New StackTrace(True) Dim SFrame As StackFrame = STrace.GetFrame(StackFrameIndex) Dim tError As ErrInfo If SFrame Is Nothing Then tError = New ErrInfo(Number, Description, Comment, "UnknownClass", "UnknownMethod") Else Dim tMethod As MethodBase = SFrame.GetMethod() tError = New ErrInfo(Number, Description, Comment, tMethod.ReflectedType.FullName, tMethod.Name) End If m_ErrStack.Push(tError) Return tError End Function Public Function Push(Err As ErrObject, Optional Comment As String = Nothing, Optional StackFrameIndex As Integer = 1) As ErrInfo Return Push(Err.Number, Err.Description, Comment, StackFrameIndex + 1) End Function Public Function Push(Ex As Exception, Optional Comment As String = Nothing) As ErrInfo m_ErrStack.Push(New ErrInfo(Err().Number, Ex.Message, Comment, Ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.FullName, Ex.TargetSite.Name)) Return m_ErrStack.Last() End Function Public Function Push(Ex As Exception, Number As Integer, Optional Comment As String = Nothing) As ErrInfo m_ErrStack.Push(New ErrInfo(Number, Ex.Message, Comment, Ex.TargetSite.ReflectedType.FullName, Ex.TargetSite.Name)) Return m_ErrStack.Last() End Function Public Function Pop() As ErrInfo If m_ErrStack.Count = 0 Then Return Nothing Return m_ErrStack.Pop() End Function Public ReadOnly Property Last() As ErrInfo Get If m_ErrStack.Count = 0 Then Return Nothing Return m_ErrStack.Last() End Get End Property Public Function MsgLastErrPop() As ErrInfo If m_ErrStack.Count = 0 Then Return Nothing MsgLastErrPop = m_ErrStack.Pop() MsgLastErrPop.ShowMsgBox() End Function Public Function MsgLastErr() As ErrInfo If m_ErrStack.Count = 0 Then Return Nothing MsgLastErr = m_ErrStack.Peek() MsgLastErr.ShowMsgBox() End Function Public Overrides Function ToString() As String If m_ErrStack.Count = 0 Then Return Nothing Return m_ErrStack.Last().ToString() End Function End Class