From Thinking in Java 4th Edition
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Tank{ int level; } public class Assignment{ public static void main(String[] args){ Tank t1 = new Tank(); Tank t2 = new Tank(); t1.level = 9; t2.level = 47; print("1: t1.level: " + t1.level + ", t2.level: " + t2.level); t1 = t2; print("2: t1.level: " + t1.level + ", t2.level: " + t2.level); t1.level = 27; print("3: t1.level: " + t1.level + ", t2.level: " + t2.level); } } /* Output: 1: t1.level: 9, t2.level: 47 2: t1.level: 47, t2.level: 47 3: t1.level: 27, t2.level: 27 */
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Letter{ char c; } public class PassObject{ static void f(Letter y){ y.c = ‘z‘; } public static void main(String[] args){ Letter x = new Letter(); x.c = ‘a‘; print("1: x.c: " + x.c); f(x); print("2: x.c: " + x.c); } } /* Output 1: x.c: a 2: x.c: z */
class Value{ int i; } public class EqualsMethod2{ public static void main(String[] args){ Value v1 = new Value(); Value v2 = new Value(); v1.i = v2.i = 100; System.out.println(v1.equals(v2)); } }/* Output false */
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; public class StringOperators{ public static void main(String[] args){ int x = 0, y = 1, z = 2; String s = "x, y, z "; print(s + x + y + z); print(x + " " + s); // Convert x to a String s += "(summed) = "; // Concatenation operator print(s + (x + y + z)); print("" + x); // Shorthand for Integer.toString() } } /* Output x, y, z 012 0 x, y, z x, y, z(summed) = 3 0 */
import java.util.*; public class ForEachFloat{ public static void main(String[] args){ Random rand = new Random(47); float f[] = new float[10]; for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) f[i] = rand.nextFloat(); for(float x : f) System.out.println(x); } }
public class ForEachString{ public static void main(String[] args){ for(char c : "An African Swallow".toCharArray()) System.out.println(c + " "); } } /* A n A f r i c a n S w a l l o w */
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Tree{ int height; Tree(){ print("Planting a seedling"); height = 0; } Tree(int initialHeight){ height = initialHeight; print("Creating new Tree that is " + height + " feet tall"); } void info(){ print("Tree is " + height + " feet tall"); } void info(String s){ print(s + ": Tree is " + height + " feet tall"); } } public class OverLoading{ public static void main(String[] args){ for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){ Tree t = new Tree(i); t.info(); t.info("overloaded method"); } // Overloaded constructor: new Tree(); } }
class Bird2{ Bird2(int i){} Bird2(double d) {} } public class NoSynthesis{ public static void main(String[] args){ //! Bird2 b = new Bird2(); // No default Bird2 b = new Bird2(1); Bird2 b = new Bird2(1.0); } }
class Person{ public void eat(Apple apple){ Apple peeled = apple.getPeeled(); System.out.println("Yummy"); } } class Peeler{ static Apple peel(Apple apple){ // ... remove peel return apple; // Peeled } } class Apple{ Apple getPeeled(){ return Peeler.peel(this); } } public class PassingThis{ public static void main(String[] args){ new Person.eat(new Apple()); } }
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; public class Flower{ int petalCount = 0; String s = "initial value"; Flower(int petals){ petalCount = petals; print("Constructor w/ int arg only, petalCount = " + petalCount); } Flower(String ss){ print("Constructor w/ String arg only, s = " + ss); s = ss; } Flower(String s, int petals){ this(petals); //! this(s); // Can‘t call two! this.s = s; // Another use of "this" print("String & int args"); } Flower(){ this("hi", 47); print("default constructor (no args)"); } void printPetalCount(){ //! this(11); // Not inside non-constructor! print("petalCount = " + petalCount + " s = " + s); } public static void main(String[] args){ Flower x = new Flower(); x.printPetalCount(); } } /* Output Constructor w/ int arg only, petalCount = 47 String & int args default constructor (no args) petalCount = 47 s = hi */
class Book{ boolean checkedOut = false; Book(boolean checkOut){ checkOut = checkOut; } void checkIn(){ checkedOut = false; } protected void finalize(){ System.out.println("Error: checked out"); // Normally, you‘ll also do this: // super.finalize(); // Call the base-class version } } public class TerminationCondition{ public static void main(String[] args){ Book novel = new Book(true); // Proper cleanup novel.checkIn(); // Drop the reference, forget to clean up new Book(true); // Force garbage collection & finalization System.gc(); } } /* Output: Error: checked Out */
