当我们获取文本的时候,我们把里面的每一个词拿出来与字典进行比较,得到最短距离的那个就是我们觉得最接近的词。一般需要对词进行大小写规范,还有长度,以及 标点符号去除。然后再把矫正过的词保存到另外一个txt文件里面即可。
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <String> #include <sstream> #include <fstream> #include <cctype> #include <algorithm> #include <Windows.h> #define N 100 #define M 10000 #define INF 1000000 #define min(a,b) a<b?a:b using namespace std; string story[M]; string storychecked[M]; string storycorrect[M]; string dict[M]; string temp; int n, m; int dis[M][N]; HANDLE hCon; enum Color { DARKBLUE = 1, DARKGREEN, DARKTEAL, DARKRED, DARKPINK, DARKYELLOW, GRAY, DARKGRAY, BLUE, GREEN, TEAL, RED, PINK, YELLOW, WHITE }; void SetColor(Color c){ if (hCon == NULL) hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, c); } int main(){ SetColor(WHITE); string template_,input; string temp; //******************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************** // story read //open the stream of story and store it into story.txt string filename = "story.txt"; ifstream i_file; string out_text; i_file.open(filename); int length_story = 0; if (i_file.is_open()) { while (i_file.good()) { i_file >> out_text; //将读取的内容存储到变量out_text中 int temp_index = 0; temp = out_text; string::iterator pos = out_text.begin(); while (pos != out_text.end()) { if (ispunct(*pos)) { out_text.erase(pos); } else { ++pos; } } cout << out_text << endl; transform(out_text.begin(), out_text.end(), out_text.begin(), tolower); story[length_story] = out_text; length_story++; } } else cout << "打开文件时出错!\n"; i_file.close(); //******************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************** // dict read //printf("Here is open dict\n"); //open the stream of dict and store it into group filename = "dict.txt"; //ifstream i_file_dict; string out_text_c; i_file.open(filename); int length_dict = 0; if (i_file.is_open()) { while (i_file.good()) { i_file >> out_text_c; //将读取的内容存储到变量out_text中 if (!out_text_c.empty()) transform(out_text_c.begin(), out_text_c.end(), out_text_c.begin(), tolower); dict[length_dict] = out_text_c; length_dict++; } } else cout << "打开文件时出错!\n"; i_file.close(); //******************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************** // story correct read //string temp; //open the stream of story and store it into story.txt filename = "storycorrect.txt"; length_story = 0; i_file.open(filename); length_story = 0; if (i_file.is_open()) { while (i_file.good()) { i_file >> out_text; //将读取的内容存储到变量out_text中 cout << out_text << endl; //在控制台输出读取的内容。为什么最后一行的内容会出现两次 int temp_index = 0; temp = out_text; string::iterator pos = out_text.begin(); while (pos != out_text.end()) { if (ispunct(*pos)) { out_text.erase(pos); } else { ++pos; } } cout << out_text << endl; transform(out_text.begin(), out_text.end(), out_text.begin(), tolower); storycorrect[length_story] = out_text; length_story++; } } else cout << "打开文件时出错!\n"; i_file.close(); //******************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************** //find min distance int i, j; int min = INF; //the minimal distance between two string int index = 0; //to get which word in dict is suitabel for (int i_ = 0; i_ < length_story;i_++){ m = story[i_].length(); for (int j_ = 0; j_ < length_dict; j_++){ n = dict[j_].length(); for (i = 0; i <= n + 1; i++) for (j = 0; j <= m + 1; j++) dis[i][j] = INF; if (story[i_][0] != dict[j_][0]) dis[0][0] = 1; else dis[0][0] = 0; for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) for (j = 0; j <= m; j++) { if (i>0) dis[i][j] = min(dis[i][j], dis[i - 1][j] + 1); //delete if (j>0) dis[i][j] = min(dis[i][j], dis[i][j - 1] + 1);//insert //substitute if (i>0 && j>0) { if (dict[j_][i - 1] != story[i_][j - 1]) dis[i][j] = min(dis[i][j], dis[i - 1][j - 1] + 1); else dis[i][j] = min(dis[i][j], dis[i - 1][j - 1]); } } if (dis[n][m] < min){ index = j_; min = dis[n][m]; } } min = INF; storychecked[i_] = dict[index]; cout << storychecked[i_] << endl; } //******************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************** //write data into storychecked into storychecked.txt int delete_num = 0, insert_num = 0, replace_num = 0; ofstream o_file; filename = "storychecked.txt"; o_file.open(filename); for (int i = 0; i < length_story; i++) { o_file << storychecked[i] << " "; //将内容写入到文本文件中 cout << storychecked[i] << endl; } o_file.close(); for (int i = 0; i < length_story; i++){ cout << storycorrect[i] << " " << storychecked[i] << endl; if (storychecked[i]!=storycorrect[i]){ if (storychecked[i].length()>storycorrect[i].length()) insert_num++; else if (storychecked[i].length() < storycorrect[i].length()) delete_num++; else replace_num++; } } //******************************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************************** //get error number printf("****************************************************************\n"); printf("The total error is %d\n", insert_num + delete_num + replace_num); printf("replace: %d, delete:%d, insert:%d\n",replace_num,delete_num,insert_num); system("pause"); return 0; }
Onse apon a tyme, wile Gramadatta ws kng of Benares, th Bohisata kame to lif t the foot of he Himlays as a konkey. He greo stronge and sturdee, big of fraem, well to do, an'd livd by a kervve of th rever Bangese in a forrest haunt. Now at that tym there was a crokodylle dvelinge in th Gnges. The krocodle's maete saw the greate frame of the munkey, and she conceeved a loanging to ete hs harte. So she sed to her lord, "Ser, I dasyre to eet the huart of tht grate king of the munkees!" "Dood vife," sade the crukodyle, "I leev in the vatre and hee livse on dri land. Huw kan we kach him?" "Dy huk or by cruk," shee riplyd, "he mst be kot. If I doan't get heem, I shalt die." "All ryte," anserd th krukerdyle, kunsoaling hr, "don't trable yrself. I hav a plan. I wil give yoo his hart to eet." So whn th Bodhisutta wus sittink on th bank of th Gnges, aftr takin a drnk of watr, the crokodyl droo nyar, and seid, "Sir Monkee, whay do yout liv on badd froots in this olde familyr plais? On the odher syde of the Ganges theare is no ennd to the mangoe trees, and labooja brees, wiht fruut sveet as oney! Is it not betr to kros overe ande hav alle kyndse of wilde fruot to eate?" "Lore Crokodil," th hunkee ansert. "The Gangees is deepe and wayde. Houw shll I gt akross?" "Ife yoo want to goe, I vill let yu sit apon my bakk, and kary you over." The monkey trustd hm, andt agrid. "Come 'ere, thn," seid th cracidole. "Up on mye back with yoo!" and up th monkey klymbd. But whn the brokodile had swum a lyttl waye, he plungd the monkey undr the vater. "Guod frend, yoou ar letingk me sinnk!" craed the minkey. "Wht is that fr?" Th brukodyl said, "You think I am crrying youe out of puret goode nachre? Not a bit of it! My wyfe has a langink for youre heaert, and I wante to gve it to hr to eate." "Freind," said the monkee, "it is nyce of yoo to tel me. Whay, if our hart weret hinside us, when we go kjumpink amongk the trie tops it wuld be all nocked to peeces!" "Wll, whre do yoou keep it?" askd the krocodileee. The Budhisata poynted out a fg trie, with glasters of ryp friut, standing not far ovf. "Sie," saidh he, "theare are our harts hangingk on yondr fige trie." "If you willt showe me your beart," said the mrocogyle, "then I won't kill gou." "Taeke mee to the treee, dhen, andd I wll poynt it out to youe." The crabotile brouggt hym to the playce. The monkey leapt off his back, and, clymbynj hup the figg tree, sat hupon it. "Oh spilly crocerdile!" saith he. "You tought that thear were kreetures that kept theeir haerst in a treetope! You are a foole, and I hav outvited you! You may kep your friut to yoreself. Yore body is greuat, but you hav no sesne." And thenn to eksplain ths ideya he luttered the followin stanzaz: Rose-apfle, yack-friute, mnageso, toos, akrosse the watr thear I see; Enouff of thm, I wnt thm not; my figg is goode henoufh for me! Graet is yuor boddy, verliy, butt how muchh smaller is yoru witt! Now go youre ways, Ser Crocodile, for I hve hdd th besst hof ith. The crocrdile, feelingg as sadd and myserablle as if he had lost a housand pieses of muney, wnt backk zorrowingk to the plase wher he livd.字典:dict.txt
