1. cudaChooseDevice: select compute-device which best matches criteria;
2. cudaDeviceGetAttribute: returns information about the device;
3. cudaDeviceGetByPCIBusld: returns a handle to a compute device;
4. cudaDeviceGetCacheConfig:returns the preferred cache configuration for the current device;
5. cudaDeviceGetLimit: returns resource limits;
6. cudaDeviceGetPCIBusld: returns a PCI Bus ID string for the device;
7. cudaDeviceShareMemConfig: returns the shared memory configuration for the current device;
8. cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange:returns numerical values that correspond to the least and greatest stream priorities;
9. cudaDeviceReset: destroy all allocations and reset all state on the current device in the current process;
10. cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig: sets the preferred cache configuration for the current device;
11. cudaDeviceSetLimit: set resource limits;
12. cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig:sets the shared memory configuration for the current device;
13. cudaDeviceSynchronize: wait for compute device to finish;
14. cudaGetDevice: returns which device is currently being used;
15. cudaGetDeviceCount: returns the number of compute-capable devices;
16. cudaGetDeviceFlags: gets the flags for the current device;
17. cudaGetDeviceProperties: returns information about the compute-device;
18. cudaIpcCloseMemHandle: close memory mapped with cudaIpcOpenMemHandle;
19. cudaIpcGetEventHandle: get an interprocess handle for a previously allocated event;
20. cudaIpcGetMemHandle: get an interprocess memory handle for an existing device memory allocation;
21. cudaIpcOpenEventHandle: opens an interprocess event handle for use in the current process;
22. cudaIpcOpenMemHandle: opens an interprocess memory handle exported from another process and returns a device pointer usable in the local process;
23. cudaSetDevice: set device to be used for GPU executions;
24. cudaSetDeviceFlags: sets flags to be used for device executions;
25. cudaSetValidDevices: set a list of devices that can be used for CUDA;
26. cudaThreadExit: exit and cleanup from CUDA launches;
27. cudaThreadGetCacheConfig: returns the preferred cache configuration for the current device;
28. cudaThreadGetLimit: returns resource limits;
29. cudaThreadSetCacheConfig: sets the preferred cache configuration for the current device;
30. cudaThreadSetLimit: set resource limits;
31. cudaThreadSynchronize: wait for compute device to finish;
32. cudaGetErrorName: returns the string representation of an error code enum name;
33. cudaGetErrorString: returns the description string for an error code;
34. cudaGetLastError: returns the last error from a runtime call;
35. cudaPeekAtLastError: returns the last error from a runtime call;
36. cudaStreamCallback_t: type of stream callback functions;
37. cudaStreamAddCallback: add a callback to a compute stream;
38. cudaStreamAttachMemAsync:attach memory to a stream asynchronously;
39. cudaStreamCreate: create an asynchronous stream;
40. cudaStreamCreateWithFlags: create an asynchronous stream;
41. cudaStreamCreateWithPriority:create an asynchronous stream with the specified priority;
42. cudaStreamDestroy: destroys and cleans up an asynchronous stream;
43. cudaStreamGetFlags: query the flags of a stream;
44. cudaStreamGetPriority: query the priority of a stream;
45. cudaStreamQuery: queries an asynchronous stream for completion status;
46. cudaStreamSynchronize: waits for stream tasks to complete;
47. cudaStreamWaitEvent: make a compute stream wait on an event;
48. cudaEventCreate: create an event object;
49. cudaEventCreateWithFlags: creates an event object with the specified flags;
50. cudaEventDestroy: destroys an event object;
51. cudaEventElapsedTime: computes the elapsed time between events;
52. cudaEventQuery: queries an event’s status;
53. cudaEventRecord: records an event;
54. cudaEventSynchronize: waits for an event to complete;
55. cudaFuncGetAttributes: find out attributes for a given function;
56. cudaFuncSetCacheConfig: sets the preferred cache configuration for a device function;
57. cudaFuncSetSharedMemConfig: sets the shared memory configuration for a device function;
58. cudaGetParameterBuffer: obtains a parameter buffer;
59. cudaGetParameterBufferV2: launches a specified buffer;
60. cudaLaunchKernel: launches a device function;
61. cudaSetDoubleForDevice: converts a double argument to the executed on a device;
62. cudaSetDoubleForHost: converts a double argument after execution on a device;
63. cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor: returns occupancy for a device function;
64. cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags: returns occupancy for a device function with the specified flags;
65. cudaConfigureCall: configure a device-launch;
66. cuadLaunch: launches a devicefunction;
67. cudaSetupArgument: configure adevice launch;
