标签:python数据类型 python实战 python快速入门
(0)学习语言思想和观念的转变是关键 —— 感触分享
参见技术交流群 和 技术blog和社区,之后自己再钻研官方的API
Return[expression]结束函数,选择性地返回一个值给调用方。不带表达式的return相当于返回 None(最好显示的写上return)。
def functionname([formal_args,] *var_args_tuple ):
return [expression]
lambda [arg1 [,arg2,.....argn]]:expression
(2)Python 模块 (就是.py文件(.java 文件) 以及 java里面的包)
模块让你能够有逻辑地组织你的Python代码段。把相关的代码分配到一个 模块里能让你的代码更好用,更易懂。
2)import 语句 想使用Python源文件,只需在另一个源文件里执行import语句,语法如下:
import module1[, module2[,... moduleN]
#coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python # 导入模块 import support # 现在可以调用模块里包含的函数了 support.print_func("Zara") 以上实例输出结果: Hello : Zara3)一个模块只会被导入一次,不管你执行了多少次import。这样可以防止导入模块被一遍又一遍地执行。
global VarName的表达式会告诉Python, VarName是一个全局变量,这样Python就不会在局部命名空间里寻找这个变量了。
#coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python def Pots(): print "I'm Pots Phone" 同样地,我们有另外两个保存了不同函数的文件: Phone/Isdn.py 含有函数Isdn() Phone/G3.py 含有函数G3() 现在,在Phone目录下创建file __init__.py: Phone/__init__.py 当你导入Phone时,为了能够使用所有函数,你需要在__init__.py里使用显式的导入语句,如下: from Pots import Pots from Isdn import Isdn from G3 import G3 当你把这些代码添加到__init__.py之后,导入Phone包的时候这些类就全都是可用的了。 #coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python # Now import your Phone Package. import Phone Phone.Pots() Phone.Isdn() Phone.G3() 以上实例输出结果: I'm Pots Phone I'm 3G Phone I'm ISDN Phone如上,为了举例,我们只在每个文件里放置了一个函数,但其实你可以放置许多函数。你也可以在这些文件里定义Python的类,然后为这些类建一个包。
(1)list(链表数组) tripule元祖(元素不可变)string 和 函数 异常处理 文件读取(好)
# coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python print " *********just for test file i/o******"; try: fileR = open('splits.txt','r'); done = 0; while not done: f_str = fileR.readline(); if (f_str != ''): eles = f_str.split(','); #print "eles:",eles; for ele in eles: print ele; else: done = 1; except IOError: print "Error:can\'t find this file"; fileR.close(); print " *********just for test file i/o compare for above method ******"; try: fileR = open('splits.txt','r'); f_lines = fileR.readlines(); for line in f_lines: eles = line.split(','); #print eles.pop(); #默认删除最后一个元素 #print len(eles); # list的元素个数 for ele in eles: if(ele[-1] == '\n'): ele = ele[:-1]; #截取从开头到 倒数第一个字符(倒数第一个去掉) print ele; except IOError: print "Error:can\'t find this file"; fileR.close(); print " *********just for operate list******"; list = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000]; # append 追加元素 自添加多少倍 list = list + ['zyp','xqz']; list = list*3; print "list: ", list; # 通过下标截取,删除 print "list[1:4] [eles): ",list[1:4]; print "len(list[1:4]: ", len(list[1:4]); print "list[-2]:", list[-2]; print "list[:4]:", list[:4]; print "list[2:]:",list[2:]; del list[8:-1]; print "after del list[8:-1]: ", list print "list.pop(): ",list.pop(); print "list.count('zyp'): ", list.count('zyp'); print " *********just for operate string******"; #续行符 line = "I am zyp, from HKU,my name is Minzhang.Welcome my zoon!\a"; print line; #自连接 多少倍 line = line*3; # find() count() len() index() 下标取值 print "line.count('zyp',2,len(line)-1): ",line.count('zyp',2,len(line)-1); print "substr: ", line[line.find('zyp',2,15):line.find('zyp')+len('zyp')]; # replace() splite()分隔 print "line.replace('zyp','cxt'):", line.replace('zyp','cxt'); words = line.split(','); for word in words: print word; print "********line or lines****" lines = ''' I am zyp, from HKU, my name is Minzhang. Welcome my zoon! '''; print lines; errHTML = ''' <HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Friends CGI