标签:spring transactions transactional 分析
引言: 在Spring中@Transactional提供一种控制事务管理的快捷手段,但是很多人都只是@Transactional简单使用,并未深入了解,其各个配置项的使用方法,本文将深入讲解各个配置项的使用。
1. @Transactional的定义
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Inherited @Documented public @interface Transactional { /** * A qualifier value for the specified transaction. * <p>May be used to determine the target transaction manager, * matching the qualifier value (or the bean name) of a specific * {@link org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager} * bean definition. */ String value() default ""; /** * The transaction propagation type. * Defaults to {@link Propagation#REQUIRED}. * @see org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttribute#getPropagationBehavior() */ Propagation propagation() default Propagation.REQUIRED; /** * The transaction isolation level. * Defaults to {@link Isolation#DEFAULT}. * @see org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttribute#getIsolationLevel() */ Isolation isolation() default Isolation.DEFAULT; /** * The timeout for this transaction. * Defaults to the default timeout of the underlying transaction system. * @see org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttribute#getTimeout() */ int timeout() default TransactionDefinition.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; /** * {@code true} if the transaction is read-only. * Defaults to {@code false}. * <p>This just serves as a hint for the actual transaction subsystem; * it will <i>not necessarily</i> cause failure of write access attempts. * A transaction manager which cannot interpret the read-only hint will * <i>not</i> throw an exception when asked for a read-only transaction. * @see org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAttribute#isReadOnly() */ boolean readOnly() default false; /** * Defines zero (0) or more exception {@link Class classes}, which must be a * subclass of {@link Throwable}, indicating which exception types must cause * a transaction rollback. * <p>This is the preferred way to construct a rollback rule, matching the * exception class and subclasses. * <p>Similar to {@link org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.RollbackRuleAttribute#RollbackRuleAttribute(Class clazz)} */ Class<? extends Throwable>[] rollbackFor() default {}; /** * Defines zero (0) or more exception names (for exceptions which must be a * subclass of {@link Throwable}), indicating which exception types must cause * a transaction rollback. * <p>This can be a substring, with no wildcard support at present. * A value of "ServletException" would match * {@link javax.servlet.ServletException} and subclasses, for example. * <p><b>NB: </b>Consider carefully how specific the pattern is, and whether * to include package information (which isn't mandatory). For example, * "Exception" will match nearly anything, and will probably hide other rules. * "java.lang.Exception" would be correct if "Exception" was meant to define * a rule for all checked exceptions. With more unusual {@link Exception} * names such as "BaseBusinessException" there is no need to use a FQN. * <p>Similar to {@link org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.RollbackRuleAttribute#RollbackRuleAttribute(String exceptionName)} */ String[] rollbackForClassName() default {}; /** * Defines zero (0) or more exception {@link Class Classes}, which must be a * subclass of {@link Throwable}, indicating which exception types must <b>not</b> * cause a transaction rollback. * <p>This is the preferred way to construct a rollback rule, matching the * exception class and subclasses. * <p>Similar to {@link org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.NoRollbackRuleAttribute#NoRollbackRuleAttribute(Class clazz)} */ Class<? extends Throwable>[] noRollbackFor() default {}; /** * Defines zero (0) or more exception names (for exceptions which must be a * subclass of {@link Throwable}) indicating which exception types must <b>not</b> * cause a transaction rollback. * <p>See the description of {@link #rollbackForClassName()} for more info on how * the specified names are treated. * <p>Similar to {@link org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.NoRollbackRuleAttribute#NoRollbackRuleAttribute(String exceptionName)} */ String[] noRollbackForClassName() default {}; }基于源代码,我们可以发现在@Transactional,原来有这么多的属性可以进行配置,从而达到复杂应用控制的目的。具体各个属性的用法和作用,将在本文的后面逐一进行讲解和说明。
2. 使用@Transactional的Spring配置
<beans:bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager"> <beans:property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" /> <beans:property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" /> </beans:bean> <!-- 声明使用注解式事务 --> <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" />dataSource是在Spring配置文件中定义的数据源的对象实例,EntityManagerFactory是基于JPA使用的实体类管理器:org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean。这些都是用来配置与数据库的连接信息,本质上,@Transactional使用了JDBC的事务来进行事务控制的。
3. @Transactional之value
value这里主要用来指定不同的事务管理器;主要用来满足在同一个系统中,存在不同的事务管理器。比如在Spring中,声明了两种事务管理器txManager1, txManager2.
那有同学会问什么情况下会存在多个事务管理器的情况呢? 比如在一个系统中,需要访问多个数据源或者多个数据库,则必然会配置多个事务管理器的。
4. @Transactional之propagation
如果一个活动的事务存在,则运行在一个嵌套的事务中.如果没有活动的事务,则按REQUIRED属性执行.它使用了一个单独的事务, 这个事务拥有多个可以回滚的保证点.内部事务回滚不会对外部事务造成影响, 它只对DataSourceTransactionManager 事务管理器起效.
标签:spring transactions transactional 分析