#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define DataType int #define MAX 1024 typedef struct { DataType data[MAX]; int top; }stack, *pstack; pstack init_stack() { pstack ps; ps=(pstack)malloc(sizeof(stack)); if(!ps) { printf("Error. fail malloc...\n"); return NULL; } ps->top=-1; return ps; } int empty_stack(pstack ps) { if(-1 == ps->top) return 1; else return 0; } int push(pstack ps, DataType data) { if(ps->top == MAX-1) { printf("Stack is full...\n"); return 0; } ps->top++; ps->data[ps->top]=data; return 1; } int pop(pstack ps, DataType *data) { if(empty_stack(ps)) { printf("Stack is empty...\n"); return 0; } *data=ps->data[ps->top]; ps->top--; return 1; } DataType top_stack(pstack ps) { if(empty_stack(ps)) { printf("Stack is empty...\n"); return 0; } return ps->data[ps->top]; } void display(pstack ps) { int i; if(empty_stack(ps)) { printf("Stack is empty...\n"); return; } printf("printf the items of stack...\n"); for(i=ps->top;i>-1;i--) printf("%d ", ps->data[i]); printf("\n"); } int main() { int i, num, data, pdata; pstack ps; ps=init_stack(); printf("Enter stack num:"); scanf("%d", &num); for(i=0;i<num;i++) { scanf("%d", &data); push(ps, data); } display(ps); printf("Top is %d\n", top_stack(ps)); for(i=0;i<num;i++) { pop(ps, &pdata); printf("pop : %d\n", pdata); } display(ps); printf("end stack\n"); return 0; }