xlsx编辑就是用强大的office Excel 2013 ,
也就是说 不管是程序还是美术只需要维护这个Excel就够了,然后一键批量转化为csv文件即可! 打包不会打包Excel,游戏中也不用这个!然后来到Unity3d的编辑器菜单。
参考了:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/246772/Convert-xlsx-xls-to-csv 的window窗口程序。
Unity CSV转为C#文件 来省去解析csv的步骤,节省游戏加载时间。
看看代码吧: 相关的路径可以根据项目进行更改!
using UnityEngine; using System.Data; using System.IO; using Excel; using UnityEditor; /// <summary> /// Xlsl to CS. /// </summary> public class XlslToCSV : EditorWindow { static string foldername = Application.dataPath; static DataSet result = new DataSet(); [MenuItem("Games/Excel To CSV &%#c")] // 要访问的Excel static void Menu_Click() { string Chosen_File = Application.dataPath + "/Editor" + "/test.xlsx"; // Excel的 xlsx的文件路径 getExcelData(Chosen_File); } static void getExcelData(string file) { if (file.EndsWith(".xlsx")) { // Reading from a binary Excel file (format; *.xlsx) FileStream stream = File.Open(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream); result = excelReader.AsDataSet(); excelReader.Close(); } if (file.EndsWith(".xls")) { // Reading from a binary Excel file (‘97-2003 format; *.xls) FileStream stream = File.Open(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); IExcelDataReader excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream); result = excelReader.AsDataSet(); excelReader.Close(); } // List<string> items = new List<string>(); // 得到所有表的表名 for (int i = 0; i < result.Tables.Count; i++) { // items.Add(result.Tables[i].TableName.ToString()); converToCSV(i, result.Tables[i].TableName.ToString()); } } static void converToCSV(int index, string OLdfileName) { // sheets in excel file becomes tables in dataset //result.Tables[0].TableName.ToString(); // to get sheet name (table name) string a = ""; int row_no = 0; while (row_no < result.Tables[index].Rows.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < result.Tables[index].Columns.Count; i++) { a += result.Tables[index].Rows[row_no][i].ToString() + ","; } row_no++; a += "\n"; } string output = foldername + "/Editor" + "\\" + OLdfileName + ".csv"; // 要保存的文件路径 StreamWriter csv = new StreamWriter(@output, false); csv.Write(a); csv.Close(); Debug.Log("File converted succussfully"); return; } }
其实这样做也是存在一个问题,策划也是很少使用Unity的, 他们在配置完xlsx后总不能都要打开Unity然后点击菜单进行转化吧。
那么现在就说说强大的python实现方式: 参考https://github.com/amengren/xls2csv
将xls xlsx 格式的文件转换为csv(‘,‘分隔,以‘\\n’行结束符(当然也可以设置为其他的呀!))
需要安装xlrd模块 https://pypi.python.org/pypi/xlrd (安装说明在本文最后!)
# encoding: utf-8 import os,sys,inspect,re import xdrlib,xlrd reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") #分割符 C_SPACE = "," #结束符 C_END = "\n" #获取脚本文件的当前路径 def cur_file_dir(): path = os.path.realpath(sys.path[0]) print path if os.path.isfile(path): print "exe" path = os.path.dirname(path) return os.path.abspath(path) else: print "文件" caller_file = inspect.stack()[1][1] return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(caller_file)) #搜索指定文件夹下面的文件(默认当前目录) def find_file_by_pattern(pattern=‘.*‘, base=".", circle=True): ‘‘‘‘‘查找给定文件夹下面所有 ‘‘‘ re_file = re.compile(pattern) if base == ".": base = cur_file_dir() print "开始搜索文件夹:",base final_file_list = [] cur_list = os.listdir(base) for item in cur_list: # print item if item == ".svn": continue full_path = os.path.join(base, item) if full_path.startswith("~"): continue if full_path.endswith(".xlsx") or full_path.endswith(".xls"): print "in:" + full_path bfile = os.path.isfile(item) if os.path.isfile(full_path): if re_file.search(full_path): final_file_list.append(full_path) else: final_file_list += find_file_by_pattern(pattern, full_path) ‘‘‘返回文件列表‘‘‘ return final_file_list #打开excel def open_excel(file= ‘file.xls‘): try: data = xlrd.open_workbook(file) return data except Exception,e: print str(e) #根据索引获取Excel表格中的数据 参数:file:Excel文件路径, colnameindex:表头列名所在行的索引, by_index:表的索引 def excel_table_byindex(file=‘file.xls‘, colnameindex=0, by_index=0): data = open_excel(file) table = data.sheets()[by_index] nrows = table.nrows #行数 ncols = table.ncols #列数 rowlist = [] # print heads ‘‘‘开始读取数据‘‘‘ for rownum in range(colnameindex, nrows): rowdata = table.row_values(rownum) if rowdata: collist = [] for i in range(ncols): collist.append(rowdata[i]) rowlist.append(collist) return rowlist #保存csv文件 def savaToCSV(_file, _list, _path): filename = "" content = "" #生成文件内容 for collist in _list: for i in range(len(collist)): v = collist[i] vstr = "" # print k,v if isinstance(v, float) or isinstance(v, int): vstr = str(int(v)) else:# elif isinstance(v, str): vstr = v if i > 0: content = content + C_SPACE content = content + vstr content = content + C_END #生成文件后缀 fname = os.path.splitext(_file) filename = fname[0] + ".csv" #写文件 if len(filename)>0 and len(content)>0: # filename = _path + "/" + filename print "out:" + filename file_object = open(filename, ‘w‘) file_object.write(content) file_object.close() def main(): filelist = find_file_by_pattern() if len(filelist) > 0: path = "" # if not os.path.isdir(path): # os.makedirs(path) #遍历文件生成csv for file in filelist: datalist = excel_table_byindex(file, 0) if len(datalist)>0: savaToCSV(file, datalist, path) else: print "没有找到任何excel技能文件!" if __name__=="__main__": main()