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Install Git on Mac

时间:2015-04-09 01:02:38      阅读:172      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


The git installer for Mac that you used should have installed git into /usr/local/git. Check if /usr/local/git/bin is included in PATH.  Running echo $PATH from the terminal and make sure that you see  /usr/local/git/bin .

(Note: Mac OS has already preinstalled git which is installed to /usr/bin, so you may not need install again if you don‘t want to use the latest version)

If not, you need to add it to your PATH

  1. Mount the git-osx-installer disk image by double-clicking xxx.dmg
  2. Open Terminal 
  3. Type cd /Volumes/xxx/
  4. Type ./setup git PATH for non-terminal programs.sh and hit Enter to run the shell script. 
  5. Open a new Terminal and type echo $PATH
  6. Confirm that you see /usr/local/git/bin in your PATH.
If you want to uninstall git, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Open Terminal 
  2. Type cd /Volumes/xxx/
  3. Type ./uninstall.sh and hit Enter to run the shell script. 

Install Git on Mac



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