68. cudaArrayGetInfo: gets info about the specified cudaArray;
69. cudaFree: frees memory on the device;
70. cudaFreeArray: frees an array on the device;
71. cudaFreeHost: frees pape-locked memory;
72. cudaFreeMipmappedArray: frees a mipmapped array on the device;
73. cudaGetMipmappedArrayLevel: gets a mipmap level of a CUDA mipmapped array;
74. cudaGetSymbolAddress: finds the address associated with a CUDA symbol;
75. cudaGetSymbolSize: finds the size of the object associated with a CUDA symbol;
76. cudaHostAlloc: allocates page-locked memory on the host;
77. cudaHostGetDevicePointer: passes back device pointer of mapped host memory allocated by cudaHostAlloc orregistered by cudaHostRegister;
78. cudaHostGetFlags: passes back flags used to allocate pinned host memory allocated by cudaHostAlloc;
79. cudaHostRegister: registers an existing host memory range for use by CUDA;
80. cudaHostUnregister: unregistersa memory range that was registered with cudaHostRegister;
81. cudaMalloc: allocate memory on the device;
82. cudaMalloc3D: allocates logical 1D, 2D, or 3D memory objects on the device;
83. cudaMalloc3DArray: allocate an array on the device;
84. cuadMallocArray: allocate an array on the device;
85. cudaMallocHost: allocates page-locked memory on the host;
86. cudaMallocManaged: allocates memory that will be automatically managed by the Unified Memory system;
87. cudaMallocMipmappedArray: allocate a mipmapped array on the device;
88. cudaMallocPitch: allocates pitched memory on the device;
89. cudaMemcpy: copies data between host and device;
90. cudaMemcpy2D: copies data between host and device;
91. cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray: copies data between host and device;
92. cudaMemcpy2DAsync: copies data between host and device;
93. cudaMemcpy2DFromArray: copies data between host and device;
94. cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync: copies data between host and device;
95. cudaMemcpy2DToArray: copies data between host and device;
96. cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync: copies data between host and device;
97. cudaMemcpy3D: copies data between 3D objects;
98. cudaMemcpy3DAsync: copies data between 3D objects;
99. cudaMemcpy3DPeer: copies memory between devices;
100. cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync: copies memory between devices asynchronously;
101. cudaMemcpyArrayToArray: copies data between host and device;
102. cudaMemcpyAsync: copies data between host and device;
103. cudaMemcpyFromArray: copies data between host and device;
104. cudaMemcpyFromArrayAsync: copies data between host and device;
105. cudaMemcpyFromSymbol: copies data from the given symbol on the device;
106. cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync: copies data from the given symbol on the device;
107. cudaMemcpyPeer: copies memory between two devices;
108. cudaMemcpyPeerAsync: copies memory between two devices asynchronously;
109. cudaMemcpyToArray: copies data between host and device;
110. cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync: copies data between host and device;
111. cudaMemcpyToSymbol: copies data to the given symbol on the device;
112. cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync: copies data to the given symbol on the device;
113. cudaMemGetInfo: gets free and total device memory;
114. cudaMemset: initializes or sets device memory to a value;
115. cudaMemset2D: initializes or sets device memory to a value;
116. cudaMemset2DAsync: initializes or sets device memory to a value;
117. cudaMemset3D: initializes or sets device memory to a value;
118. cudaMemset3DAsync: initializes or sets device memory to a value;
119. cudaMemsetAsync: initializes or sets device memory to a value;
120. make_cudaExtent: returns a cudaExtent based on input parameters;
121. make_cudaPitchedPtr: returns a cudaPitchedPtr based on input parameters;
122. make_cudaPos: returns a cudaPos based on input parameters;
123. cudaPointerGetAttributes: returns attributes about a specified pointer;
124. cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer: queries if a device may directly access apeer device’s memory;
125. cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccess: disables direct access to memory allocations on a peer device;
126. cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess: enables direct access to memory allocations on a peer device;
127. cudaGLDeviceList: CUDA devices corresponding to the current OpenGLcontext;
128. cudaGLGetDevices: gets the CUDA devices associated with the current OpenGL context;
129. cudaGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer: registers an OpenGL buffer object;
130. cudaGraphicsGLRegisterImage: register an OpenGL texture or renderbuffer object;
131. cudaWGLGetDevice: gets the CUDA device associated with hGpu;
132. cudaGLMapFlags: CUDA GL Map Flags;
133. cudaGLMapBufferObject: maps a buffer object for access by CUDA;