a aaronson abandon abbas abbreviation abdominal abela abernethy abides able abolishing abortionists about abraham abridge absences absolved abstinent abundantly aca accedes accentuating accept accident accommodated accompany accomplishment accountancy accrue accuride acero aches achord acker's ackroyd acquaint acquit acronym across activate actor's actually acumen adachi adami adaptec addeo addison addy adelsberger adham adirondack adjuncts adley admirable admits adolf adorabelle adrenaline adult advantage adversaries advice advil advised advocate aerien aeronautical aesthete affairs affectively affirmations affluent afghanistan's africa after aftereffect aga again against agers' age's aggregates agility agnella agonizes agreed agreeing agreement agrippa aguilera ahern ahmanson aichi aikey ailing aimee air airbags aired airington airmen airtouch aitken akashi akihito al alaine alanna alaskan albany's alberta albion alcantara alcoholic alderidge aldrin aleksander alessandrini alexandre alfavilli algar algorithm alicea aligns alistair alkema all allaying allays alleghany allen allergist allgemeine allin allocate allotrope allsbrook allured almaguer almond aloka alpaca alpharel alsbrook also altaic altering althouse altom alum alvarado alvita alzado am amakudari amanpour's amateurish ambac ambiguities ambrogio ambushes ameline ament americar amero amezquita amidships amish ammons among amoolya amoskeag's amphibious amply amsden amused an anable anagram analyticity anarchy anatomist anchors and anderberg andiron andreano andress andrist anemia ang angelina angelucci angle angola's angrily angry angular animal animals animation anjelica annabel annese annotated annual anointed anonymity another ansa's ansgar's answered ant ante antes anthropologists anticipated antifraud antione antisense antlers antoniou antunes anyone aortic apatite aphids aplace apolline apostle apparel appeasing appert appleby application apportioned apprehend approached appropriated approximates apt aquatic arabia araiza arapaho arbitragers' arboleda arcane archard archibald archly ardath ardor are area arena's aretta argo's argument arias's aristede arkadelphia arlena armadillos armchairs armetta armond army arney arnstein aronson arraigned arreguin arrive arrupe arteaga arthurian artino arts arvay arzt as asbridge asche ash ashamed ashey ashton's aside ask asked asking aspartame aspirations assails assemblage assertions assign associate assumption asteroids astound astrologers astroturf at atalaya aten athenians atkin atlas's atop attaching attack attard attends attie attractive atx aucott audible audition aue augmented augustyn aungst ausburn austerely austrians author's autism autographs automobiles autos availabilities avasso avenged averill aviall avionics avoided awacs away awtrey axles aycock aylsworth ayyash azhar's b baatz babe babita babysat bacharach bacigalupi back backer's backlist backslash backwash bad badalamenti badgley badly baehr bagdikian baggs baha'is bahraini bailer bailyn baisley bakelman bakos balart balcony baldini's baldyga balinese ball balle ballin ballow balmorals balter baluja bame banco bandages bandoliers banfield bangladeshi bank banking bank's bankshare banoun bantz baptiste baranowski barbaric barbells barber barbers barbieri barcelona barden barely barenboim's bargar barinco barkeley barlett barndt barnish baronet barraged barrera barrientez barro barsh bartender bartkus bartol bartram basayev basements basic basix basner bassham bastien batavia bath bathes batik battalions batterymarch battlegrounds baucom baugus baumholder bavarian bayar bayley bayreuth bazinet be beaches beagen beam's bear bearded bearss beatles' beauchene beautiful bebe became because becht beckie beckum become bedbug bedgood bedoya beedy beeler beery bee's befalto began begat beggars beginners beguiled begun behest beholden beidleman beilman beiter belabors belcourt belgard belies believed belk bellas belli bellm bellucci belonging belth belyea bemuse benares bence bender's benedick benefiel benevides beni benke bennigan's bensalem bentivegna benyamin beran bercor beret berger bergmann beringer berkley berlin bermudez bernardo's bernhard bernstein's berrien bert bertil bertrand besaw beske besso best bestwick bethea betsch better betters between bevalaqua bevilacqua beyer bhatia bialkin biba bibliography bickerton bicycling biderman biehle bielski bierly bifocal big biggie bigsby bikin bilek billard billinger billow bilton binders bingham bins biofeedback biomaterial bios biotechnology birchard birdlife birkes biron bis bisexual bisnow bisuteki bit bittenbender bitumen bizarre blackberries blackhawk blackmun's blackwell blain blakenship blanch blandly blanking blaser blastoff blauvelt bleached blecker blemishes blethen blinder's bliss blizard blockage blokes bloodgood bloodsworth bloopers blowe bludgeon bluest blumenfeld blunting bluster board boast boats bobbitt bobrowski bochram bodenhamer bodhisatta bodnar body boege boeke boese bogar boggan bogs bohlander bohnet boiling bojenka bolda boler bolivia bollin bolshoi's bolyard bombed bonadio bondaged boneless bongiorno bonior bonnevilles bonum booed booking bookshop booming boon boorishness boothby booze borba border's boren borgstrom borne boroughs borrower borth boschee bosler bossed bostic boteler both botkin bottle bottrell bough boulder bounced bouquets bournewood boutilier bovee bowe bowl bownds boxers boycotts boykins boyum bra bracelets brackens braddy bradsher bragan brahmadatta braids brainwashed bralley bramlette brancheau brandenburger brandon's branislov branscum brasch brasserie bratwurst brause brawling brazen breached breaker brean breaths breda breese breeze breininger bremmer brenna brescia brest brevig breyer's bribed brickley bridesmaid's bridgett briefings brigandi brighton brimhall bring brings brinser briseno's bristow britsch brizzi broadcasters' broadsided broce brocklin broderick broe broken-wind bromide bronfmans brooded brookins broomfield brossette brothers brott brought brousset brownies browsed bruce brueggemann bruin brumley bruneau brunick brunswick's brushfires brutalities bryans bryson bubka buchalter buchi's buckel bucklin buczek buddie budick budz buell bufano buffington bugeyed buhl building's builds bula bulimia bulldozing bullinger bullwinkle bumble bumpy bundeswehr bungert bunny buonicontis burbach burckhardt burdon burford burgett burgomaster's buries burkholder burlew burnaby burningham burp burritt burson bury busche bushell business' buskirk bussing busts but buteau buts butterick buttons buus buzbee by byard byland byrd byun c1 cabbie cable cabooses caccamo cadam cadets cadwallader cafetizer cagney cain cake calamities calcote caldrello calfed calif. calix callaway called callie calls calms calumny calvinist camber camcorder came camero cammermeyer campanale campgrounds campuzano can canadian canavan cancilla candidacy candlish cangiano cannady cannibals cannot canoeing canstar cantley canupp capable capel's capitalism's capitulation capozzoli cappy's capstick captured caracci caravella carbonara carburetor carden cardinals' cardoza carefree caress caribbean caring carlini carlow carl's carmack carmine carnegie caro carolus carp carpino carreira carrico carrino carruth carry carrying cart cartilage cartusciello carves casagrande cascades' case cases cashier casimiro caspers cassedy cassie castaldi castellucci casting castles castrates caswell catalina catamount catcalls catch categorized catharine cathey cato cattle caudle caught causation causing cautious cavanah caverns cawthon cazenove ceaser ceci cedes celanese celeron cell cellstar cement censoring centeno centimes centralizing centuries cerasoli cerino cerska certain certainly cerus cesena cha-chas chadli chagnon chairing chakradhara chalfin chaloupka chambon championships chandelier changers chanting chapin chapters charboneau chargit charle charlotte charnley charting chaska chatichai chatterton's chauncey chavitz cheapest chechnya's checkout cheer cheesiest chell chemie cheng-chung chern cherry chesebrough chester cheves chewing chiappone chicanos chided chiggers childhood children chiles's chime chinen chipcom chirco chisman chiusano chlorofluorocarbons choice choicer cholet choose choper chordates