Context Param | JSF Spec | Description | Default Value |
javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES | 1.2 and 2.0 | Comma-delimited list of faces config files. | null |
javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX | 1.2 and 2.0 | Change the default suffix for JSP views. | .jsp |
javax.faces.LIFECYCLE_ID | 1.2 and 2.0 | ID for alternate Lifecycle implementations. | null |
javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD | 1.2 and 2.0 | "server" or "client" | server |
javax.faces.DATETIMECONVERTER _DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_IS _SYSTEM_TIMEZONE | 2.0 | Controls if DateTimeConverter instances use the system timezone (if true) or GMT (if false). | false |
javax.faces.DATETIMECONVERTER _DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_IS _SYSTEM_TIMEZONE | 2.0 | Controls if DateTimeConverter instances use the system timezone (if true) or GMT (if false). | false |
javax.faces.DISABLE_FACELET _JSF_VIEWHANDLER | 2.0 | Disables the built-in Facelet ViewHandler. Useful for applications that use legacy Facelets implementation. | false |
javax.faces.FACELETS_LIBRARIES | 2.0 | Semicolon-separated list of paths to Facelet tag libraries. | null |
facelets.LIBRARIES | 2.0 | Semicolon-separated list of paths to Facelet tag libraries. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. | null |
javax.faces.FACELETS_BUFFER_SIZE | 2.0 | The buffer size set on the response. | -1 (no assigned buffer size) |
facelets.BUFFER_SIZE | 2.0 | The buffer size set on the response. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. | -1 (no assigned buffer size) |
javax.faces.DECORATORS | 2.0 | Semicolon-delimited list of TagDecorator implementations. See javadoc for javax.faces.view .facelets.TagDecorator. | null |
facelets.DECORATORS | 2.0 | Semicolon-delimited list of TagDecorator implementations. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. | null |
javax.faces.FACELETS _REFRESH_PERIOD | 2.0 | Time in seconds that facelets should be checked for changes since last request. A value of -1 disables refresh checking. | implementation-specific |
facelets.REFRESH_PERIOD | 2.0 | Time in seconds that facelets should be checked for changes since last request. A value of -1 disables refresh checking. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. | implementation-specific |
javax.faces.FACELETS _RESOURCE_RESOLVER | 2.0 | An implementation of javax.faces .view.facelets .ResourceResolver. See javadoc for details. | null |
facelets.RESOURCE_RESOLVER | 2.0 | An implementation of javax.faces .view.facelets .ResourceResolver. See javadoc for details. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. | null |
javax.faces.FACELETS_SKIP _COMMENTS | 2.0 | If true, strip XML comments out of Facelets before delivering to the client. | false |
facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS | 2.0 | If true, strip XML comments out of Facelets before delivering to the client. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. | false |
javax.faces.FACELETS_SUFFIX | 2.0 | Set the suffix for Facelet xhtml files. | .xhtml |
facelets.SUFFIX | 2.0 | Set the suffix for Facelet xhtml files. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. | .xhtml |
javax.faces.FACELETS_VIEW_MAPPINGS | 2.0 | Semicolon-separated list of Facelet files that don‘t use the default facelets suffix. | null |
facelets.VIEW_MAPPINGS | 2.0 | Semicolon-separated list of Facelet files that don‘t use the default facelets suffix. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. | null |
javax.faces.FULL_STATE _SAVING_VIEW_IDS | 2.0 | Semicolon-separated list of view IDs that must save state using the JSF 1.2-style state saving. | null |
javax.faces.INTERPRET_EMPTY _STRING_SUBMITTED_VALUES _AS_NULL | 2.0 | If true, consider empty UIInput values to be null instead of empty string. | false |
javax.faces.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING | 2.0 | If true, use the JSF2 partial state saving for views. | false, if WEB-INF/faces-config.xml does not declare JSF 2.0 schema. true, otherwise |
javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE | 2.0 | Set the project stage to "Development", "UnitTest", "SystemTest", or "Production". | Production |
javax.faces.VALIDATE_EMPTY_FIELDS | 2.0 | If "true", validate null and empty values. If "auto" validate when JSR-303 Bean Validation is enabled (in AS6 it is enabled by default). | auto |
javax.faces.validator.DISABLE _DEFAULT_BEAN_VALIDATOR | 2.0 | If "true", disable JSR-303 Bean Validation. | false |
These context params are only valid when using Mojarra JSF.
