StartupTask create_threads = base::Bind(&BrowserMainLoop::CreateThreads, base::Unretained(this)); startup_task_runner_->AddTask(create_threads);
staticbool PostTask(ID identifier, consttracked_objects::Location& from_here, constbase::Closure& task); staticbool PostDelayedTask(ID identifier, consttracked_objects::Location& from_here, constbase::Closure& task, base::TimeDelta delay); staticbool PostNonNestableTask(ID identifier, consttracked_objects::Location& from_here, constbase::Closure& task);
enumID { // The main thread in the browser. UI, // This is the thread that interacts with the database. DB, // This is the thread that interacts with the file system. FILE, // Used for file system operations that block user interactions. // Responsiveness of this thread affect users. FILE_USER_BLOCKING, // Used to launch and terminate Chrome processes. PROCESS_LAUNCHER, // This is the thread to handle slow HTTP cache operations. CACHE, // This is the thread that processes non-blocking IO, i.e. IPC and network. // Blocking IO should happen on other threads like DB, FILE, // FILE_USER_BLOCKING and CACHE depending on the usage. IO, // NOTE: do not add new threads here that are only used by a small number of // files. Instead you should just use a Thread class and pass its // MessageLoopProxy around. Named threads there are only for threads that // are used in many places. // This identifier does not represent a thread. Instead it counts the // number of well-known threads. Insert new well-known threads before this // identifier. ID_COUNT };
BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::DB, FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &GetUrlThumbnailTask, url_string, top_sites, base::Owned(j_callback), lookup_success_callback, lookup_failed_callback));
structBrowserThreadGlobals { BrowserThreadGlobals() : blocking_pool(newbase::SequencedWorkerPool(3, "BrowserBlocking")) { memset(threads, 0, BrowserThread::ID_COUNT * sizeof(threads[0])); memset(thread_delegates, 0, BrowserThread::ID_COUNT * sizeof(thread_delegates[0])); } // This lock protects |threads|. Do not read or modify that array // without holding this lock. Do not block while holding this lock. base::Lock lock; // This array is protected by |lock|. The threads are not owned by this // array. Typically, the threads are owned on the UI thread by // BrowserMainLoop. BrowserThreadImpl objects remove themselves from this // array upon destruction. BrowserThreadImpl* threads[BrowserThread::ID_COUNT]; // Only atomic operations are used on this array. The delegates are not owned // by this array, rather by whoever calls BrowserThread::SetDelegate. BrowserThreadDelegate* thread_delegates[BrowserThread::ID_COUNT]; constscoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool> blocking_pool; }; base::LazyInstance<BrowserThreadGlobals>::Leaky g_globals = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; } // namespace
voidBrowserThreadImpl::Initialize() { BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get(); base::AutoLock lock(globals.lock); DCHECK(identifier_ >= 0 && identifier_ < ID_COUNT); DCHECK(globals.threads[identifier_] == NULL); globals.threads[identifier_] = this; }
BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get(); if(!target_thread_outlives_current) globals.lock.Acquire(); base::MessageLoop* message_loop = globals.threads[identifier] ? globals.threads[identifier]->message_loop() : NULL; if(message_loop) { if(nestable) { message_loop->PostDelayedTask(from_here, task, delay); }else { message_loop->PostNonNestableDelayedTask(from_here, task, delay); } }
ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowWait allow_wait; if(delayed_work_time_.is_null()) { event_.Wait(); }else { TimeDelta delay = delayed_work_time_ - TimeTicks::Now(); if(delay > TimeDelta()) { event_.TimedWait(delay); }else { // It looks like delayed_work_time_ indicates a time in the past, so we // need to call DoDelayedWork now. delayed_work_time_ = TimeTicks(); } }
boolIncomingTaskQueue::PostPendingTask(PendingTask* pending_task) { …… boolwas_empty = incoming_queue_.empty(); incoming_queue_.push(*pending_task); pending_task->task.Reset(); if(always_schedule_work_ || (!message_loop_scheduled_ && was_empty)) { // Wake up the message loop. message_loop_->ScheduleWork(); // After we've scheduled the message loop, we do not need to do so again // until we know it has processed all of the work in our queue and is // waiting for more work again. The message loop will always attempt to // reload from the incoming queue before waiting again so we clear this flag // in ReloadWorkQueue(). message_loop_scheduled_ = true; } returntrue; } voidMessagePumpDefault::ScheduleWork() { // Since this can be called on any thread, we need to ensure that our Run // loop wakes up. event_.Signal(); }
理解WebKit和Chromium: 消息循环(Message Loop)
Chromium on Android: Android系统上Chromium主消息循环的实现分析