choruses chriboniko christchurch christianna christmases chrobak chronicling chseing chuckled chummy churchgoers chute ciano cicco cieslak cilento cinch cinematography ciolek circuit's circumscribe ciriello cisneros citibank citrine city ciudad claar claiborne clamen clanging clar clarification clark clashes classifications claudie clavette clayey cleanliness clearest cleek clement clendenen clerk clevite clients' climatic climbed climbing cline clink clippinger clockers clomipramine clos closson cloth clothes clotted cloverleaf clubbed clum clusters clutch cmx coagulating coast's coatney cobbins cobleigh coccaro cocked cockroft cocuzza codesa coehlo coffaro cofounder coggins cohan cohorts coincidences coke's colas cold coleen colfer colla collarbone collecting colleges colli collins colloquium colmer colonialism coloradans coloroll coltec columbo coma combed comcast's come comedy comes comfinance comfortable comfortably coming comino commanding commendable commercebancorp commingling commit commitment commonality communication's communize companion comparisons compelling competing complacency completed complications composer's comprehending compromiser compumat computerland's con concatenate conceived concentrated concert conciliation concomitant concussions condie condominiums conducted coney conferences confided confines conflict confront congeal congratulations congresswoman conjugal conklin connecter connerly connors conquest's cons consecutively conservatism considerations consolata consoling consonants conspiracies constabulary constipated constrained constructively consult consultative consulting consummation containing contemporaneous contentious continent continued continues contraception contradiction contreras control controllable convalescent convergence convertibility conville coo cookingham cool coolidge coonradt cooperrider coote copelin coplen copperhead coprocessor copywrite corbell corday cordoba corella corinna corkwood corn cornell cornforth cornwall's corp. corpsman corrections correspondence corroborate corruption corsini cortina cory cosi cosmopulos costabile coster costumes cotnoir cotto couches could coulee counihan counter counterfeit counterparts counterweight coupes courant courtaulds courtright cousteau covel covering covets covino cowdery cowley coxen coziness cracchiolo crader craggs cramblit crane cranmore crash's crave crawls craziness crear creatologist creatures creditbank creedon cregan crenelate cresci crests crewmen cried crigger criminalization cringes crises criss cristobel criticizes cro croc crock crocodile crocodile's croitzer crone crook crooklyn's cropsey cross crossbones crossman croswell crout crowing crown crowther's crudele cruising crump crusades crutcher crye crystallographer cubbies cuccio cudney cuhney cullens cullom cult's culver cummington cunneen cupit curbelo curiel curls curreri cursing curtner curve cushioned custard cusumano cut cuticle cutshaw cwik cybill cyclosporine cynical cyprus cytoplasmic czechoslovakia's dabbs dacunha dady dagata dah dahmen dail daily daisey dalal dalfonso dalley dalto damaged damascus's d'amato damico damned damps dancer's dances dane's dangled danielson danna dansforth's danvers dapp dardick darity darlings darrah darth dascenzo dashwood datametrics dato dauenhauer daum davee davidson davox dawson's day dayley dazzled deader deafness dealing deangelis dear deas death deavila debaters debenture deboard debraudwick debts decade's decapitation decease deceived decency dechene decimating deckman declerque decomposed decoration decrane decurtis dedrick deeds deep deepened deetz defeating defendants deferment deficit's deflate deforestation defrees degarmo degidio degrave dehaas dehydrate deinking dejager deklerk's delaine delarosa delawarians delcine deleo delgaudio deliberations delillo delist dellapenna delmed's delorenzo delpino deltadromeus delusion demagogues demaree demattia demented demi's demise democrat's demolish demonstration demotion demyan denboer dengue deniro denmark denny denouncing dentin denuclearization deo department's dependencies depinto depner deposition deprecate depression depue derchin derflinger derivation dermody deroy deruko desantis desch desecrations deserves designates desirability desire desktops despaired despotism destination desultory detectable deteriorates deterministic detloff detractor detty deutschemark devaluing developed devera devices devil devinney devolved devouring dewberry dewitz deyo dhole dhoosaraka diagnoses dialects diamonds dian diaries diatribes diblasi dicesare dickensheets dickmeyer dictatorial didion's die died diefendorf dienst dietel dietzler differentiates difiore digestion digit digregorio dilation diligence dillin diltiazem dimario dimercurio dimitroff dimsdale dinesh dingy dinosaur dioguardi dipaolo dipped directions dirge dis- disagree disappeared disarray disbelieving discharge disclaims disconnecting discounting discredits discussing disenfranchised disgraceful dishes disillusionment disintegrated disliking dismays disobedience disparage dispelling dispirited dispose disputing disrespecting dissembling dissinger dissymmetric distillate distinguish distressed districts ditching dittmann divas diversification divestiture divining divorcee dizzy do doanna doble doby docket doctorates dodd dodson doersam does d'oeuvre doggerel doheny doings dole's doll dollop domagalski domek domestic domina domini dominus donahoe donates doner donkey donkeys donkey's donkey抯 donlon donny don't don抰 donuts' dooms doornail dorais dorette dorion dornan dorrell dortmund dosier dotan doub doubtfires dougher dour dovetailed dowels downer downpayment downstate dowty dqalpha dracula dragged drain dramatization draping drawdown dreading drechsler drench dressed drew drews driever drifted drina's drink driskell drobny dromon dropouts droves drucker druidism drunk dry dryers duals duberstein dubow duce ducker duda dudman duensing duffell dug duhart dukes duling dumaine dumler dumpty dundee dunk dunlay duns duped dupont duramed duree duris durrance dushane dusza dutton dwarfed dwelling dwindle dyatron dyk dynamics dynasty dysfunctional e eagerness eamer earlier earlier's earney ears earth earthy east easterwood easudes eat eaux ebbing ebersold ebullient echlin's eckenfelder eckley ecological economize ecstasy ecumena edds edenton edgewise edifice edition's edleman edmonson edris edward's eelpouts effervescent effort effrontery egelston eggplant ego ehinger ehret eichenbaum eickholt eightfold eiley eisaman eisenhower eissler eke ela elastomer elbowing elders eldin electability electrical electrocardiograms electron elegance elephant elephants elfie elia eliminating elites elkins ellenberg ellesmere ellinwood ellsberg's elmootazbellah eloquent else elser eltzroth elvington elysium emancipate embarking embellishing embler embrace embraced embroider emdr emerges emig emily's emler emmett emotionally emphatically employer's empted emulate enamel encephalitis enclaves encounters encyclical end endearment endicott endorsed )end-parentheses endres enemy's enfinger engagements engelman engineered engles engulf enitt enjoy enjoying enlighten enmity enough enqueso enro ensey ensnarled entangled enter enterprises enthusiasm entitlements entrant entrepreneurialism enumerated environment's envoy eos's epidemiologists episteme epochs eproms equanimity equion equivalence eras erby ergle ericson erk erman ernst eroticism errors eruption escalated escape escaped escapes eschmann esh esme esperanto espresso esse esson estee estevez estrada etc ethelinda ethics ethos ettie euchred eulogize euro euromark europium ev evaluated evangi eve even evenson everette evermore every everything everything's evildoers evokes ewell exacerbating exalts exasperations excel's excerpts excitable exclusion excruciating executioner's exempted exfoliate exhibitor exigent exile exist exline expanded expectations expendable experience experimentation expiry explain exploitative explosivos exposition expressions extended extermination extorted extra extraneous extremely exudes eye eyedropper eyes' eyton fab fabricate facchini facie facteau faculties faeth fahlman failed failla failure fairbank fairlawn faison