多租户技术(英语:multi-tenancy technology)或称多重租赁技术,是一种软件架构技术,它是在探讨与实现如何于多用户的环境下共用相同的系统或程序组件,并且仍可确保各用户间数据的隔离性。
Oracle 12c Multitenant Architecture多租户框架最重要的2个概念是容器数据库(CDB,multitenant container database)和可热插拔数据库(pluggable databases,PDB)。可以把CDB想象成一个大的容器,这个大的容器在物理上是一个整体,在这个大的容器中还有一些小的容器PDB。容器的目的是将Oracle固有元数据和用户数据(包括用户元数据)隔离。
The multitenant architecture enables an Oracle database to function as a multitenant container database (CDB) that includes zero, one, or many customer-created pluggable databases (PDBs). A PDB is a portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and nonschema objects that appears to an Oracle Net client as a non-CDB.
CDB(容器数据库) :
Container Database (CDB) :
On the surface this seems very similar to a conventional Oracle database, as it contains most of the working parts you will be already familiar with (controlfiles, datafiles, undo, tempfiles, redo logs etc.). It also houses the data dictionary for those objects that are owned by the root container and those that are visible to all PDBs.
Pluggable Database (PDB) :
Since the CDB contains most of the working parts for the database, the PDB only needs to contain information specific to itself. It does not need to worry about controlfiles, redo logs and undo etc. Instead it is just made up of datafiles and tempfiles to handle it‘s own objects. This includes it‘s own data dictionary, containing information about only those objects that are specific to the PDB.
, 则新创建的数据库为非容器数据库(non-CDB ),不能包含PDB。我们将容器数据库和传统的非容器数据库放在同一个server上比对,很容易概括出Oracle公司即将推出的Oracle 12c容器数据库和可插拔式数据库的基本架构。
1、 ROOT容器,
,有且只有一个。包含元数据信息和Common User(在各个容器内都有效的用户,比如sys),
3、 PDB容器, 0~n个,也是最重要的,包含用户数据,我们的创建的表就放在这里。
Exactly one root
The root stores Oracle-supplied metadata and common users. An example of metadata is the source code for Oracle-supplied PL/SQL packages (see "Data Dictionary Architecture in a CDB"). A common user is a database user known in every container (see "Common Users in a CDB"). The root container is named
.Exactly one seed PDB
The seed PDB is a system-supplied template that the CDB can use to create new PDBs. The seed PDB is named
. You cannot add or modify objects inPDB$SEED
.Since the bulk of the working parts are already present in the root container, creating a new PDB is a comparatively quick and simple task. When creating a completely new PDP, the PDB is created as a copy of a seed PDB, so it only takes as long as the files take to copy.Zero or more user-created PDBs
A PDB is a user-created entity that contains the data and code required for a specific set of features. For example, a PDB can support a specific application, such as a human resources or sales application. No PDBs exist at creation of the CDB. You add PDBs based on your business requirements.
1. 在Root容器中的SYSTEM数据字典里只保存Oracle固有元数据(只针对Oracle提供的对象,比如DBMS_%的包等等)。
2. 在每个可插拔式数据库(容器)中的SYSTEM数据字典只保存用户在可插拔式数据库创建的对象的元数据。
如上图,逻辑层,包含一个Root,一个Seed,两个PDB.不同的应用使用不同的PDB.不同的PDB 管理员管理各自的PDB.而整个CDB的Common User(比如sys)可以管理整个CDB包含的所有的Container。而在物理层,只对应一个数据库实例。
- Cost reduction
By consolidating hardware and sharing database memory and files, you reduce costs for hardware, storage, availability, and labor. For example, 100 PDBs on a single server share one database instance and one set of database files, thereby requiring less hardware and fewer personnel.
- Easier and more rapid movement of data and code
By design, you can quickly plug a PDB into a CDB, unplug the PDB from the CDB, and then plug this PDB into a different CDB. The implementation technique for plugging and unplugging is similar to the transportable tablespace technique.
- Easier management and monitoring of the physical database
The CDB administrator can attend to one physical database (one set of files and one set of database instances) rather than split attention among dozens or hundreds of non-CDBs. Backup strategies and disaster recovery are simplified.
- Separation of data and code
Although consolidated into a single physical database, PDBs mimic the behavior of non-CDBs. For example, if user error loses critical data, a PDB administrator can use Oracle Flashback or point-in-time recovery to retrieve the lost data without affecting other PDBs.
- Secure separation of administrative duties
A user account is common, which means that it can connect to any container on which it has privileges, or local, which means that it is restricted to a specific PDB. A CDB administrator can use a common user account to manage the CDB. A PDB administrator uses a local account to manage an individual PDB. Because a privilege is contained within the container in which it is granted, a local user on one PDB does not have privileges on other PDBs within the same CDB.
- Ease of performance tuning
It is easier to collect performance metrics for a single database than for multiple databases. It is easier to size one SGA than 100 SGAs.
- Support for Oracle Database Resource Manager
In a multitenant environment, one concern is contention for system resources among the PDBs running on the same computer. Another concern is limiting resource usage for more consistent, predictable performance. To address such resource contention, usage, and monitoring issues, you can use Oracle Database Resource Manager (see "Database Resource Manager").
- Fewer database patches and upgrades
It is easier to apply a patch to one database than to 100 databases, and to upgrade one database than to upgrade 100 databases.
The multitenant architecture has benefits beyond database consolidation. These benefits derive from storing the data and data dictionary metadata specific to a PDB in the PDB itself rather than storing all dictionary metadata in one place. By storing its own dictionary metadata, a PDB becomes easier to manage as a distinct unit, even when only one PDB resides in a CDB.
Benefits of data dictionary separation include the following:
- Easier migration of data and code
For example, instead of upgrading a CDB from one database release to another, you can unplug a PDB from the existing CDB, and then plug it into a newly created CDB from a higher release.
- Easier testing of applications
You can develop an application on a test PDB and, when it is ready for deployment, plug this PDB into the production CDB.
在一个容器数据库内的可插拔式数据库共享后台进程、SGA和数据字典。容器数据库避免了以下结构不必要的冗余: 后台进程、内存、数据字典内的元数据
Introduction to the Multitenant Architecture
verview of Container Databases (CDB) and Pluggable Databases (PDB)
Multitenant Architecture---PDB与CDB