将一个失败的primary database 复原为physical standby 库的步骤
Step by Step Guide on How To Reinstate Failed Primary Database into Physical Standby (文档 ID 738642.1)
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 24-Jul-2013***
There are two ways to Reinstate Failed Primary Database:
1. Using Flashback
2. Without using Flashback
1. Reinstate Failed Primary Database using Flashback
Prerequisites for Reinstate Failed Primary Database:
1. Flashback Database must have been enabled on the database prior to the failover
2. There must be sufficient flashback logs on that database to flashback up to the scn when standby becomes the primary
3. The database to be reinstated and the new primary database must have network connectivity
4. Failed primary database should be part of broker configuration (in case of using EM or DGMGRL).
Methods to Reinstate database using Flashback:
A. Using Enterprise Manager
A. Using Enterprise Manager
1. Startup the Failed Primary Database in the Mount stage:
2. Issue the following command while connected to any database in the broker configuration, except the database that is to be reinstated:
If the REINSTATE DATABASE fails to start the Failed Primary Database, then manually start the database in mount stage and reissue the reinstate command.
Step 1 Determine the Standby Became Primary SCN.
Step 2 Flashback the Failed Primary Database.
Step 3 Convert to physical standby database.
Step 4 Restart Redo Transport.
Step 5 Start Redo Apply.
Step 1 Determine the SCN at which the old standby database became the primary database.
Step 2 Flashback the Failed Primary Database to SCN standby_became_primary_scn.
Step 3 Convert the database to a physical standby database and Restart database in mount stage.
Step 4 Restart Redo Transport to the New Physical Standby Database.
1. If you have not set the remote archive destination on current primary then set remote archive destination:
2. Enable the destination
3. Perform a log switch to ensure that standby database begins receiving redo data from the new primary database
Step 5 Start Redo Apply.
Please see also fallowing docu:
Oracle? Data Guard Concepts and Administration
11g Release 2 (11.2)
13.2 Converting a Failed Primary Into a Standby Database Using Flashback Database
2. Without Using Flashback
Note 416310.1 : Reinstating a Physical Standby Using Backups Instead of Flashback
【翻译自mos文章】将一个失败的primary database 复原为physical standby 库的步骤