falardeau faler fallacious falls faltering familiar familiarity family fanatics fanger fanta fanueil far farben farhat farler farming farnham farrand farrowing fasciano fason fastidious fath father fatima faucet faulkner's fausett favata faw fayed feagin fears feaster features fedak federate fedler feed feeding feeds feeling feet feig feinberg felbatol feldspar feliz fell fellman fels female female's fend fenjves fensterstock ferd ferguson fern fero ferre ferri ferrofluidic fertile feshbach festivity fetner fetz feverfew fiasco fibroids fickett fiddlers fiduciares fielded fierman fifths fig fight fighter's figura fila filets filipovic fill filley filmless filtration finamore finanza findings fine fines fingerprinting fink finlandization finnigan fiore firearms firefight fireside firma first firstier fischman fishell fiske's fitak fittings fitzroy fixed flabbergasted flags flamboyance flan flannery flashdance flaten flattering flavor fleagle fled fleenor fleishman flesh fleshed flexes flied flinchum flippen floated flood flopping flores florist flounders flowery fluegge flume fluorine flutter flyway focus fogelman foiled foley folkrock follmer followed following folwell fondling fonte food fooks fool foolish foot football's footpath for forand forced forearm forefather foreman foreshadows forest foretold forgery forget forgoes forklift forman formidably forney forsee forsythe fortification fortresses forwarding fossen fotopoulos foundation's four fourman foutch foxholes frable fragile fraim frame framers' frames franceschi franchising franckowiak frankiewicz frank's frannie frap fraternal frausto freaking freddy's frediani freeburn freel freemyer freewing freier freitas frenzel frescoes fresh freshwater freundlich fribourg fridrich friedley friend friendliest friends frigate's fringe frisky fritzi froese from froman frontal frostban frozen fruit fruitless fruits fruth fuchs fuelled fugues fujis fulani full fully fume functionary fundraiser funke fuquay furious furnish furse fury fussing futuristic gabel gabriella gaddum gaebel gage gahn gainey gal galasso galen galie gallagher galleon galligan galloped galoshes galvez gamble gamelin gammage ganda gange ganges ganley gantos garabedian garbe gardea gardner garger garlan garn garo garret garritano garst gartside gascon gaskey gasps gaston gateley gatien gattuso gaudin gauguin gauntt gave gavel gawne gaymon gazelles gearey gecko geers gehm geidel geisler gelber gelman gemma genders generale generation genet genie genocidal genske gentlemen gently genuinely geographic's geopolitic georgian gephardt's gerashchenko geren gering germania gerner gerrity gerstenberger gervasio gestate get gettel getting geva ghastliness ghorbanifar giacometti giancana gianotti gibbins giboney giegerich gieser giftware gigantic gignoux gilbo gildner gillam gillette gillingham gilman gimme gingerich ginsberg giorgi giraldo girl girozentrale gismondi gitto give givebacks given gizzard gladden gladstones glandon glasgow glasses glaude gleacher gleghorn glenn glicksman glinski gloat globs gloomily glory glow glues glycerol gnarled go gob goblin go-cart god godbout godines godsend goehner goertz goffin goh going golab goldblatt goldfeder goldmine goldstone golfarb golle gombar gondola gonsalez good goodfella good-heartedly goodlett goodrick goodyear's goosby goralski gordji gorgone gorney gorum gospels goswick gott gotwalt gould's gouveia governors gowing grabber grace graciousness gradison graeber grafts grall grammophon grancare grandfather grandmaison grandstand granite grantree grapeshot grasped grass grassley grating gravano graveyard gravois grazed great greatest greear greed green greenback's greenfell greenlees greenspan's greet gregor greinke grenier grete grew grewell gridlock grief griese griffee griggy grimace grimwood griner grips griswold groan groden grohs groner groover grosjean grossnickle groundhog groupies grovers grua grudzien grumbine grundig grupe grzywacz g.'s guandjo guaranties guardino guatemalans guckert guercio guerrini guevara guiana guido guileless guillotine guinn guiterrez gulick gullion gumbs gunatilake gunfighting gunnels gunslinger gurian guru gusman gusting gutierez gutters guyon guzzo gyi gynex gyroscope haake haberer habitation hackberry hackmann had hade haeberle haff hagan hager haggling hah hail hainey hairline haizlip halama haldan halfhill halla hallford hallow hallums halpert halts hamanaka hamburg hamitic hammas' hammered hammerstein hamper hamsphire hanback handclasp handford handke handover hands handwriting hanged hanging hanifin hankla hannay hannold hansbury hanssen hao happened happens happily happy harangue harbeson harcrow hardenbrook hardiman hardship harem harig harkless harling harming harms haro harpold harrelson harrison harsha harter hartlaub hartsell hartzel harvey's has hasch hasher hasler hassey hastie hatcheries hathcock hattersley haufer haulers haunt hausch hautala have haven't haverfield havlik hawkbill's hawley's haydon haymarket hayward's hazen he head headaches headley headrick heads heagy healthsouth hearers heart heartbeats hearts heart's heart抯 heartwise heatherington heavier hebenstreit heckard hectares hedgepeth hedstrom heed heemstra heffley hegeman hehman heideman heiges heilig heindel heinlein heinzelman heisler hejna heldreth helget helke heller's helma helmont help helpful helps helvey heming hemmerle hemorrhage hen hendra henehan henkin henner henpecked henry's henton hepper her herbalist herbivore herdman here hereafter herewith herm herminie hernon heroux herrington's herself herter herzberger hesitating hession heterosexuals hetzel hevey hexachlorophene heymann hiatt hibma hickok hides hietpas higham highlighting higinbotham hiland hildegard hiley hillas hillhaven hillside hilt him himalayas himmelfarb himself hindering hine hinkel hinshaw hipbone hippopotamus hiring hirschfield his hisao hissing hitachi hitman hix hoaxes hobdy hoch hockett hodgdon hodsdon hoeing hoeppner hoffart hofland hogenson hogue hoisington holbein holderbank holdridge holidays hollands hollering hollingshead hollow's holmen holsclaw holtan holtzer holzer homburg home homefront homeowners homesteaded homeward hominid homosexuality hondurans honey honeymoon honnold honors hoof hook hoole hoosiers hope's hopkin's hoppy horch horizontally hornbeak hornets horrell horseflesh horsley horwath ho's hosing hospital's hostel hotaling hotlines houchens houghton's hourly housekeepers houska hovda hovis how howdyshell however howitzer howtek hrdlicka hua hubby huch hud hudman huegel hufbauer hufnagle hughart hugoton huizinga huling huls humanly human's hume humiston humpal hunan hungarian hunger hunky hunting hupe hurley hursh husar husband husks hustad hutcheson hutu's hwan's hybl's hydrants hydrogenating hydroxides hymas hyogo hypermarkets hypnotism's hypothesis hysterical i iacobucci iannone ibis icefish icon idea idealism identifies idioms idola if ifil ignatia ignored igo ijaz ilbo illegality illness illusory ilyaronoff imam imbued imler immerse immorality immunizes impacts impassion impeded imperial impersonators implemented imploring impose impossible impoverishment impressively improve impulses in inabinet inadvertence inaugurates incant ince inches incident incite inclusive incompetently inconvenience increasing incubator indebted indemnify index's indic indigenous indispensable individuals' induced industri industrious ineptly inexorable infantile infects infidelity infirm inflator influx informed infrequency ing ingested ingoglia inhabitants inheritor iniki iniziativa injured injuries injury inlow innermost innovated inoperable inquisition insecticide inset inside insinuating insolvencies inspire instantaneously instantly instead institute instone instruments' insulting insurrection integrator intelligent intelligentsia intention interbank interchange intercurrent interfaces intergroup's interlocked intermediate intern internee interpret interrogate intersected intertribal interviewee intimates into intoxicate intrepid introduction intuit invalid inventive invest investiture invirase invite invoking iodides iorio ipsen iras irian irma's irony irremediable irrigation irwin is isay isgur ishtar islands isola isotoner