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windows server FileServer 共享文件的 ABE 设定脚本

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$Source = @"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;

public enum Share_Type : uint {
    STYPE_DISKTREE  = 0x00000000,   // Disk Drive
    STYPE_PRINTQ    = 0x00000001,   // Print Queue
    STYPE_DEVICE    = 0x00000002,   // Communications Device
    STYPE_IPC       = 0x00000003,   // InterProcess Communications
    STYPE_SPECIAL   = 0x80000000,   // Special share types (C$, ADMIN$, IPC$, etc)
    STYPE_TEMPORARY = 0x40000000   // Temporary share 

public enum Share_ReturnValue : int {
    NERR_Success            = 0,
    ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL     = 124, // unimplemented level for info
    ERROR_MORE_DATA         = 234,
    NERR_BufTooSmall        = 2123, // The API return buffer is too small.
    NERR_NetNameNotFound    = 2310 // This shared resource does not exist.

public enum Shi1005_flags {
    SHI1005_FLAGS_DFS                          = 0x0001,  // Part of a DFS tree (Cannot be set)
    SHI1005_FLAGS_DFS_ROOT                     = 0x0002,  // Root of a DFS tree (Cannot be set)
    SHI1005_FLAGS_RESTRICT_EXCLUSIVE_OPENS     = 0x0100,  // Disallow Exclusive file open
    SHI1005_FLAGS_FORCE_SHARED_DELETE          = 0x0200,  // Open files can be force deleted
    SHI1005_FLAGS_ALLOW_NAMESPACE_CACHING      = 0x0400,  // Clients can cache the namespace
    SHI1005_FLAGS_ACCESS_BASED_DIRECTORY_ENUM  = 0x0800,  // Only directories for which a user has FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY will be listed
    SHI1005_FLAGS_FORCE_LEVELII_OPLOCK         = 0x1000,  // Prevents exclusive caching
    SHI1005_FLAGS_ENABLE_HASH                  = 0x2000,  // Used for server side support for peer caching
    SHI1005_FLAGS_ENABLE_CA                    = 0X4000   // Used for Clustered shares

public class NetApi32 {

    // ********** Structures **********

    // SHARE_INFO_502
    [ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]
    public struct SHARE_INFO_502
        public string shi502_netname;
        public uint shi502_type;
        public string shi502_remark;
        public Int32 shi502_permissions;
        public Int32 shi502_max_uses;
        public Int32 shi502_current_uses;
        public string shi502_path;
        public IntPtr shi502_passwd;
        public Int32 shi502_reserved;
        public IntPtr shi502_security_descriptor;

    // SHARE_INFO_1005
    [ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]
    public struct SHARE_INFO_1005
        public Int32 Shi1005_flags;

    private class unmanaged {            

        [DllImport("Netapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
        internal static extern int NetShareGetInfo(
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string serverName,
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string netName,
            Int32 level,
            ref IntPtr bufPtr 

        [DllImport("netapi32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
        internal static extern int NetShareSetInfo(
            String servername, 
            String netname, 
            Int32 level, 
            ref IntPtr buf, 
            out UInt32 parm_err

    // ***** Functions *****
    public static SHARE_INFO_502 NetShareGetInfo_502(string ServerName, string ShareName) {
        Int32 level = 502;
        IntPtr lShareInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
        SHARE_INFO_502 shi502_Info = new SHARE_INFO_502();
        Int32 result = unmanaged.NetShareGetInfo(ServerName, ShareName, level, ref lShareInfo);
        if((Share_ReturnValue)result == Share_ReturnValue.NERR_Success) {
            shi502_Info = (SHARE_INFO_502)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lShareInfo, typeof(SHARE_INFO_502));
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Unable to get 502 structure.  Function returned: " + (Share_ReturnValue)result);
        return shi502_Info;

    public static SHARE_INFO_1005 NetShareGetInfo_1005(string ServerName, string ShareName) {
        Int32 level = 1005;
        IntPtr lShareInfo = IntPtr.Zero;
        SHARE_INFO_1005 shi1005_Info = new SHARE_INFO_1005();
        Int32 result = unmanaged.NetShareGetInfo(ServerName, ShareName, level, ref lShareInfo);
        if((Share_ReturnValue)result == Share_ReturnValue.NERR_Success) {
            shi1005_Info = (SHARE_INFO_1005)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lShareInfo, typeof(SHARE_INFO_1005));
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Unable to get 1005 structure.  Function returned: " + (Share_ReturnValue)result);
        return shi1005_Info;

    public static int NetShareSetInfo_1005(string ServerName, string ShareName, Int32 Shi1005_flags) {
        Int32 level = 1005;
        UInt32 err;
        SHARE_INFO_1005 shi1005_Info = new SHARE_INFO_1005();
        shi1005_Info.Shi1005_flags = Shi1005_flags;
        IntPtr lShareInfo = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(GCHandle.Alloc(shi1005_Info));
        Int32 result = unmanaged.NetShareSetInfo(ServerName, ShareName, level, ref lShareInfo, out err);
        return result;


Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source -Language CSharp  
$SmbShare = new-object NetApi32

 .\NetShareSetInfo.ps1 -rootPath "\\PXXXXXXXXXXXX\share"


windows server FileServer 共享文件的 ABE 设定脚本



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