Demo</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY><H3>ERROR</H3> <B>%s</B><P> <FORM><INPUT TYPE=button VALUE=Back ONCLICK="window.history.back()"></FORM> </BODY></HTML> '''; print errHTML; print "********dict_hash****"; dict_hash = {'Alice': '2341', 'Beth': '9102', 'Cecil': '3258'}; print "dict_hash['Beth']: ", dict_hash['Beth']; #insert or add dict_hash['name'] = 'zyp'; print "dict_hash['name']:",dict_hash['name']; #change the value by key dict_hash['name'] = 'cxt'; #get the all keys and traversal keys = dict_hash.keys(); for key in keys: print key,"-->",dict_hash.get(key); # change from hash to vector items = dict_hash.items(); for item in items: print item; print "dict_hash.has_key('cxt'):", dict_hash.has_key('cxt'),"; dict_hash.has_key('name')", dict_hash.has_key('name'); print "********function test****"; #匿名函数的声明和调用 sum = lambda arg1,arg2:arg1 + arg2; print "Value of total sum(10,20)", sum(10,20); print "Value of total sum(20,20)", sum(20,20); #可写函数说明 和 不定长参数 def printinfo(arg1,*vartuple): "打印任何传入的参数" print "output:"; print arg1; for var in vartuple: print var; return; printinfo(10); printinfo(70,60,50); print "***********try except********"; # 自定义异常 使用raise语句自己触发异常 class NetworkError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self,arg): self.args = arg; try: raise NetworkError("Bad hostname"); except NetworkError,e: print e.args; print str(e); except "Invalid levele!": print "Invalid levele!"; finally:# 对出try时总会执行 print "can\'t find "; prompt = "***********Module 模块就是.py文件********"; print prompt.decode('gbk').encode('utf8');#cao 这都不行,中文还是乱码,真是无语了 # 若去掉global就不对啦 Money = 2000; def AddMoney(): "想改正代码就取消以下注释" global Money; Money = Money + 1; print Money; return; print "before recall AddMoney:", Money; AddMoney(); print "after recall AddMoney:", Money;
import time from time import strftime import calendar #coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python print "**********test time (import)********" #design the time by format def getDateByFormat(localtime): "指定格式化的时间 %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # format the time from time import strftime data_time = strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime); print "formatting local current time : ", data_time; return data_time; # design the time by yourself def getTime(localtime): "获取时间 时分秒" hour = str(localtime.tm_hour); mins = str(localtime.tm_min); sec = str(localtime.tm_sec); return (hour + "时" + mins + "分" + sec + "秒"); def getDate(localtime): "获取日期 年月日" year = str(localtime.tm_year); mon = str(localtime.tm_mon); day = str(localtime.tm_mday); return (year + "年" + mon + "月" + day + "日"); def getWeekday(localtime): "获取星期几" weekday = ('星期一','星期二','星期三','星期四','星期五','星期六','星期七'); weekcnt = localtime.tm_wday; return weekday[weekcnt-1]; def getDataByDesign(localtime): "获取完整的时间,按照自定义的格式获取" data_time = getDate(localtime) + " " + getTime(localtime) + " " + getWeekday(localtime); return data_time; # 函数测试 localtime = time.localtime(time.time()); print "Local current time : ", localtime; #调养函数 newtime = getDateByFormat(localtime); print "系统格式化的时间:", newtime; newtime = getDataByDesign(localtime); print "自定义格式化的时间:", newtime; print "**********test Calendar********"; mon = calendar.month(2015,4,3,2);#calendar.month(year,month,w=2,l=1) print "Here is the calendar(one month):"; print mon; y = calendar.calendar(2015,w=2,l=1,c=6)#calendar.calendar(year,w=2,l=1,c=6) print "Here is the calendar(one year):"; print y;