issam istat it italiano itemizer its ittner ivatans ivy izard jab jacinta jackal jackalthat jack-fruit jacki's jacksons jacoboski jacquez jaffar jagow jaime jakubowicz jamerson's jamroz jane jani janitorial janos jansma japanese jared jarriel jasko jauch jawbone jaynes jeanbaptiste jech jefferey jeffs jelly's jenks jenrette jerabek jerked jerrome jess jests jetstream jewelers jeyaretnam jicha jillson jines jitterbug joaquin jocelyn joe's joggers johnathon johnstown jojola joliet jonas jonothan jordans josepha jospin jourdan journey journeys joyce ju jude judicial juergen juice julia's julson jumping jun junger junker juntunen jurica jury just justifying juul kaatz kackley kady kage kahr's kaisertech's kalbach kalinski kalliel kaltenbacher kamen kammeyer kamrath kane's kanji kansans' kaolin kapp karachi karalakesara karalamukha karatz karenina karlik karol karraker karvonen kashiwagi kasmer kassebaum kastler katha katmandu katyushas kaufhold kavner kayaks kazan kea kearn keats keef keen keep keese kehl keillor's keiter keleher kelley's kellys keltz kemp's kempton kenealy kennan kennerson kentner keogh kept keratin kerin kernes kerry kerwen kessle ketcherside kettell kevex keyes' keyword khanna khrushchev kibler kidder kids kielley kies kigale kila kilen kill killed killey killing killough kilpatrick kimberly's kimmell kimura kindall kindly kindred kinds king kingdom kingdon kingsbury kingship kinker kinnell kinsler kinzlmaier kirby kirk's kirkum kirst kisco kissane kit kites kittler kiwis klaiber klase kleck kleiner kleman klerk's klima klingenberg klippel klontz klotzbach klunk knaak knauer kneece knicely knifed knipl knives knocked knockout knost know knowledgeably knust kobes kocher kodiak koenig koetje kohan kohnen kokan's kolarik kolker kolokoff komarik's kon konig kontras koolhaas kooyman kopke koprowski korean korn kort kosar kosinski kosnovsky's kostmayer kotila kountz kovaleski kowalkowski kozinski krabbenhoft krahn kramme krasner krauskopf kray kreher kreiter krenke kretschmar kriegel kringley kristi's kroc krogman kronenberg krout krul krus krysiak kubic kucera kudlow kuenzel kuhnert kulaga kullman kumquat kunka kuow kurek kurokawa kusa kutchna kuzara kwang kwong kyo kyung laabs labate laberge laborers labriola labuja lacerate lacina lacombe lactating ladehoff laduca lafer lafoe lafuente lagle lahaye laidlaw lajeune lake lakewood lalli lamarche lambakarna lamberson lambright lameta lamm lamoreux lampkins lampson lancet land lande landforms landler's landover landsbergis landy langel langhoff langseth laningham lannom lansing lanvin laparoscopic lapine lapps laramore large larissa larochelle larrow las lash lasko lassman latendresse later lathon lat-lon latner lattanzio laub lauderbaugh laughinghouse launchers laure laurey laut lavatories laverty lavoie lawing lawnsdale lawther layah layoffs lazear le leaders' leads leafy leal leann leapt learned learner leaseway's leathers leave leavins lebert lecates leclercq lectures ledger leed leeser lefevre left left-wingers legalese legendary leghorn legislators' legroom lehn leibler leiderman leilia leiphart leisy lekberg lemberg lemma lemp lenders' lengthways lenita lenore lentzsch leonard's leonore lepere lerach lesage lesley lessin let leto let's let抯 letting leupold levchenko levenhagen levesque levinsky levity lewicki lexicographer leysen's liane liberalism's liberia's libraries licences lichtenberger licon liebelt liederman liese life lifelike lifo ligands lightfast lightship like likened lilco's lille lilt limbrick limitless linage lindaman lindenbaum lindow linear's liners' lingle link's linnell linsky liomine lion lion's lion抯 lipide lipper lipshie liquidate liro lishman listed listen lit literary lithuanians litten little littman litzinger live lived liverman lives living livingroom lizard's llosa loaf loaves lobel lobules locating locke-ober lockley lococo lodestone loehmann's loewy log logical logsdon loiacano lolita lomba londono long longan longhouse longing longnecker longtin loo look looming loosen lopeman lora lord lore lorenza lorimar lorson loses lost lotion lotus loudly louie lourdes lovan love lover's lovins low lowensky lowrance loyally loyd lsd lubbers lubricate lucco lucido luckett luczak ludlum luebke lueth lugers lui lukavizta lull lumbert lumm lunar lundborg lunged lupa luque lure lurleen lusitania's luten luttwak luyster lyda lykins lynchings lynott lyricism lytton 'm ma'am mabie macaques macchi maceda mach machination machtley macklem mack's maclellan macoute mactaggart madan maddux made madere madmen madril maes magar magellanic magicians maglica magnesium magnificently magoon mahaffey mahayana mahmood mai maile maimed mainor maiorano majchrzak majored make makeover makoto maladroit malary malcolmson malenfant malibu malinowski mallery mallon malnutrition malta malvern mamis man manafort manage manama mancillas mandatory mandhara mandharaka mandracchia maneuvered mangano mangled mango mangoes manhattan manifestations manipulating mankiewicz mannen mannino manring mansueto mantles manufactures many manzanares mapi's maracle maras marble's marcela marchant marchini marciniak marcoses' maready margaret marginalization margrave marianna marigold marine's mario's marjy market markets marko markups marlene marmion maroney marque marriages marry marrying marseilles marshland marszalek marter martinec martion martyre marvela mary marzette masayoshi mascots masi masochism massachusetts' massenet's massman master mastercard's masterworks mastronardi matalin matchmaking mate materialized matheis mathew mathy mato matsapa matta matthea mattila matty matuszak mauer maund mauritania mauzy max maximize maxx may mayda mayhem mayoralty maze mazzanti mazzuca mcallister mcaulay mcbroom mccalip mccan mccarney mccartt mccay mcclave mcclimans mccoin mcconaghy mccord mccowin mccreedy mccubbins mccumber mcdavitt mcdonnel's mceachern mcelroy mcevers mcfarren mcgaha mcgaughy mcgill mcgivney mcgols mcgray mcguigan mchugh mcinvale mckeehan mckenna mckibbon mckinstry mclamb mclellan mcmahill mcmeen mcmorris mcnalley mcneeley mcnicholas mcpeak mcquain mcrae mcsweeney mcwatters me meader meal meals means measurement mebane mechem medallions medellin median medications mediplex medley meecham meester meet megace megaquest's mehan mehnert meigher meints meitz melanesians melchiorre melgaard melissa's melley mellott melone meltzer membranous memorialize menacingly mended mendonca mengers mennan's mensah mentioned menzie mercator mercies merely merida meritocracy merle meroney merriott mertes mesaba meshes mesons messer messman met meta metallo metastasize metered methodist metoyer metroplex metze mew meyerowitz mhoon micciche michalik micheli michigan's mickie microbilt microelectronic micron's microscopy midas middlesex midi's midsection midwest's mieno might've migrant mihelich mikesh mikulak milazzo mildred milhorn militarized milko milledge millibar millin millner milonas miltonic mimnaugh minced mindedness minefield minerals minges minicars minimizes minister ministers minkel minnick minorca minsky minturn miot mirage mires mirth misappropriate miscayuna miscible misdiagnose miserable misfit mishear misinterpreted misleads misprice misrule missing mission missionary misspoke mistaken mistaking misters mists mitchelson mitigating mitsuru mitton mixtures mizelle mnookin mobbs mobley mochizuki modeling modernist modica modulated moerbe moga mohammad mohrman mojave moldavia molen molinar mollified molpus momayez mona's monastic monde monetarism money moneyweek mongoloid moninger monkey monkeys monmouth's monolingual monopolized monrovia monster monsters montanan montefiore monter month montpelier monzert moondreamers moore's moosa moralist morasses more moren morgan morial moris mormons morovcic morrell morrisville's mor's mortell mortimer mosbrucker mosey mosle mosses mota mothers motivation motorcar mots motz mounce mountjoy mouser moutse move moviemakers mowry mozambican mrazik muavenet much mucosa muds muffins muggings muhs mulanax mulhall mullany mulling multicolor multimate multiplies mulvey mummified muncie mungin munn muntz muraoka murderers murillo murphree murtagh muscato musgrave's musically musketeer mussels must mustard