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时间:2015-03-15 22:30:45      阅读:157      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


drop user istaudit cascade;

-- 第三步,Create the user 创建用户 create user ISTAUDIT identified by "" default tablespace ISTAUDIT --默认表空间 temporary tablespace ISTAUDIT_TEMP profile DEFAULT; -- Grant/Revoke role privileges 赋予权限 grant aq_administrator_role to ISTAUDIT; grant aq_user_role to ISTAUDIT; grant authenticateduser to ISTAUDIT; grant connect to ISTAUDIT; grant ctxapp to ISTAUDIT; grant dba to ISTAUDIT; grant delete_catalog_role to ISTAUDIT; grant ejbclient to ISTAUDIT; grant execute_catalog_role to ISTAUDIT; grant exp_full_database to ISTAUDIT; grant gather_system_statistics to ISTAUDIT; grant imp_full_database to ISTAUDIT; -- Grant/Revoke system privileges grant create any procedure to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant create any sequence to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant create any table to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant debug any procedure to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant debug connect session to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant delete any table to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant drop any table to ISTAUDIT; grant execute any class to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant execute any indextype to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant execute any library to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant execute any procedure to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant execute any program to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant global query rewrite to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant grant any object privilege to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant grant any privilege to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant insert any table to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant manage scheduler to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant merge any view to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant select any dictionary to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant select any sequence to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant select any table to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant under any view to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant unlimited tablespace to ISTAUDIT with admin option; grant update any table to ISTAUDIT with admin option;

 > 断开用户连接

select sid,serial# from v$session where username=TAML;
alter system kill session sid,serial‘; 





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