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; public class InitialValues{ boolean t; char c; byte b; short s; int i; long l; float f; double d; InitialValues reference; void printInitialValues(){ print("Data type Initial value"); print("boolean " + t); print("char [" + c + "]"); print("byte " + b); print("short " + s); print("int " + i); print("long " + l); print("float " + f); print("double " + d); print("reference " + reference); } public static void main(String[] args){ InitialValue iv = new InitialValues(); iv.printInitialValues(); /* You could also say: new InitialValues().printInitialValues(); */ } } /* Output: Data type Initial value boolean false char [ ] byte 0 short 0 int 0 long 0 float 0.0 double 0.0 reference null */
public class InitialValues2{ boolean bool = true; char ch = ‘x‘; byte b = 47; short s = 0xff; int i = 999; long lng = 1; }
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Window{ Window(int marker) {print("Window()" + marker + ")");} } class House{ Window w1 = new Window(1); // Before constructor; House(){ // Show that we‘re in the constructor print("House()"); w3 = new Window(33); // Reinitialize w3 } Window w2 = new Window(2); // After constructor void f(){ print("f()"); } Window w3 = new Window(3); // At end } public class OrderOfInitialization{ public static void main(String[] args){ House h = new House(); h.f(); // Shows that construction is done } } /*Output: Window(1) Window(2) Window(3) House() Window(33) f() */
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Bowl{ Bowl(int marker){ print("Bowl()" + marker + ")"); } void f1(int marker){ print("f1()" + marker + ")"); } } class Table{ static Bowl bowl1 = new Bowl(1); Table(){ print("Table()"); bowl2.f1(1); } void f2(int marker){ print("f2(" + marker + ")" ); } static Bowl bowl2 = new Bowl(2); } class Cupboard{ Bowl bowl3 = new Bowl(3); static Bowl bowl4 = new Bowl(4); Cupboard(){ print("Cupboard()"); bowl4.f1(2); } void f3(int marker){ print("f3(" + marker + ")"); } static Bowl bowl5 = new Bowl(5); } public class StaticInitialization{ public static void main(String[] args){ print("Creating new Cupboard() in main"); new Cupboard(); print("Creating new Cupboard() in main; new Cupboard(); table.f2(1); cupboard.f3(1); } static Table table = new Table(); static Cupboard cupboard = new Cupboard(); } /*Output: Bowl(1) Bowl(2) Table() f1(1) Bowl(4) Bowl(5) Bowl(3) Cupboard() f1(2) Creating new Cupboard() in main Bowl(3) Cupboard() f1(2) Creating new Cupboard() in main Bowl(3) Cupboard() f1(2) f2(1) f3(1) */
1. StaticInitialization中的static new Table()
1.1 static new Bowl(1) .....
2. StaticInitialization中的static new Cupboard() ......
3. StaticInitialization中的main() ........
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Cup{ Cup(int marker){ print("Cup(" + marker + ")"); } void f(int marker){ print("f(" + marker + ")"); } } class Cups{ static Cup cup1; static Cup cup2; static{ cup1 = new Cup(1); cup2 = new Cup(2); } Cups(){ print("Cups()"); } } public class ExplicitStatic{ public static void main(String[] args){ print("Inside main()"); Cups.cup1.f(99); // (1) } // static Cups cups1 = new Cups(); // (2) // static Cups cups2 = new Cups(); // (3) } /*Output: Inside main() Cup(1) Cup(2) f(99) */
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Mug{ Mug(int marker){ print("Mug(" + marker + ")"); } void f(int marker){ print("f(" + marker + ")"); } } public class Mugs{ Mug mug1; Mug mug2; { mug1 = new Mug(1); mug2 = new Mug(2); print("mug1 & mug2 initialized"); } Mugs(){ print("Mugs()"); } Mugs(int i){ print("Mugs(int)"); } public static void main(String[] args){ print("Inside main()"); new Mugs(); print("new Mugs() completed"); new Mugs(1); print("new Mugs(1) completed"); } } /*Output: Inside main() Mug(1) Mug(2) mug1 & mug2 initialized Mugs() new Mugs() completed Mug(1) Mug(2) mug1 & mug2 initialized Mugs(int) new Mugs(1) completed */
import java.util.*; import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; public class ArrayNew{ public static void main(String[] args){ int[] a; Random rand = new Random(47); a = new int[rand.nextInt(20)]; print("length of a = " + a.length); print(Arrays.toString(a)); } } /*Output: length of a = 18 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] */