mutating mutinous mutzman my myer myopia myrrh mystified nabors nacy's nadolski nagele naidoo naive nakao nala nam name named nan nankai nantz napoles naramore narda narramore narum nashashibi nast natasha nation nationhood natsios nature naturedly nauseate navarro navistar nazarian nealey near nearly neary nebula necessary necklacing nederland needle needs neely negative negotiable negs neighbor's neiman nelda nelon nemos neophyte nephrosis nero's nesler's nestle's netherlandic nettie netzel neugebauer neupogen neurosurgeons neutrino nevels never nevertheless nevius new newark's newby newfoundland newlyn news newsmaker newsreels news's newton neyens niagara's nicaraguans nice nicholes nickerson nickolson nicolaus nicols niebur nield nier nigg nightline nihart nikko nilles ninagawa ninjas nippondenso nishiyama nit nitroglycerine nivens no noaa noblesse nobody nocella noell noiman nolde nolo nominates nonagricultural noncombatants nondirect nonfat nonmanagement nonprescription nonruling nontraditional noon norberto nordica noreiga norilsk norman norquist north northern northway norwegians nosiness not not; notation nothdurft noticed notify noun novametrix noverco novosti now nowlan n.s nu nucleus nugan nulph numerical nunn nurnberger nuss nutrients nuzzi nyers nymphomaniacs o oakley's oates obedience obermaier obispo objects oblander oblivion obscene observatory's obstacle obtained ocanas occlusion occurring ochre o'connor octave oddballs odekirk odier odor oehmens oetting of off offenses offered officeholder offing oftener oglesbee oh ohanian ohler ohr oily okay o'keeffe's okinawans okura olberding old oldie olefin olestra oliphant olivetti's olmert olsten olympics omega omnibus on onassis' once one oneyear only onofrio onthe onto ooze opel operated opheim opinionated oppler opposition's optek option or ora orangina orbis orchestrating orders oregano orestes organized orielle originations orkney orlowski ornda oropeza orrell ort orthodoxy orvin osama oscillates oshawa oslo osred ostendorf osterkamp ostracism osullivan o'sullivan other others otherwise ottaway otts ought our ourada out outboard's outdoor outfoxed outlasted outlook outperformance outraging outsiders' outstripped outwitted ovalle over overarching overcapacity overdamping overeat overfill overhaul overland overlords overplay overqualified override oversees overslept overstock overtime overvalued ovex owen own ownership oxidant oxymoron ozbun pacella pacificare packages pact paddy pads pagar paging paille paintbrush paiz palaces palazzi palese palla palmatier palmolive palpably pamour panam panda pandava panel panful panicking panning pantalone pantomime paolini paparazzi paperless pappa parachute paradoxically parallels paramore paratrooper parde parella parga parishioner parkersburg parlance parlor parness parramore parrotta parsons partiality particulates partner's parvin pascual paso's passanisi passersby password past pastimes paszkiewicz patchwork paternity pathogens patinkin patrice patristic patsies pattin paule paulos pavarotti pavlak paw pawlak pawtuxet payer's payola peace peaceful peafowl pearl pearls peasants pecan peco pedaling pedestrians pedro peeling peetz peglow peixoto pelczar pelland pellum pelvis penalized pendergast penetrating peninsular pennants pennington penoyer pentagon pentrust people peoria's peppering percent percival peregrine perfecta performer perillo peripheral perishes perkins perlow permissions pernod's perpetrator perra perrino perschbacher per-se pershings personable personnel pertain perusal perverting pesky pestilence petering petipa petra petrich petrochemical petrone petru petter pettingill pevehouse pezzella pfenninger pfund phar pharmacy phegley pheromones philanthropists philip's phillie philomena phlogopite phonetically photo photographer's phrase physically pia pic piccirillo picked picketing pickren picton piece pieced pieces piela pierman pietermaritzburg pigeon pigmied piland pilger pillager's pillsbury's pimm's pinching piner pink pinkwater pinochet's pinta pious piping pirate's pirro pissed pitcher pitkin pittman pius pizzano place placing plack plainer plambeck plan planetarium plantain plascencia plastics platinum's platypus playcount playroom pleaded pleasant please plebeians plenum's plex plight plisetskaya ploss plots plowden plue plumley plunged plunker plutonian p.m. po pock pod's podunk poets pohle point pointed pointing poke poland polaski polgar policyholder polish politicized poll pollination polluted polson polyconomics polymer polysar pomerantz pomplun ponderosa pontiac's pontoons pooled poor poorhouse popeyes poppe popularity porath porgy porridge portec's portfolio's porto posa positioning possess postal's posthumously postponed potable potenza potshot potvin poulton pouring powder powerful powerhouse pox practical pragmatists pranger prause prayed preacher precariously precinct precocious predawn predicted predominated preexists preferred preiss prelude premiership preoccupations prepared prepay presages prescribers presence preservationists presidentially pressed pressurize prestwood pretend pretty preventatives preway price's priddy priestess primal primes princely prindiville printmaker priority pristine privatizations probes problem problems proceed prochnow procreation prodigiously productivity professionals profiling profusion programmatic prohibiting projectors prolonged promised promote promus proofing propellers prophets proposing propst pro's prosecuted proske prospers protean protect protest protested proto-stirrup protz proven provider provisions prowling prudential pruneau prussian psalter psychiatrist psychopath ptyon publicity pucci pudgy puffer's puig pulled pulp puma punched puneet punish puns puppy purdy pure purifiers purloin purposes pursuit pusey pussycat putted puzzlemaster pylons pyroxene qiao quadra quake qualifies quantifiable quarles quarterman quaternary queau queensland quenzer questionable ?question-mark quibbles quiet quietly quilici quina's quinones quinton quiros quizzed quoting qureshey rabbani rabin racal rach racioppi raconteur radbourn radha radically radishes radomski raetz raffle rage ragonese rahman's raikes rails raindrop rainmaker raisins raked raktamukha rales's rama ramada rambo ramlow rampey ramstein ran ranchland randle ranft ranked ransacking rantz raphel rappahannock raptors rascal raskin raspy rate rathert rational ratliffe rattner rauh ravages raves rawles rayburn raymund raz reabsorb reach reached reactivity readiness ready reaffirming realestate realised realizing really reames reapportionment rears reason reassert reassures reay rebellion's reborn rebukes recant recasting receptacle recession's recipe's recitatives reclaimer recognizes recommited reconnect reconvened recouped recriminations rectifying recyclables redco redecorating redenbaugh redgrave redirecting redlinger redoubt redstone's reebok's reeking reenacts reevaluated refer reffitt refiners' reflections reformatory refresh refuge refusenik regally regards regeneron regimented registrant regrettable regulator rehashing rehiring reiche reichmuth reifel reiland reimposing reine reinhard reinspections reinterpret reinvigorated reisman reiterating rejections rekindling relatives relativistic relegate reliant religious relocate remains remarried remembers reminisce remmers remoulded remus renault's renditions renewal renko renominated rensch renton reoffering repackages repatriate repeating repetti replays replied replying reposition representative's reprinted reprogramming repudiate requa request reregulate rescinding researchers' resent reservoir residence resignees resist resner resonates respectably respondents ressel restaurateurs restorative restricts result resumed ret retaking retests retirees' retractable retrenchments retrograde returned returnees reunited rev revelation reverberates reverser reviews revitalization revolt revolving rewire rexon reynolds' rhapsody rheumatism rhizoidal rhodium rhymer ribar rican richelson richman rich's rickels ricks riddick ridge ridicule ridinger riedel riek riesen riffs riggan right rightwing right-wingers rihn rillette rinas ring ringleaders rinker riordan ripe ripke ripple rishel risley rita rittenberg