class Hanio{ public void moveOne(int n, String init, String desti){ //只有一个盘子的情况 System.out.println(" move:"+n+" from "+init+" to "+desti); } public void move(int n, String init, String temp, String desti){ if(n <= 0){ System.out.println("number error"); return; } else if(n == 1){ moveOne(n,init,desti); }else{ move(n-1, init, desti, temp);//首先将上面的(n-1)个盘子从init杆借助desti杆移至temp杆 moveOne(n, init, desti); //然后将编号为n的盘子从init杆移至desti杆 move(n-1, temp, init, desti);//最后将上面的(n-1)个盘子从temp杆借助init杆移至desti杆 } } } class HanioApp{ public static void main(String args[]){ Hanio hanio = new Hanio(); hanio.move(3, "A", "B", "C"); } }运行结果:
move:1 from A to C move:2 from A to B move:1 from C to B move:3 from A to C move:1 from B to A move:2 from B to C move:1 from A to C