public enum Spiciness{ NOT, MILD, MEDIUM, HOT, FLAMING } public class SimpleEnumUse{ public static void main(String[] args){ Spiciness howHot = Spiciness.MEDIUM; System.out.println(howHot); } } /*Output: MEDIUM */ public class EnumOrder{ public static void main(String[] args){ for(Spiciness s : Spiciness.values()) System.out.println(s + ", ordinal " + s.ordinal()); } } /*Output: NOT, ordinal 0 MILD, ordinal 1 MEDIUM, ordinal 2 HOT, ordinal 3 FLAMING, ordinal 4 */
public class Burrito{ Spiciness degree; public Burrito(Spiciness degree){this.degree = degree;} public void describe(){ System.out.print("This burrito is "); switch(degree){ case NOT: System.out.println("not spicy at all."); break; case MILD: case MEDIUM: System.out.println("a little hot."); break; case HOT: case FLAMMING: default: System.out.println("maybe too hot.") } } public static void main(String[] args){ Burrito plain = new Burrito(Spiciness.NOT), greenChile = new Burrito(Spiciness.MEDIUM), jalapeno = new Burrito(Spiciness.HOT); plain.describe(); greenChile.describe(); jalapeno.describe(); } } /* Output: This burrito is not spicy at all. This burrito is a little hot. This burrito is maybe too hot. */
1. 一个public类,且该类的名称必须与文件名相同。
2. 只能有一个public类。
3. 别的类不可以是public,作为对主public类的支持。
package access;
package access.mypackage; public class MyClass{ // ... }
public class QualifiedMyClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ access.mypackage.MyClass m = new access.mypackage.MyClass(); } }
Or be simple:
import access.mypackage.*; public class ImportedMyClass{ public static void main(String[] args){ MyClass m = new MyClass(); } }
//: net/mindview/simple/Vector.java package net.mindview.simple; public class Vector{ public Vector(){
} }
//: net/mindview/simple/List.java package net.mindview.simple; public class List{ public List(){ System.out.println("net.mindview.simple.List"); } }
//: net/mindview/util/Print.java package net.mindview.util; import java.io.*; public class Print{ // Print with a newline: public static void print(Object obj){ System.out.println(obj); } // Print a newline by itself: public static void print(){ System.out.println(); } // Print with no line break: public static void printnb(Object obj){ System.out.print(obj); } // The new Java SE5 printf() (from C): public static PrintStream printf(String format, Object... args){ return System.out.printf(format, args); } }
编译完成后,可以用import static语句在你的系统上使用静态的print()和printnb()方法了。
//: net/mindview/util/Range.java package net.mindview.util; public class Range{ // Produce a sequence of [0...n) public static int[] range(int n){ int[] result = new int[n]; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) result[i] = i; return result; } // Produce a sequence [start...end) public static int[] range(int start, int end){ int sz = end - start; int[] result = new int[sz]; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) result[i] = start + i; return result; } // Produce a sequence [start...end) incrementing by step public static int[] range(int start, int end, int step){ int sz = (end - start) / step; int[] result = new int[sz]; for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) result[i] = start + (i * step); return result; } }
1. 创建的包都已经在给定的名称的时候隐含地指出了目录结构
2. 这个包必须位于其名称所指定的目录之中
3. 该目录必须是在以CLASSPATH开始的目录中可以查询到
class Sundae{ private Sundae(){} static Sundae makeASundae(){ return new Sundae(); } } public class IceCream{ public static void main(String[] args){ //! Sundae x = new Sundae(); Sundae x = Sundae.makeASundae(); } }
//: access/cookie2/Cookie.java package access.cookie2; public class Cookie{ public Cookie(){ System.out.println("Cookie constructor"); } protected void bite(){ System.out.println("bite"); } }
//: access/ChocolateChip2.java import access.cookie2.*; public class ChocolateChip2 extends Cookie{ public ChocolateChip2(){ System.out.println("ChocolateChip2 constructor"); } public void chomp(){ bite(); } // Protected method public static void main(String[] args){ ChocolateChip2 x = new ChocolateChip2(); x.chomp(); } } /* Output: Cookie constructor ChocolateChip2 constructor bite */