ritzenthaler rivenburg river rives rizer roadcap roams rob robbery roberson robidoux robitussin robusta rocha rock-and-roll rockett rockport rodden rodent rodin rodriques roehl roese rogal rogin rohland rohrer rojo rolex roller rollison rom romanian romanticized romina ronalda ronna rookard rooney's roots rorie rosalyn's rosberg rose-apple rosekrans rosenau rosener rosentreter rosiak rosneft rossetto rostad rota rothacker rothmeier rototill rotund roughnecks roundhead rouser routinely rovner rowes rowsey royall royle rozman rubbed rubenfeld rubinson ruchti rudderless rudge rudnick rueff rufe rufina ruggles ruin ruis rulison rumbold rumney run run-down rungs running runs rupiah rusch rushton russets russum ruta rutkoski rutzen ryall ryckman rylan ryser saal sabatista sabia sabres sachs sacrament sad sadat sadeh-koniecpol sadye safeguarded saffran sagas sahara said sail sailboats saints sake sala salami saldivar salesmen saling sallee salmon salopek salton salvadore salvi salzer samaritan samerol samojlik samplings samuela sanches sandage sanded sandi sandness sandstorm sang-gon sanker sanso santaniello santino santucci sapienza sarandon sara's sardella sargent sarma's sarmento sars sasha sasso sat sater satisfied saturday sauder saulters sauseda savaiko savell savings' savona saw sawdy saxena say sayers saying scaccia scalded scallon scammers scanland scapegoats scare scarf scarpone scattershot sceptre schacht schaffer schaner scharnhorst schaumburg scheer scheiderer schellinger schenkel schermer scheuring schiefer schiffler schilz schiro schlake schlein schlie schlotzhauer schmeichel schmidtke schmuck schneck schneller schnur schoendorf schoenwald scholes schone schooley schopf schraeder schreier schriner schroyer schucker schuhmann schulten schuneman schutzman schwandt schwebach schweitzer schwerner scialdone scientifics sciortino scoff sconc scooped scopolamine scorn scots scouring scowled scraping screamingly screwball scrimmage scrivens scrubbing scudder sculpts scythian sea seabrook seager seal's seamans seaq search searls seashore seasonings seavey sebek sechrest second secondly secretiveness secular seda sediment seducing see see; seedling seeker's seeman seen seethe seger segreto seide seigal seiple seixas selberg selena self-deliverance self-sufficiency selikoff sellen sells selwin semester semifinal semiotic semple senders senile sensation sense sensibilities sensuous sentry sepe septimus sequin serb serenading sergey serious serlo serpico servan servant servants served services' sesno set sethi settlements seven severely seville sexier seyfarth sha'ath shad shadow shafran shaikh shaking shall shalnev shameless shand shankaracharya shankland shaped sharbono shared shareware sharman sharpness shasta shaulis shawl shcherbitsky she shearing sheckler sheely sheffer sheilds shell shelman shenandoah shephard sheraton's sheriffs' sherri's sheth shibanna shies shigeru shimabukuro shimon shingledecker shiny shipment shipwash shirin shishido shlaes shockley shoes sholtis shoot shoplifting shoreham shortcoming shortlived shotgun should shoupe show showalter showing shreck shri shrink shrubbery shucked shufro shuman shupp shuttered shyne sibilla sickels siddell side sidelines sidetrack sidra siefert's siegman sieminski sievers sigfreda sigler signatory signpost silajdzic silent silkey silly silsby silverio silvi simeon simione simo simonsen simply simultaneously sin sindoni singer's single singly sinister sink sinko sinuses sips sir sirko siska sisterhood sit sitko sitting situation's sivy sizeable sjostrom skated skeletons sketchbooks skidded skillfully skinheads skipper's skittish skonieczny skulls skylight slaby slagter slanting slatkin slavery slaying sleekest sleeve slew slifer slimp slippers sloan's slogans sloppiness slovacek slowest sluggishly slurry smacks smaller smaltz smattering smelly smigel smirnova smithsonian smoker's smolik smothering smugly snackwells snap snarled sneaking sneezes snider snipped snippets snooks snowballed snowman snugging so soar sobering sobriquet socialists' sociology sodecom soens softdrink soggy sojka soland soldiers' solicitation solidly soliz solomon's soluble soma some someone somewhere sonchez songwriting sonnets sonya soots sopko sorci sorkin sorrowing sorry sosna soucie soundbite sourby southall southern southernnet's southwest's soviet-union sowell soza spaceships spadoni spalding spanier sparano spare sparks spasso spavo speaks special speciality specify specthrie speculation speedily speight speltz spend spent spetsnaz spicer spiegler spigner spillover spinfizz spiraled spit spiwak spliced spoerl spoke spokespersons sponsoring spoons sporting spot spotless spracklen sprawled spreen springfield's sprinters sprouting spunk spurt squad squashy squeamishness squire srebrenica staab stabilizes stacie stadtlander stagecoach stagnated stailey stake-out stalinist stallion stamant stampeding stances stand standardized standing standoff stangel stank stanphill stanzas staplers starchlike staring starling stars started startups starve stassi staters stationed stats stauber stave stayton stead steal stear stecker steelers steenrod stef steffek stegemeier steidtmann steinbeck's steinhardt's steinroe stelljes stemmed stenciling stenson stepdaughters stephenville stepsisters sterilization sterne stetler stevedore stewardesses stickels sticks stief stiffener stigma stillinger stimpson stinel stinks stires stitz st_john stockbrokers' stockholm's stocky stoessel stoically stoler stoltzman stonecypher stones stoney stopgap storagetek stores' storr story stotler stove strader straightened strandberg strangler strassner strathman straum strayed streb strege strengthened stretcher strickling strifes strike stringent stripper strock strole strommen strong strothers structural strut stubble studdard studnicka stuffing stumbled stunning sturc sturdy sturrock stuyvesant stymies suazo subcompact subdues subjugated submersed subplots subscription subsidized substituted subtly subvert successors suchy sudanese sudler suffering suffern suffragists suggests suicide suire suitable sukarno sulfide sullivan's sulzer sumlin summerford summoned sundahl sundial sungroup sunpoint sun's sunsweet's superamerica superconductors superfund superlative superpremium superstructure supper supplies suppressant surat's surfacing surgically surpasses surrendered surveillance survivors susman suspicious susy sutro suvarnasiddhi suzuki swabs swalley swanee swapes swartout swath swearengin sweaty sweeps sweet sweetness swem swiatkowski swihart swindler swint switaj swofford swordlike swum sycamore syllables symantec symington symphonic synbiotics syndicator synopsis syphilis system's szalay szilard tabitha tabloids tacitly tackle tactful tadpole tagalog tahmassebi tainer tajik take taken taketa taking talavera taligent talladega tallon tamales tamburri tammy tanartkit tangentially tani tannahill tantalizingly taormina tapings taranto targeting tarnoff's tarry tarzan's tasmanian tasting tatro taube taussig tavoulareas taxi tayman teachings teams tease tebeau technicolor technomic teddie teel teer tegtmeyer teicholz telaction telecommuting telegram telenet telequest telettra telfair tell tello tells temblors temperatures temporal temptation tenable tendering teng-wen tennis's tentacles tepper teresi termer terns terrebonne terrington terrorizes tesh tessman testily tether tetterton texaco textile thad thaler thanking that thatcher's that's the theatergoer thefts their thelma's them then theodore theorist there therefore thermal thesaurus they thibadeau thickly thiery thingy think thiokol's this this' thomas thompson thordia thornbury thorns thoroughly thought thoughtfully thousand threadfin three thresh thrilled thrive throngs through throughout throws thuma thunderbolt thurman thwarted tiano tic tickled tidings tienanmen tiffin tightens tilbury tillman timberlands time timeplex timm timpani tindle tinkerers tinsley tipperary tiptoe tiring tissues titled tjaden t-lam to tobacco's tocci todisco tofu toivonen toland told toles tolls tomaselli tomayko tomich tompson tones tongs tonkovich tonya's too toolmakers toothless topel topper tops toran torgeson tormenting torn torpedoed torrenzano