typedef struct task_queue { pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; /* when no task, the manager thread wait for ;when a new task come, signal. */ struct task_node *head; /* point to the task_link. */ int number; /* current number of task, include unassinged and assigned but no finished. */ } TASK_QUEUE_T; /* *the ds of every thread, make all thread in a double link queue. */ typedef struct pthread_node { pthread_t tid; /* the pid of this thread in kernel,the value is syscall return . */ int flag; /* 1:busy, 0:free. */ struct task_node *work; /* if exec a work, which work. */ struct pthread_node *next; struct pthread_node *prev pthread_cond_t cond; /* when assigned a task, signal this child thread by manager. */ pthread_mutex_t mutex; } THREAD_NODE; /* *the ds of the thread queue */ typedef struct pthread_queue { int number; /* the number of thread in this queue. */ struct pthread_node *head; struct pthread_node *rear; pthread_cond_t cond; /* when no idle thread, the manager wait for ,or when a thread return with idle, signal. */ pthread_mutex_t mutex; } PTHREAD_QUEUE_T;
typedef struct task_node
void *arg; /* fun arg. */
void *(*fun) (void *); /* the real work of the task. */
pthread_t tid; /* which thread exec this task. */
int work_id; /* task id. */
int flag; /* 1: assigned, 0: unassigned. */
struct task_node *next;
pthread_mutex_t mutex; /* when modify this ds and exec the work,lock the task ds. */
3、线程池struct pthread_queue,用于管理线程,有线程的首指针和尾指针,线程的个数number,线程池在代码中包括空闲线程和工作线程两大类,分别用两个变量表示
4、线程struc pthread_node,对应线程。包括线程的id,工作状态,此线程要运行的任务task_node指针,用于找到任务,然后 struct pthread_node *next;struct pthread_node *prev形成一个线程结构的双向链表