标签:android c style class blog code
Zxing 是google提供的二维码扫描project
Demo本身默认的扫图区域最大仅仅有 360*480 须要拉开非常远的距离才干将整个二维码扫描到
默认的大小是 下面这4个參数
// private static final int MIN_FRAME_WIDTH = 240; // private static final int MIN_FRAME_HEIGHT = 240; // private static final int MAX_FRAME_WIDTH = 480; // private static final int MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT = 360;
大家能够增大这些数值 : 最小的宽 高 ; 最大宽高
參数实际在 getFramingRect() 方法中起作用
/** * Calculates the framing rect which the UI should draw to show the user where to place the * barcode. This target helps with alignment as well as forces the user to hold the device * far enough away to ensure the image will be in focus. * * @return The rectangle to draw on screen in window coordinates. */ public Rect getFramingRect() { Point screenResolution = configManager.getScreenResolution(); if (framingRect == null) { if (camera == null) { return null; } //原生 int width = screenResolution.x * 3 / 4; if (width < MIN_FRAME_WIDTH) { width = MIN_FRAME_WIDTH; } else if (width > MAX_FRAME_WIDTH) { width = MAX_FRAME_WIDTH; } int height = screenResolution.y * 3 / 4; if (height < MIN_FRAME_HEIGHT) { height = MIN_FRAME_HEIGHT; } else if (height > MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT) { height = MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT; } int leftOffset = (screenResolution.x - width) / 2; int topOffset = (screenResolution.y - height) / 2; framingRect = new Rect(leftOffset, topOffset, leftOffset + width, topOffset + height); Log.d(TAG, "Calculated framing rect: " + framingRect); } return framingRect; }
public Rect getFramingRect() { Point screenResolution = configManager.getScreenResolution(); if (framingRect == null) { if (camera == null) { return null; } //改动之后 int width = screenResolution.x * 7 / 10; int height = screenResolution.y * 7 / 10; int leftOffset = (screenResolution.x - width) / 2; int topOffset = (screenResolution.y - height) / 3; framingRect = new Rect(leftOffset, topOffset, leftOffset + width, topOffset + height); Log.d(TAG, "Calculated framing rect: " + framingRect); } return framingRect; }
宽高 我占领了屏幕的 7/10
当然...取图改的这么大 会多占一点内存....对应的扫描的时候快得多
实际的界面美化 在ViewfinderView 这个类其中进行绘制
不足之处请在下方留言 谢谢
Android Zxing调整扫描区域 优化取图速度,布布扣,bubuko.com
标签:android c style class blog code