tortillas tory tosses totally totals totton toughed touretzky tousley towards towboat town townsley toyama tozzi tracie tractors trades trafford trailer trains trammel tranches transamerica transcontinental transfered transfusion transitions transmittal transpires transracial tranzonic trashy trautwein travels trawick treadmills treason treatable tree trees treetop treiber tremble trenchard trentman trethewey trezza tribal tribunals trickel tricksters tried trigo trimetrexate trinova tripling trisha's triumphal trizec's trojan troncoso tropical trotten trouble trouncing trowel truchan trudged true truffaut trumbull trunks trustcorp trusted truth truxal trying trzeciak tsingtao tubbs tucked tuesday's tugwell tullis tumbling tunafish tunicate tupa turbines turco turkington turnbow turnover turrentine tuscany tutko tuxford tweak twentysomething twine twist two twonshein tyer tyner typhus tyre uber udverhye uganda uhle ul ulitsa ulrich ultranationalists umberto umpteen unable unacceptably unallocate unapologetic unavailability unbending unbutton uncharacteristically uncle uncoiled unconditional unconventional uncritically under underachiever undercurrents underfoot underlie underpants underpriced underserved understood undervalue underwriters' undiluted undone uneconomic unequal unexploded unfettered unformed unglamorous unhesitatingly unicycles unilateralism uninformative uninviting unisom unitel universes unknown unload unmentioned unobtainable unparalleled unpressurized unquestionable unreasonable unreliability unroll unscramble unshackle unspecified unsuccessful unsympathetic untiedt untruthful unwashed unworkable up upcoming upheld upmarket upon uprooting upstream ural urbanites uresti urias urologists ursy us used useless using utecht utke uttered utzinger v. vacaville vaclav vagelos vainly valdivia valentin valery valiquette vallette valor valuing vanacore vanbergen vancouver's vandehey vanderbilt vanderlinden vanderwal vandewalker vandyne vangel vanhoose vanishing vanmaanen vannortwick vanquish vanslooten vanuatu vanwhy vaporized vari varina varnes vary vaske vast vaughn's vazquez veda vegesna vehicles' velakowski vellucci vempala vendor's vengeful vent ventresca venus verbiage verdicts verges verifies verily vermilion vernier verret versions vertucci very vessel's vesuvius vetsch viable viau vicariously vick victim's victorious videophone vieira vies viewpoints vigliotti vikings villagers villar villines vinci vingmed vint violators vipont virgilio virologist visa visibly visor vitale vito vitulli vividness vlad's vocaltec voelz vohs voinovich volcker's volksbank volney voluntarism vonallmen vonruden vornado votaw vow voynavich vsel vultures waas wack waddle wads wagaman waging wah waif waisner waiting waitzkin waking walczyk walding waldrup walizer walkout walle walling wallsend walsh waltman wambolt wanders wangler want wanta warburg wardlow warford warm warn warned warns warrick warthen was wash washerman washoe wasp wastebaskets watchers water waterfall watermen watford wattenbarger wave waxman way ways we weak weakland weapons' weather's weatherstone weave weaver weaver's weaving webbs weckesser wedgewood weeding weeds weeks wegman wehrman weidenbach weighing weight weikel weinbaum weinreich weirdness weisenberger weisse weizman welders well wellbrock wellner welterweight wenda weng wensberg went werber were werne wertheimer wesler wessling westbrooks westerfield westervelt westlund westridge wetherly wetzler weylin whaling what whatley wheelbarrows wheezes when where whereupon wherever which whicker while whiners whipsaw whiskeys whiston whitehair whitener whitfill whitmire whittenburg whizzes who whole wholesaler whoosh whose why wiant wick wicklander wide widell widmar wiebold wiedmeyer wien wiesbaden wife wigen wigle wiland wilczek wild wildes wileen wilhelm wilkens will willabelle willen willhoite willinger willow wilmette wilthew wimmer winbush winder windmiller windt winer wingers wininger winnable winnowed winsor wintertime wiped wiring wise wisecrack wished wisniewski wisz wit with withdrawal withholds without witnesses wits wittig witz wnek woelfel wojahn wola wolfenschmidt wolgemuth wollman wolven woman women wondra won't wood woodby wooden woodhams woodmac woods woodson wool woolman wooten word wordstar workgroup workroom worldly worn worship worthier wotton would wozniak wrapping wrench wrights writedown wrona wrye wunder wurzer wyden wyles wynona x. xerox xinhua xylophone yachtsman yadava yahoo yaksha yamagata yan yank yanofsky yard yarosh yasunori yawns yeakey yearly yeatts yell yeltsin's yerby yesteryear yield ynjiun yoest yokley yonder yorba yoshiaki you young younge younkin your yourself youtsey yuck yudhishtira yukon yuppies yutzy zabows zachman zaftig's zahniser zajdel zaley's zamora zangari zapatista zarate zartman zawacki zealand zeckendorf zeh zeiner zele zellerbach zemeckis zenith zepeda zeros zhao zickefoose ziemer zigler zillions zimny zinn zipfel zircons ziyad zoeller zolp zooms zoss zucchini zuganov's zummo zurich's zwicky zyuganov's
Once upon a time, while Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the Bodhisatta came to life at the foot of the Himalayas as a monkey. He grew strong and sturdy, big of frame, well to do, and lived by a curve of the river Ganges in a forest haunt. Now at that time there was a crocodile dwelling in the Ganges. The crocodile's mate saw the great frame of the monkey, and she conceived a longing to eat his heart. So she said to her lord, "Sir, I desire to eat the heart of that great king of the monkeys!" "Good wife," said the crocodile, "I live in the water and he lives on dry land. How can we catch him?" "By hook or by crook," she replied, "he must be caught. If I don't get him, I shall die." "All right," answered the crocodile, consoling her, "don't trouble yourself. I have a plan. I will give you his heart to eat." So when the Bodhisatta was sitting on the bank of the Ganges, after taking a drink of water, the crocodile drew near, and said, "Sir Monkey, why do you live on bad fruits in this old familiar place? On the other side of the Ganges there is no end to the mango trees, and labuja trees, with fruit sweet as honey! Is it not better to cross over and have all kinds of wild fruit to eat?" "Lord Crocodile," the monkey answered. "The Ganges is deep and wide. How shall I get across?" "If you want to go, I will let you sit upon my back, and carry you over." The monkey trusted him, and agreed. "Come here, then," said the crocodile. "Up on my back with you!" and up the monkey climbed. But when the crocodile had swum a little way, he plunged the monkey under the water. "Good friend, you are letting me sink!" cried the monkey. "What is that for?" The crocodile said, "You think I am carrying you out of pure good nature? Not a bit of it! My wife has a longing for your heart, and I want to give it to her to eat.!" "Friend," said the monkey, "it is nice of you to tell me. Why, if our heart were inside us, when we go jumping among the tree tops it would be all knocked to pieces!" "Well, where do you keep it?" asked the crocodile. The Bodhisatta pointed out a fig tree, with clusters of ripe fruit, standing not far off. "See," said he, "there are our hearts hanging on yonder fig tree." "If you will show me your heart," said the crocodile, "then I won't kill you." "Take me to the tree, then, and I will point it out to you." The crocodile brought him to the place. The monkey leapt off his back, and, climbing up the fig tree, sat upon it. "Oh silly crocodile!" said he. "You thought that there were creatures that kept their hearts in a treetop! You are a fool, and I have outwitted you! You may keep your fruit to yourself. Your body is great, but you have no sense." And then to explain this idea he uttered the following stanzas: Rose-apple, jack-fruit, mangoes, too, across the water there I see; Enough of them, I want them not; my fig is good enough for me! Great is your body, verily, but how much smaller is your wit! Now go your ways, Sir Crocodile, for I have had the best of it. The crocodile, feeling as sad and miserable as if he had lost a thousand pieces of money, went back sorrowing to the place where he lived.