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set nocompatible
source $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
behave mswin
set diffexpr=MyDiff()
function MyDiff()
  let opt = -a --binary 
  if &diffopt =~ icase | let opt = opt . -i  | endif
  if &diffopt =~ iwhite | let opt = opt . -b  | endif
  let arg1 = v:fname_in
  if arg1 =~   | let arg1 = " . arg1 . " | endif
  let arg2 = v:fname_new
  if arg2 =~   | let arg2 = " . arg2 . " | endif
  let arg3 = v:fname_out
  if arg3 =~   | let arg3 = " . arg3 . " | endif
  let eq = ‘‘
  if $VIMRUNTIME =~  
    if &sh =~ \<cmd
      let cmd = "" . $VIMRUNTIME . \diff"
      let eq = "
      let cmd =
      substitute($VIMRUNTIME,  , " , ‘‘) . \diff"
    let cmd = $VIMRUNTIME . \diff
  silent execute ! . cmd .   . opt . arg1 .   . arg2 .  >  . arg3 . eq

syntax on                               "高亮
"colo torte                              "配色
set guifont=Microsoft_YaHei_Mono:h11    "字体
set lines=26 columns=93                 "gvim窗口大小
set nu                                    "行号开关
set history=100000                      "最大历史
set autoindent                          "自动缩进
set tabstop=4                           "一个TAB长度
set softtabstop=4                         "退格键的时候退回缩进的长度
set shiftwidth=4                         "每一级缩进的长度
set smarttab                              "自动缩进
set cindent                              "C风格自动缩进
set nobackup                             "不生成备份文件
set noswapfile                          "不生成swap文件
set mouse=a                             "光标定位到鼠标位置

"C,C++,Java 按F5编译运行
map <F5> :call CompileRun()<CR>
func! CompileRun()
    exec "w"
    if &filetype == c
        exec "!g++ -o run %"
"        exec "!run"
    elseif &filetype == cpp
        exec "!g++ -o run %"
"        exec "!run"
    elseif &filetype == java 
        exec "!javac -d .\\bin %" 
        exec "!java -cp .\\bin %<"
    elseif &filetype == sh

imap <c-]> {<cr>}<c-o>O<left><right> 
map <F2> :call SetTitle1()<CR> 
func SetTitle1() 
let l = 0 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include <bits/stdc++.h>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define PF(x) ((x)*(x))) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define LF(x) ((x)*PF(x))) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define IF(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i<=y;i++)) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define DF(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i>=y;i--)) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define normal)
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#ifndef normal) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    #define LL __int64) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#endif // normal) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#ifdef normal) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    #define LL long long) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#endif // normal)
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,‘‘) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,using namespace std;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const int INF=1<<31-1;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const double pi=4.0*atan(1.0);) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const int mod=1000000007;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const double EXP=1e-8;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const double E=exp(1.0);) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,‘‘) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,int main()) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,{) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    //freopen("out.txt","w",stdout);) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    ) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    return 0;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,}) 
map <F3> :call SetTitle()<CR> 
func SetTitle() 
let l = 0 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<iostream>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<algorithm>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<cstdio>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<cctype>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<cstring>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<string>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<map>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<set>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<stack>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<queue>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<cstdilib>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<vector>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<cmath>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#include<iomanip>) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define PF(x) ((x)*(x))) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define LF(x) ((x)*PF(x))) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define IF(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i<=y;i++)) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define DF(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i>=y;i--)) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#define normal)
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#ifndef normal) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    #define LL __int64) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#endif // normal) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#ifdef normal) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    #define LL long long) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,#endif // normal) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,‘‘) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,using namespace std;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const int INF=1<<31-1;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const double pi=4.0*atan(1.0);) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const int mod=1000000007;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const double EXP=1e-8;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,const double E=exp(1.0);) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,‘‘) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,int main()) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,{) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    //freopen("out.txt","w",stdout);) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    ) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,    return 0;) 
let l = l + 1 | call setline(l,}) 

map <F4> :call TitleDet()<cr>s
function AddTitle()
    call append(0,"/*=============================================================================")
    call append(1,"#")
    call append(2,"# Author: wust_HLD")
    call append(3,"#")
    call append(4,"# E-mail:wustcoder@163.com")
    call append(5,"#")
    call append(6,"# Last modified: ".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
    call append(7,"#")
    call append(8,"# Filename: ".expand("%:t"))
    call append(9,"#")
    call append(10,"# Description: http://www.cnblogs.com/I-love-HLD/")
    call append(11,"#")
    call append(12,"=============================================================================*/")
    echohl WarningMsg | echo "Successful in adding the copyright." | echohl None
function UpdateTitle()
    normal m    execute /# *Last modified:/s@:.*$@\=strftime(":\t%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")@
    normal ‘‘
    normal mk
    execute /# *Filename:/s@:.*$@\=":\t\t".expand("%:t")@
    execute "noh"
    normal k
    echohl WarningMsg | echo "Successful in updating the copy right." | echohl None
"判断前10行代码里面,是否有Last modified这个单词,
function TitleDet()
    let n=1
    while n < 10
        let line = getline(n)
        if line =~ ^\#\s*\S*Last\smodified:\S*.*$
            call UpdateTitle()
        let n = n + 1
    call AddTitle()
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