# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Apr 16 23:18:27 2015 @author: shifeng """ ''' 功能:解析CDR_sample.xml文件,输出格式为DNorm接收的格式,并将训练集的“label”写入到文档中 xml文件:见CSDN资源共享 参考博客:http://www.cnblogs.com/fnng/p/3581433.html ''' import codecs import StringIO import xml from lxml import etree from xml.sax import * from xml.sax.handler import * from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import xml.dom.minidom dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse("CDR_sample.xml") root = dom.documentElement #print root.nodeName #print root.nodeValue #print root.nodeType #print root.ELEMENT_NODE #----------- ''' 方法一(未采纳): #知道元素名字的子元素,使用getElementsByTagName方法获取 #colloction为根节点,有四个元素,知道其名,通过root.getElementsByTagName(i)便能取出其子元素 colloction_ele = ["source", "date", "key", "document"] for i in colloction_ele: print root.getElementsByTagName(i)[0].nodeName #获取标签名字 # print root.getElementsByTagName(i)[0].getAttribute #documents有三个标签 document_ele = ["id", "passage", "annotation"] documents = root.getElementsByTagName("document") #print len(documents) for i in documents: #对每个文档, for j in document_ele: #取出每个标签 print i.getElementsByTagName(j)[0].nodeName #获取标签名字 print i.getElementsByTagName(j)[0].firstChild.data #获取标签之间的数据 if j == "annotation": print i.getElementsByTagName(j)[0].getAttribute("id") #获取标签属性 ''' #----------- write_text = open("train_text.txt","w") #----------- root_2 = ET.parse("CDR_sample.xml") documents = root_2.findall("./document") for per in documents: #找到所有document for child in per: #对于每个document解析其标签id,passage,annotation child_tag = child.tag if child_tag =="id": text_id = child.text print child_tag,":",text_id write_text.write(text_id+"\t") #写入文件,id和tab符号 elif child_tag =="passage": #对每个passage进行处理 passages = child for passage in passages: #每个document标签下,有多个passage标签, #passage有四种标签,对每种标签进行处理 passage_tag = passage.tag if passage_tag == "offset": #r如果是偏移量,取出偏移量 offset = int(passage.text) print "offset:",offset elif passage_tag == "text": #如果是文本,取出文本,title_text或者abstract_text text =passage.text print passage_tag,"::",text write_text.write(text) #写入文件,title_text和abstract_text两个,连续写在一起 elif passage_tag =="annotation": #如果是标注的, annotations = passage print 10*"*" for annotation in annotations: #每个passage标签下,annotation有四种标签,对每种标签处理 annotation_tag = annotation.tag # print annotation_tag,"+++++++++++++++++++" if annotation_tag == "location": print annotation.attrib["offset"],annotation.attrib["length"] elif annotation_tag == "text": diease_name = annotation.text print diease_name elif annotation_tag == "infon" and annotation.attrib["key"] !="type": #每个passage标签下,有多个annotation,每个annotation下有两个infon标签,取第二个 infons = annotation print infons.attrib["key"],infons.text # for infon in infons: # print infon.attrib["key"] elif child_tag =="annotation": #document_ele[2]: #annotation annotation = child write_text.write("\n") #每个文档遍历完一遍后,加一个换行符号 print 30*"*" write_text.close() #“label”对照待续.... ''' doc = etree.parse("CDR_sample.xml") xml_string = etree.tostring(doc) root = etree.fromstring(xml_string) parser = make_parser() # MarkDecodeHandler # MarkDecodeHandler handler = UserDecodeHandler() parser.setContentHandle(handler) parser.parse(root) for item in handler.marks: for j in item.items(): print i,j print type(doc) print type(root) # print doc.tag print root.tag # with codecs.open("CDR_sample.xml") as xml: # text = xml.readlines() # s_xml = "" # for i in text: # i=i.strip("\n") # s_xml+=i # print s_xml # soup = BeautifulSoup(s_xml) # print soup.title # for i in text: # print i '''