Context Param | Impl Ver | Description | Default Value |
com.sun.faces. numberOfViewsInSession | 1.2 and 2.0 | For server state-saving, how many views, per logical view, can be stored in the session before oldest is removed? | 15 |
com.sun.faces.numberOfLogicalViews | 1.2 and 2.0 | For server state-saving, how many logical views are allowed before oldest is removed? | 15 |
com.sun.faces.preferXHTML | 1.2 and 2.0 | Set xhtml as the content type for browsers that support it. | false |
com.sun.faces.compressViewState | 1.2 and 2.0 | Compress the view after serialization but before encoding. | false |
com.sun.faces.disableVersionTracking | 1.2 and 2.0 | If true, don‘t allow JSF 1.1 implementations of certain interfaces. | false |
com.sun.faces.sendPoweredByHeader | 1.2 and 2.0 | If true, send a header with the JSF spec level. | true |
com.sun.faces.verifyObjects | 1.2 and 2.0 | If true, verify all JSF artifacts (such as managed beans) can be instantiated during initialization. | false |
com.sun.faces.validateXml | 1.2 and 2.0 | If true, perform XML validation on config files. | false |
com.sun.faces.displayConfiguration | 1.2 and 2.0 | If true, log the values of all Mojarra and JSF context params. | false |
com.sun.faces.injectionProvider | 1.2 and 2.0 | Replace the default InjectionProvider implementation. By default this is set by JBoss AS6. | org.jboss.web .jsf.integration .injection .JBossDelegatingInjectionProvider |
com.sun.faces.injectionProvider | 1.2 and 2.0 | Replace the default SerializationProvider implementation. | null |
com.sun.faces.responseBufferSize | 1.2 and 2.0 | Buffer size for writing most generated content. | 4096 |
com.sun.faces. clientStateWriteBufferSize | 1.2 and 2.0 | Buffer size for writing client state. | 8192 |
com.sun.faces.compressJavaScript | 1.2 and 2.0 | Remove whitespace from javascript used in standard JSF components. | true |
com.sun.faces.externalizeJavaScript | 1.2 and 2.0 | Allow browsers to cache javascript used in standard JSF components. | false |
com.sun.faces.enableJSStyleHiding | 1.2 and 2.0 | Hide javascript from older browser implementations. | false |
com.sun.faces.writeStateAtFormEnd | 1.2 and 2.0 | Controls if view state is written after opening a form tag (false) or closing a form tag (true). | true |
com.sun.faces. enableLazyBeanValidation | 1.2 and 2.0 | If false, examine managed beans at startup. Otherwise, validate when referenced/created. | true |
com.sun.faces. enabledLoadBundle11Compatibility | 1.2 and 2.0 | Preserve JSF 1.1 behavior of f:loadBundle. See issue here. | false |
com.sun.faces.clientStateTimeout | 1.2 and 2.0 | Time in seconds that client state is considered valid. If a request is received after timeout expired, ViewExpiredException is thrown. | null |
com.sun.faces.serializeServerState | 1.2 and 2.0 | If true, serialize server-side component state. | false |
com.sun.faces. enableViewStateIdRendering | 1.2 and 2.0 | If false, don‘t render id attribute on javax.faces.ViewState hidden field. See issue here. | true |
com.sun.faces. enableScriptsInAttributeValues | 1.2 and 2.0 | If false, don‘t allow attribute values with "javascirpt:" or "script:". | true |
com.sun.faces.disableUnicodeEscaping | 1.2 and 2.0 | "false", "true", or "auto". If "auto", escaping depends on response encoding.See issue here. | false |
com.sun.faces.developmentMode | 1.2 | If true, reload Groovy and faces-config files when edited. | false |
com.sun.faces. enableMultiThreadedStartup | 1.2 | If false, don‘t create worker threads at startup. | true |
com.sun.faces.enableThreading | 2.0 | If false, don‘t create worker threads at startup. | false |
com.sun.faces.resourceBufferSize | 2.0 | Read buffer size, in bytes, used by the default ResourceHandler implementation. | 2048 |
com.sun.faces.defaultResourceMaxAge | 2.0 | Time in milliseconds that a resource from the ResourceHandler will be cached via an "Expires" response header. No caching if ProjectStage is "Development". | 604800 |
com.sun.faces. resourceUpdateCheckPeriod | 2.0 | Frequency in minutes to check for changes to webapp artifacts that contain resources. 0 means never check for changes. -1 means always perform a new lookup when finding resources. | 5 |
com.sun.faces.compressableMimeTypes | 2.0 | Comma-seperated list of compressable mime types. No compression if ProjectStage is "Development" | null |
com.sun.faces.expressionFactory | 2.0 | Expression factory implementation class. | com.sun.el .ExpressionFactoryImpl |
com.sun.faces.duplicateJARPattern | 1.2 and 2.0 | Regular expression to determine if two URLs point to the same jar. Set by JBoss JSF Deployer. | ^tmp\d+(\S*\.jar) |
com.sun.faces.faceletFactory | 2.0 | Set the FaceletFactory impl class. | null |
com.sun.faces.enableHtmlTagLibValidator | 2.0 | Enable validation of standard Html TagLibs. | false |
com.sun.faces.enableCoreTagLibValidator | 2.0 | Enable validation of standard Core TagLibs. | false |
com.sun.faces. registerConverterPropertyEditors | 2.0 | If true, allow EL Coercion to use JSF Custom converters. | false |
com.sun.faces.enableGroovyScripting | 2.0 | If true, allow Groovy. | false |
com.sun.faces. generateUniqueServerStateIds | 2.0 | If true, generate random server state Ids. If false, create Ids sequentially. | true |
com.sun.faces. autoCompleteOffOnViewState | 2.0 | If false, don‘t use autocomplete="off" when saving view state. | true |
com.sun.faces.allowTextChildren | 2.0 | If true, allow children of h:inputText and h:outputText to be rendered. In 1.2, they would always be rendered before the value of tag. In 2.0, they will not be rendered at all unless this flag is set. | false |
These context params are explained more in Chapter 3.
Context Param | Description | Default Value |
org.jboss.jbossfaces.JSF_CONFIG_NAME | The name of the JSF Configuration to use for this WAR. | Mojarra-2.0 |
org.jboss.jbossfaces.WAR_BUNDLES_JSF_IMPL | If true, allow WAR to use the JSF implementation found in WEB-INF/lib. | false |