To be selected, one team has to solve at least one problem in the contest. The the top M teams who solved at least one problem are selected (If there are less than M teams solving at least one problem, they are all selected).
There is an bonus for the girls - if top M teams contains no all-girls teams,the highest ranked all-girls team is also selected (together with the M top teams), provided that they have solved at least one problem.
Recall that in an ACM/ICPC style contest, teams are ranked as following:
1. The more problems a team solves, the higher order it has.
2. If multiple teams have the same number of solved problems, a team with a smaller penalty value has a higher order than a team with a
larger penalty value.
Given the number of teams N, the number M defined above, and each team‘s name, number of solved problems, penalty value and whether it‘s an all-girls team, you are required to write a program to find out which teams are selected.
Each test case begins with a line contains two integers, N (1 <= N <=10^4) and M (1 <= M <= N), separated by a single space. Next will be N lines, each of which gives the information about one specific competing team.Each of the N lines contains a string S (with length at most 30, and consists of upper and lower case alphabetic characters) followed by three integers, A(0 <= A <= 10), T (0 <= T <= 10) and P (0 <= P <= 5000), where S is the name of the team, A indicates whether the team is an all-girls team (it is not an all-girls team if Ai is 0, otherwise it is an all-girls team). T is the number of problems the team solved, and P is the penalty value of the team.
The input guarantees that no two teams who solved at least one problem have both the same T and P.
3 5 3 AU001 0 0 0 AU002 1 1 200 AU003 1 1 30 AU004 0 5 500 AU005 0 7 1000 2 1 BOYS 0 10 1200 GIRLS 10 1 290 3 3 red 0 0 0 green 0 0 0 blue 0 1 30
Case 1: AU003 AU004 AU005 Case 2: BOYS GIRLS Case 3: blue 3 3
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <queue> #include <stack> #include <map> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f; const double pi= acos(-1.0); struct node { char name[30]; int a,t,p;//依次是是否有女队,出题数,罚时 int flag; int id;//记录序号 }q[10010]; int cmp1(struct node x,struct node y) { if(x.t!=y.t) return x.t>y.t; else return x.p<y.p; } int cmp2(struct node x,struct node y) { return x.id<y.id; } int main() { int T; int icase; int n,m,i,j; scanf("%d",&T); for(icase=1;icase<=T;icase++){ scanf("%d %d",&n,&m); for(i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%s %d %d %d",&q[i].name,&q[i].a,&q[i].t,&q[i].p); q[i].id=i; q[i].flag=0; } std:: sort(q,q+n,cmp1); int f=0; for(i=0;i<m;i++){ if(q[i].t>0){ q[i].flag=1; if(q[i].a!=0) f=1; } } if(f==0){ for(i=m;i<n;i++){ if(q[i].t>0&&q[i].a!=0){ q[i].flag=1; break; } } } std::sort(q,q+n,cmp2); printf("Case %d:\n",icase); for(i=0;i<n;i++){ if(q[i].flag) printf("%s\n",q[i].name); } if(icase<T) puts(""); } return 0; }
SDUT 2162-The Android University ACM Team Selection Contest(模拟)