OGG的Director web hang住的两种解决方法:
OGG的Director web hang住的解释:是指web界面能登陆进去,但是看得刷新日期是很久之前的日期,并且该日期不变化。
OGG的Director web hang住 的情况之一:
Director web displaying “Error 500—Internal Server Error”. Domain log has Cannot open paging store. (Doc ID 1304271.1)
OGG Director web displaying “Error 500—Internal Server Error” in the event log window. This issue can also result in successful login to Director web but monitored hosts are shown in red. The domain.log in <Director server install>\domain\servers\<host>\logs shows: < Mar 3, 2011 10:24:10 PM CST> <Error> <JMS> <BEA-040123> <Failed to start JMS Server "gg-jms-server" due to weblogic.jms.common.JMSException: weblogic.messaging.kernel.KernelException: Cannot open paging store. Caused By: weblogic.messaging.kernel.KernelException: Cannot open paging store
OGG Director server uses WebLogic to host the Director application. Inside the WebLogic domain, WebLogic creates a file based paging store. When weblogic jvm runs low on memory, this is used to page non-persistent messages. Usually, the place is: < weblogic_install>\user_projects\domains\$DomainName\servers\$ServerName\tmp So, for Director environment, it would be < Director_Server_installLocation>\domain\servers\<machine-name>\tmp e.g. <Dir-server-insall>\domain\servers\localhost\tmp The suggested solution is:- 1. stop the Director server 2. Take a backup of "tmp" directory: < Dir-server-install>\domains\$DomainName\servers\$ServerName\tmp 3. Delete the tmp directory under < Dir-server-install>\domains\$DomainName\servers\$ServerName\tmp 4. Restart the Director server The tmp directory will automatically be created again when WebLogic needs to cache messages.
OGG的Director web hang住 的情况之二:
参考:OGG Director not purging rows from the repository tables (Doc ID 1348595.1)
也就是 ACONPROCSB, STATSENTRYB, LOGENTRYB and all JMS_* tables 这几个表太大。做一个定时任务truncate即可。