#coding=utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python import xml.sax # 继承语法 class 派生类名(基类名)://... 基类名写作括号里,基本类是在类定义的时候,在元组之中指明的。 class MovieHandler( xml.sax.ContentHandler ): def __init__(self): self.CurrentData = "" self.type = "" self.format = "" self.year = "" self.rating = "" self.stars = "" self.description = "" # 元素开始事件处理 def startElement(self, tag, attributes): self.CurrentData = tag if tag == "movie": print "*****Movie*****" title = attributes["title"] print "Title:", title # 元素结束事件处理 def endElement(self, tag): if self.CurrentData == "type": print "Type:", self.type elif self.CurrentData == "format": print "Format:", self.format elif self.CurrentData == "year": print "Year:", self.year elif self.CurrentData == "rating": print "Rating:", self.rating elif self.CurrentData == "stars": print "Stars:", self.stars elif self.CurrentData == "description": print "Description:", self.description self.CurrentData = "" # 内容事件处理 def characters(self, content): if self.CurrentData == "type": self.type = content elif self.CurrentData == "format": self.format = content elif self.CurrentData == "year": self.year = content elif self.CurrentData == "rating": self.rating = content elif self.CurrentData == "stars": self.stars = content elif self.CurrentData == "description": self.description = content if ( __name__ == "__main__"): # 创建一个 XMLReader parser = xml.sax.make_parser() # turn off namepsaces parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, 0) # 重写 ContextHandler Handler = MovieHandler() parser.setContentHandler( Handler ) parser.parse("movies.xml") def foo(bar=[]): # bar是可选参数,如果没有指明的话,默认值是[] bar.append("MKY"); # 但是这行可是有问题的,走着瞧… return bar; print foo() print foo() odd = lambda x : bool(x % 2) nums = [n for n in range(10)] nums[:] = [n for n in nums if not odd(n)] # 啊,这多优美 print nums(4)类的继承 和 文件读取
# encoding: utf-8 #!/usr/bin/python import re class Parent: parentAttr = 100; # 重载 def __init__(self): print "调用父类构造函数 Parent construct".decode("utf-8").encode("gbk"); #成员函数 def parentMethod(self): print "调用父类成员函数:Parent method"; def setAttr(self,attr): Parent.parentAttr = attr; def getAttr(sef): print "父类属性:ParentAttr:", Parent.parentAttr; def __del__(self): print "parent descontruct"; class Child(Parent): # 定义子类 def __init__(self): print "调用子类构造方法 child construct" def childMethod(self): print '调用子类方法 child method' def __del__(self): print "child destructor"; c = Child() # 实例化子类 c.childMethod() # 调用子类的方法 c.parentMethod() # 调用父类方法 c.setAttr(200) # 再次调用父类的方法 c.getAttr() lines = "zyp,0001,nan\r\nxqz,0002,nan\r\nwzx,0003,nv"; line = "Cats are smarter than dogs"; matchObj = re.match( r'(.*),', lines, re.M|re.I) if matchObj: print "ddd", matchObj.group(); else: print "no match!!"; lists = lines.split(',\\r\\n'); print "lists:",lists; for li in lists: print li; #print li,"\n"; print " *********just for test******"; try: fileR = open('splits.txt','r'); done = 0; while not done: f_str = fileR.readline(); if (f_str != ''): eles = f_str.split(','); #print "eles:",eles; for ele in eles: print ele; else: done = 1; except IOError: print "Error:can\'t find this file"; fileR.close(); print " *********just for test******"; try: fileR = open('splits.txt','r'); f_lines = fileR.readlines(); for line in f_lines: eles = line.split(','); for ele in eles: print ele; except IOError: print "Error:can\'t find this file"; fileR.close();
标签:python数据类型 python实战 python快速入门