NSURLConnection 指的是一组构成Foundation框架中URL加载系统的相互关联的组件:NSURLRequest,NSURLResponse,NSURLProtocol,NSURLCache,NSHTTPCookieStorage,NSURLCredentialStorage,以及和它同名的NSURLConnection。
在WWDC 2013中,Apple的团队对NSURLConnection进行了重构,并推出了NSURLSession作为替代。
NSURLSession也是一组相互依赖的类,它的大部分组件和NSURLConnection中的组件相同如NSURLRequest,NSURLCache等。而NSURLSession的不同之处在于,它将NSURLConnection替换为NSURLSession和NSURLSessionConfiguration,以及3个NSURLSessionTask的子类:NSURLSessionDataTask, NSURLSessionUploadTask, 和NSURLSessionDownloadTask。
//会话模式 //默认会话模式(default):工作模式类似于原来的NSURLConnection,使用的是基于磁盘缓存的持久化策略,使用用户keychain中保存的证书进行认证授权。 class func defaultSessionConfiguration() -> NSURLSessionConfiguration //瞬时会话模式(ephemeral):该模式不使用磁盘保存任何数据。所有和会话相关的caches,证书,cookies等都被保存在RAM中,因此当程序使会话无效,这些缓存的数据就会被自动清空。 class func ephemeralSessionConfiguration() -> NSURLSessionConfiguration @availability(iOS, introduced=8.0) //后台会话模式(background):该模式在后台完成上传和下载,在创建Configuration对象的时候需要提供一个NSString类型的ID用于标识完成工作的后台会话。 class func backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier(identifier: String) -> NSURLSessionConfiguration //属性 var allowsCellularAccess: Bool //指定是否允许使用蜂窝连接 var discretionary: Bool //系统判断(后台传输数据宜选择此项)
class func sharedSession() -> NSURLSession init(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration) -> NSURLSession init(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration?, delegate: NSURLSessionDelegate?, delegateQueue queue: NSOperationQueue?) -> NSURLSession
获取实例的方法在 NSURLSession 中
/* Creates a data task with the given request. The request may have a body stream. */ func dataTaskWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest) -> NSURLSessionDataTask /* Creates a data task to retrieve the contents of the given URL. */ func dataTaskWithURL(url: NSURL) -> NSURLSessionDataTask /* Creates an upload task with the given request. The body of the request will be created from the file referenced by fileURL */ func uploadTaskWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest, fromFile fileURL: NSURL) -> NSURLSessionUploadTask /* Creates an upload task with the given request. The body of the request is provided from the bodyData. */ func uploadTaskWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest, fromData bodyData: NSData?) -> NSURLSessionUploadTask /* Creates an upload task with the given request. The previously set body stream of the request (if any) is ignored and the URLSession:task:needNewBodyStream: delegate will be called when the body payload is required. */ func uploadTaskWithStreamedRequest(request: NSURLRequest) -> NSURLSessionUploadTask /* Creates a download task with the given request. */ func downloadTaskWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest) -> NSURLSessionDownloadTask /* Creates a download task to download the contents of the given URL. */ func downloadTaskWithURL(url: NSURL) -> NSURLSessionDownloadTask /* Creates a download task with the resume data. If the download cannot be successfully resumed, URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError: will be called. */ func downloadTaskWithResumeData(resumeData: NSData) -> NSURLSessionDownloadTask
@availability(iOS, introduced=7.0) func dataTaskWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest, completionHandler: ((NSData!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?) -> NSURLSessionDataTask @availability(iOS, introduced=7.0) func dataTaskWithURL(url: NSURL, completionHandler: ((NSData!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?) -> NSURLSessionDataTask /* * upload convenience method. */ @availability(iOS, introduced=7.0) func uploadTaskWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest, fromFile fileURL: NSURL, completionHandler: ((NSData!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?) -> NSURLSessionUploadTask @availability(iOS, introduced=7.0) func uploadTaskWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest, fromData bodyData: NSData?, completionHandler: ((NSData!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?) -> NSURLSessionUploadTask /* * download task convenience methods. When a download successfully * completes, the NSURL will point to a file that must be read or * copied during the invocation of the completion routine. The file * will be removed automatically. */ @availability(iOS, introduced=7.0) func downloadTaskWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest, completionHandler: ((NSURL!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?) -> NSURLSessionDownloadTask @availability(iOS, introduced=7.0) func downloadTaskWithURL(url: NSURL, completionHandler: ((NSURL!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?) -> NSURLSessionDownloadTask @availability(iOS, introduced=7.0) func downloadTaskWithResumeData(resumeData: NSData, completionHandler: ((NSURL!, NSURLResponse!, NSError!) -> Void)?) -> NSURLSessionDownloadTask
func finishTasksAndInvalidate() /* -invalidateAndCancel acts as -finishTasksAndInvalidate, but issues * -cancel to all outstanding tasks for this session. Note task * cancellation is subject to the state of the task, and some tasks may * have already have completed at the time they are sent -cancel. */ func invalidateAndCancel() func resetWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler: () -> Void) /* empty all cookies, cache and credential stores, removes disk files, issues -flushWithCompletionHandler:. Invokes completionHandler() on the delegate queue if not nil. */ func flushWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler: () -> Void) /* flush storage to disk and clear transient network caches. Invokes completionHandler() on the delegate queue if not nil. */ func getTasksWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler: ([AnyObject]!, [AnyObject]!, [AnyObject]!) -> Void) /* invokes completionHandler with outstanding data, upload and download tasks. */