#!/bin/bash - #=============================================================================== # # FILE: shell_pack.sh # # USAGE: ./shell_pack.sh # # DESCRIPTION: # # OPTIONS: --- # REQUIREMENTS: --- # BUGS: --- # NOTES: --- # AUTHOR: lwq (28120), scue@vip.qq.com # ORGANIZATION: # CREATED: 04/22/2015 02:38:01 PM CST # REVISION: --- #=============================================================================== #=== FUNCTION ================================================================ # NAME: usage # DESCRIPTION: Display usage information. #=============================================================================== function usage () { cat <<- EOT Usage : $0 -p package -s script file1 file2 file3 .. Options: -h|help Display this message -p|package The output package name -s|script The script will run when unpack package Other The all files what you want to pack EOT } # ---------- end of function usage ---------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle command line arguments #----------------------------------------------------------------------- while getopts ":hp:s:" opt do case $opt in h|help ) usage; exit 0 ;; p|package ) package_name=$OPTARG ;; s|script ) install_script=$OPTARG ;; \? ) echo -e "\n Option does not exist : $OPTARG\n" usage; exit 1 ;; esac # --- end of case --- done shift $(($OPTIND-1)) if [[ -z $package_name ]]; then echo "package_name can‘t not be empty" usage exit fi if [[ -z $package_name ]]; then echo "install_script can‘t not be empty" usage exit fi files=$@ generate_wrapper_script(){ local install_script=$1 local wrapper_script=$2 cat <<-‘EOT‘ >$wrapper_script #!/bin/sh echo "begin ..." unpackdir=/tmp/$(basename $0)_unpack rm -rf $unpackdir 2>/dev/null mkdir -p $unpackdir echo "unpacking ..." sed ‘1, /^#__SCRIPTEND__/d‘ $0 | tar zxf - -C $unpackdir if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "unpack package failed." exit 1 fi echo "" echo "installing ..." cd $unpackdir EOT cat <<-EOR >>$wrapper_script chmod +x $install_script ./$install_script EOR cat <<-‘EOE‘ >>$wrapper_script if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "install failed." exit 2 elif [[ -d $unpackdir ]]; then rm -rf $unpackdir fi echo "install ok, enjoy!" exit 0 #__SCRIPTEND__ EOE } tarfile=package_content_$$.tgz wrapfile=wrap_$$.sh echo -e "start packing ..\n" tar zcvf $tarfile $files $install_script generate_wrapper_script $install_script $wrapfile cat $wrapfile $tarfile > $package_name chmod +x $package_name echo -e "\noutput: $package_name\n" rm -f $tarfile rm -f $wrapfile
文件内容保存到 shell_pack.sh,使用方法举例:
./shell_pack.sh -p logcat_install -s logcat_install.sh logcat_all.sh logcat_wrapper.sh vmstat2
将产生可执行文件“logcat_install”,执行logcat_install时,会解压自身文件内的tar.gz文件,并执行关键的脚本 logcat_install.sh