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Android5.0 计算器计算结果不准确和结果末尾的多余的‘0’没有省略的解决方法

时间:2015-04-22 11:39:30      阅读:301      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:calculator   计算机计算结果不正确   计算器多余的0没有省略   

Android5.0 计算器计算结果不准确和结果末尾的多余的‘0’没有省略





2.输入 100-99.9



1.结果为: 0.0999999999


1.结果应为: 0.1





2.输入1000-999.9,查看结果是否为: 0.1


1.结果显示为: 0.10000000






<span style="font-size:18px;">package com.android.calculator2;
<span style="color:#ff0000;">import java.util.Locale;//added </span>
import org.javia.arity.Symbols;
import org.javia.arity.SyntaxException;
import org.javia.arity.Util;
public class CalculatorExpressionEvaluator {
    private static final int MAX_DIGITS = 12;
    private static final int ROUNDING_DIGITS = 2;
    private final Symbols mSymbols;
    private final CalculatorExpressionTokenizer mTokenizer;
    <span style="color:#ff0000;">private static final String NAN      = "NaN";//added</span>
    public CalculatorExpressionEvaluator(CalculatorExpressionTokenizer tokenizer) {
        mSymbols = new Symbols();
        mTokenizer = tokenizer;
    public void evaluate(CharSequence expr, EvaluateCallback callback) {
        evaluate(expr.toString(), callback);
    public void evaluate(String expr, EvaluateCallback callback) {
        expr = mTokenizer.getNormalizedExpression(expr);
        // remove any trailing operators
        while (expr.length() > 0 && "+-/*".indexOf(expr.charAt(expr.length() - 1)) != -1) {
            expr = expr.substring(0, expr.length() - 1);
        try {
            if (expr.length() == 0 || Double.valueOf(expr) != null) {
                callback.onEvaluate(expr, null, Calculator.INVALID_RES_ID);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            // expr is not a simple number
        try {
            double result = mSymbols.eval(expr);
            if (Double.isNaN(result)) {
                callback.onEvaluate(expr, null, R.string.error_nan);
            } else {
                // The arity library uses floating point arithmetic when evaluating the expression
                // leading to precision errors in the result. The method doubleToString hides these
                // errors; rounding the result by dropping N digits of precision.
            	<span style="color:#ff0000;">/*add*/
            	String strResult = "";   
                for (int precision = MAX_DIGITS; precision > 6; precision--) {
                	strResult = tryFormattingWithPrecision(result, precision);
                    if (strResult.length() <= MAX_DIGITS) {
              <span style="color:#ff0000;">  final String resultString = mTokenizer.getLocalizedExpression(
                        /*Util.doubleToString(result, MAX_DIGITS, ROUNDING_DIGITS)*/strResult);//modified</span>
                callback.onEvaluate(expr, resultString, Calculator.INVALID_RES_ID);
        } catch (SyntaxException e) {
            callback.onEvaluate(expr, null, R.string.error_syntax);
    public interface EvaluateCallback {
        public void onEvaluate(String expr, String result, int errorResourceId);
<span style="font-size:18px;">
<span style="color:#ff0000;">    /*added*/
    private String tryFormattingWithPrecision(double value, int precision) {
        // The standard scientific formatter is basically what we need. We will
        // start with what it produces and then massage it a bit.
        String result = String.format(Locale.US, "%" + MAX_DIGITS + "." + precision + "g", value);
        if (result.equals(NAN)) { // treat NaN as Error
            return "NAN";
        String mantissa = result;
        String exponent = null;
        int e = result.indexOf('e');
        if (e != -1) {
            mantissa = result.substring(0, e);
            // Strip "+" and unnecessary 0's from the exponent
            exponent = result.substring(e + 1);
            if (exponent.startsWith("+")) {
                exponent = exponent.substring(1);
            exponent = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(exponent));
        } else {
            mantissa = result;
        int period = mantissa.indexOf('.');
        if (period == -1) {
            period = mantissa.indexOf(',');
        if (period != -1) {
            // Strip trailing 0's
            while (mantissa.length() > 0 && mantissa.endsWith("0")) {
                mantissa = mantissa.substring(0, mantissa.length() - 1);
            if (mantissa.length() == period + 1) {
                mantissa = mantissa.substring(0, mantissa.length() - 1);
        if (exponent != null) {
            result = mantissa + 'e' + exponent;
        } else {
            result = mantissa;
        return result;




Android5.0 计算器计算结果不准确和结果末尾的多余的‘0’没有省略的解决方法

标签:calculator   计算机计算结果不正确   计算器多余的0没有省略   


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