use [0325] --使用0325数据库 create table student --创建表格 ( code int primary key identity(1,1) not null, --列 name varchar(50)not null, --列 sex varchar(50)not null, --列 age int not null, --列 [weight] int not null, --列 hight int not null, --列 idno int not null, --列 iddress varchar(50) not null, --列 ) go --连接符 insert into student values(‘张三‘,‘男‘,18,78,180,371521,‘淄博‘) --添加表中信息 insert into student values(‘李四‘,‘女‘,21,55,170,371522,‘济南‘) insert into student values(‘王五‘,‘男‘,17,70,178,371523,‘周村‘) insert into student values(‘赵六‘,‘女‘,22,50,167,371524,‘北京‘) insert into student values(‘田七‘,‘男‘,23,81,175,371525,‘南京‘) insert into student values(‘赵丹‘,‘男‘,27,81,175,371525,‘南京‘) go select *from student --查询表中所有数据 select *from student where code=3 --查询code=3的信息全部显示 *所有信息 select name,sex from student where code=3 --查询只显示code=3的信息 select *from student where code!=3 --查询显示code!=3的信息 select *from student where code>=3 --查询code>=3的信息全部显示 *所有信息 select distinct iddress from student --去重查询......... select top 4 name from student --查找头4行的名字......... select top 4 *from student --查找头4行信息........... select *from student where weight between 70 and 80 --查询重量在70到80之间的 select *from student where age in (18,23,25) -- 查找年龄范围在18,23,25的 ........ 在什么参数范围之内 select *from student where age not in (18,23,25) -- 查找年龄范围不在18,23,25的 ........ select *from student where weight >=70 and weight<=80 --逻辑语 and select *from student where weight <= 70 or weight >= 80 --逻辑语or select *from student where name like‘王%‘ --%任意字符长度 select *from student order by age ,hight desc --asc升序 desc降序 对年龄和身高进行排序 ......主牌 次牌 select *from student where age+5>28 --年龄加5大于28的 +-*/% update student set age = age +age * 0.15 where name like ‘赵%‘ --把有第一个为赵的年龄增长15% update student set name=‘赵丹‘,sex=‘女‘,hight=190 where name=‘赵六‘ --update修改 update student set age =22 where code=8 delete from student --删除所有数据 delete from student where code = 15 --删除一行信息 delete from student where code >=10 --删除>=10的行数信息 --查询年龄不在身高是178人的年龄范围之内的信息 select *from student where hight in(178) --子查询 分布查开 select *from student where age not in (17) --查询身高不在年龄是23岁人的身高范围之内的信息 select *from student where hight not in(select hight from student where age in(23)) --子查询 --名字叫赵丹的人年龄比code=1的张三那个人的年龄大三岁的人的信息 select *from student where age - 3 =(select age from student where code = 1)and name=‘赵丹‘ --名字叫赵丹的人年龄比姓王的年龄大4岁的人的信息 select *from student where name=‘赵丹‘and age - 4 in (select age from student where name like‘李%‘) --名字叫赵丹的人年龄比姓王的年龄大6岁的人的信息 select *from student where name=‘赵丹‘and age - 6 in (select age from student where name like‘李%‘)