class Soup1{ private Soup1(){} // (1) Allow creation via static method: public static Soup1 makesoup(){ return new Soup1(); } } class Soup2{ private soup2(){} // (2) Create a static object and return a reference // upon request. (The "Singleton" pattern) private static Soup2 ps1 = new Soup2(); public static Soup2 access(){ return ps1; } public void f(){} } // Only one public class allowed per file: public class Lunch{ void testPrivate(){ // Can‘t do this! Private constructor: //! Soup1 soup = new Soup1(); } void testStatic(){ Soup1 soup = Soup1.makeSoup(); } void testSingleton(){ Soup2.access().f(); } }
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Cleanser{ private String s = "Cleanser"; public void append(String a) {s += a;} public void dilute(){append(" dilute()");} public void apply(){ append(" apply()");} public void scrub(){ append(" scrub()");} public String toString(){return s;} public static void main(String[] args){ Cleanser x = new Cleanser(); x.dilute(); x.apply(); x.scrub(); print(x); } } public class Detergent extends Cleanser{ // Change a method: public void scrub(){ append(" Detergent.scrub()"); super.scrub(); // Call base-class version } // Add method to the interface: public void foam(){ append(" foam()");} // Test the new class: public static void main(String[] args){ Detergent x = new Detergent(); x.dilute(); x.apply(); x.scrub(); x.foam(); print(x); print("Testing base class:"); Cleanser.main(args); } } /* Output: Cleanser dilute() apply() Detergent.scrub() scrub() foam() Testing base class: Cleanser dilute() apply() scrub() */
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Art{ Art(){ print("Art constructor");} } class Drawing extends Art{ Drawing(){ print("Drawing constructor");} } public class Cartoon extends Drawing{ public Cartoon(){ print("Cartoon constructor");} public static void main(String[] args){ Cartoon x = new Cartoon(); } } /*Output: Art constructor Drawing constructor Cartoon constructor */
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Game{ Game(int i){ print("Game constructor"); } } class BoardGame extends Game{ BoardGame(int i){ super(i); print("BoardGame constructor"); } } public class Chess extends BoardGame{ Chess(){ super(11); print("Chess constructor"); } public static void main(String[] args){ Chess x = new Chess(); } } /* Output: Game constructor BoardGame constructor Chess constructor */
public class SpaceShipControls{ void up(int velocity) {} void down(int velocity) {} void left(int velocity) {} void right(int velocity) {} void forward(int velocity) {} void back(int velocity) {} vjoid turboBoost() {} }
public class SpaceShip extends SpaceShipControls{ private String name; public SpaceShip(String name) {this.name = name;} public String toString() {return name;} public static void main(String[] args){ SpaceShip protector = new SpaceShip("NSEA Protector"); protector.forward(100); } }
public class SpaceShipControls{ void up(int velocity) {} void down(int velocity) {} void left(int velocity) {} void right(int velocity) {} void forward(int velocity) {} void back(int velocity) {} vjoid turboBoost() {} } public class SpaceShip extends SpaceShipControls{ private String name; public SpaceShip(String name) {this.name = name;} public String toString() {return name;} public static void main(String[] args){ SpaceShip protector = new SpaceShip("NSEA Protector"); protector.forward(100); } } public class SpaceShipDelegation{ private String name; private SpaceShipControls controls = new SpaceShipControls(); public SpaceShipDelegation(String name){ this.name = name; } // Delegated methods: public void back(int velocity){ controls.back(velocity); } public void down(int velcoity){ controls.down(velocity); } public void forward(int velocity){ controls.forward(velocity); } public void left(int velocity){ controls.left(velocity); } public void right(int velocity){ controls.right(velocity); } public void turboBoost(){ controls.turboBoost(); } public void up(int velocity){ controls.up(velocity); } public static void main(String[] args){ SpaceShipDelegation protector = new SpaceShipDelegation("NSEA Protector"); protector.forward(100); } }
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*; class Homer{ char doh(char c){ print("doh(char)"; return ‘d‘; } float doh(float f){ print("doh(float)"); return 1.0f; } } class Milhouse{} class Bart extends Homer{ void doh(Milhouse m){ print("doh(Milhouse)"); } } public class Hide{ public static void main(String[] args){ Bart b = new Bart(); b.doh(1); b.doh(‘x‘); b.doh(1.0f); b.doh(new Milhouse()); } } /* Output: doh(float) doh(char) doh(float) doh(Milhouse) */