134. cudaGLMapBufferObjectAsync: maps a buffer object for access by CUDA;
135. cudaGLRegisterBufferObject: registers a buffer object for access byCUDA;
136. cudaGLSetBufferObjectMapFlags: set usage flags for mapping an OpenGL buffer;
137. cudaGLSetGLDevice: sets a CUDA device to use OpenGL interoperability;
138. cudaGLUnmapBufferObject: unmaps a buffer object for access by CUDA;
139. cudaGLUnmapBufferObjectAsync: unmaps a buffer object for access byCUDA;
140. cudaGLUnregisterBufferObject: unregisters a buffer object for accessby CUDA;
141. cudaD3D9DeviceList: CUDA devices corresponding to a D3D9 device;
142. cudaD3D9GetDevice: gets the device number for an adapter;
143. cudaD3D9GetDevices: get the CUDA devices corresponding to a Direct3D9 device;
144. cudaD3D9GetDirect3DDevice: gets the Direct3D device against whichthe current CUDA context was created;
145. cudaD3D9SetDirect3DDevice: sets the Direct3D 9 device to use for interoperability with a CUDA device;
146. cudaGraphicsD3D9RegisterResource: register a Direct3D 9 resourcesfor access by CUDA;
147. cudaD3D9MapFlags: CUDA D3D9 Map Flags;
148. cudaD3D9RegisterFlags: CUDA D3D9 Register Flags;
149. cudaD3D9MapResources: map Direct3D resources for access by CUDA;
150. cudaD3D9RegisterResource: registers a Direct3D resource for accessby CUDA;
151. cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedArray: get an array through which to accessa subresource of a Direct3D resource which has been mapped for access by CUDA;
152. cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedPitch: get the pitch of a subresource of aDirect3D resource which has been mapped for access by CUDA;
153. cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedPointer: get a pointer through which to access a subresource of a Direct3D resource which has been mapped for access byCUDA;
154. cudaD3D9ResourceGetMappedSize: get the size of a subresource of a Direct3D resource which has been mapped for access by CUDA;
155. cudaD3D9ResourceGetSurfaceDimensions: get the dimensions of a registered Direct3D surface;
156. cudaD3D9ResourceSetMapFlags: set usage flags for mapping a Direct3D resource;
157. cudaD3D9UnmapResources: unmap Direct3D resources for access by CUDA;
158. cudaD3D9UnregisterResource: unregisters a Direct3D resource for access by CUDA;
159. cudaD3D10DeviceList: CUDA devices corresponding to a D3D10 device;
160. cudaD3D10GetDevice: gets the device number for an adapter;
161. cudaD3D10GetDevices: gets the CUDA devices corresponding to a Direct3D 10 device;
162. cudaGraphicsD3D10RegisterResource: registers a Direct3D 10 resourcefor access by CUDA;
163. cudaD3D10MapFlags: CUDA D3D10 Map Flags;
164. cudaD3D10RegisterFlags: CUDA D3D10 Register Flags;
165. cudaD3D10GetDirect3DDevice: gets the Direct3D device against which the current CUDA context was created;
166. cudaD3D10MapResources: maps Direct3D resources for access by CUDA;
167. cudaD3D10RegisterResources: registers a Direct3D 10 resource foraccess by CUDA;
168. cudaD3D10ResourceGetMappedArray: gets an array through which toaccess a subresource of a Direct3D which has been mapped for access by CUDA;
169. cudaD3D10ResourceGetMappedPitch: gets the pitch of a subresource of a Direct3D resource which has been mapped for access by CUDA;
170. cudaD3D10ResourceGetMappedPointer: gets a pointer through which to access a subresource of a Direct3D resource which has been mapped for access byCUDA;
171. cudaD3D10ResourceGetMappedSize: get the size of a subresource of a Direct3D resource which has been mapped for access by CUDA;
172. cudaD3D10ResourceGetSurfaceDimensions: gets the dimensions of a registered Direct3D surface;
173. cudaD3D10ResourceSetMapFlags: set usage flags for mapping a Direct3D resource;
174. cudaD3D10SetDirect3DDevice: sets the Direct3D 10 device to use for interoperability with a CUDA device;
175. cudaD3D10UnmapResources: unmaps Direct3D resources;
176. cudaD3D10UnregisterResource: unregisters a Direct3D resource;
177. cudaD3D11DeviceList: CUDA devices corresponding to a D3D11 device;
178. cudaD3D11GetDevice: gets the device number for an adapter;
179. cudaD3D11GetDevices: gets the CUDA devices corresponding to a Direct3D 11 device;
180. cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource: register a Direct3D 11 resource for access by CUDA;
181. cudaD3D11GetDirect3DDevice: gets the Direct3D device against which the current CUDA context was created;
182. cudaD3D11SetDirect3DDevice: sets the Direct3D 11 device to use for interoperability with a CUDA device;
183. cudaGraphicsVDPAURegisterOutputSurface: register a VdpOutputSurface object;
184. cudaGraphicsVDPAURegisterVideoSurface: register a VdpVideoSurface object;
185. cudaVDPAUGetDevice: gets the CUDA device associated with a VdpDevice;
186. cudaVDPAUSetVDPAUDevice: sets a CUDA device to use VDPAUinteroperability;
187. cudaGraphicsMapResources: map graphics resources for access by CUDA;
188. cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedMipmappedArray: get a mipmapped array through which to access a mapped graphics resource;
189. cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedPointer: get an device pointer through which to access a mapped graphics resource;
190. cudaGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags: set usage falgs for mapping agraphics resource;
191. cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray: get an array through which to access a subresource of a mapped graphics resource;
192. cudaGraphicsUnmapResources: unmap graphics resources;
193. cudaGraphicsUnregisterResource: unregisters a graphics resource for access by CUDA;
194. cudaBindTexture: binds a memory area to a texture;
195. cudaBindTexture2D: binds a 2D memory area to a texture;
196. cudaBindTextureToArray: binds an array to a texture;
197. cudaBindTextureToMipmappedArray: binds a mipmapped array to atexture;
198. cudaCreateChannelDesc: returns a channel descriptor using the specified format;
199. cudaGetChannelDesc: get the channel descriptor of an array;
200. cudaGetTextureAlignmentOffset: get the alignment offset of a texture;
201. cudaGetTextureReference: get the texture reference associated with asymbol;
202. cudaUnbindTexture: unbinds a texture;
203. cudaBindSurfaceToArray: binds an array to a surface;
204. cudaGetSurfaceReference: get the surface reference associated with asymbol;
205. cudaCreateTextureObject: create a texture object;
206. cudaDestroyTextureObject: destroys a texture object;
207. cudaGetTextureObjectResourceDesc: returns a texture object’s resource descriptor;
208. cudaGetTextureObjectResourceViewDesc: returns a texture object’s resource view descriptor;
209. cudaGetTextureObjectTextureDesc: returns a texture object’s texture descriptor;
210. cudaCreateSurfaceObject: creates a surface object;
211. cudaDestroySurfaceObject: destroys a surface object;
212. cudaGetSurfaceObjectResourceDesc: returns a surface object’s resource descriptor , returns the resource descriptor for the surface object specified by surfObject;
213. cudaDriverGetVersion: returns the CUDA driver version;
214. cudaRuntimeGetVersion: returns the CUDA runtime version;
215. __cudaOccupancyB2DHelper: cppClassifierVisibility: visibility=public;
216. cudaBindSurfaceToArray: binds an array to a surface;
217. cudBindTexture: binds a memory area to a texture;
218. cudaBindTexture2D: binds a 2D memory area to a texture;
219. cudaBindTextureToArray: binds an array to a texture;
220. cudaBindTextureToMipmappedArray: binds a mipmapped array to atexture;
221. cudaEventCreate: creates an event object with the specified flags;
222. cudaFuncGetAttributes: find out attributes for a given function;
223. cudaFuncSetCacheConfig: sets the preferred cache configuration for adevice function;
224. cudaGetSymbolAddress: finds the address associated with a CUDA symbol;
225. cudaGetSymbolSize: finds the size of the object associated with a CUDA symbol;
226. cudaGetTextureAlignmentOffset: get the alignment offset of atexture;
227. cudaLaunch: launches a device function;
228. cudaLaunchKernel: launches a device function;
229. cudaMallocHost: allocates page-locked memory on the host;
230. cudaMallocManaged: allocates memory that will automatically managedby the Unified Memory system;
231. cudaMemcpyFromSymbol: copies data from the given symbol on the device;
232. cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync: copies data from the given symbol on the device;
233. cudaMemcpyToSymbol: copies data to the given symbol on the device;
234. cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync: copies data to the given symbol on the device;
235. cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor: returns occupancy fora device function;
236. cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags: returns occupancy for a device function with the specified flags;
237. cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize: returns grid and block size that achieves maximum potential occupancy for a device function;
238. cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMem: returns grid and block size that achieves maximum potential occupancy for a device function;
239. cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSmemWithFlags: returns grid and block size that achieves maximum potential occupancy for a device function;
240. cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlocksSizeWithFlags: returns grid and blocksize that achieved maximum potential occupancy for a device function with the specified flags;
241. cudaSetupArgument: configure a device launch;
242. cudaStreamAttachMemAsync: attach memory to a stream asynchronously;
243. cudaUnbindTexture: unbinds a texture;
244. cudaProfilerInitialize: initialize the CUDA profiler;
245. cudaProfilerStart: enable profiling;
246. cudaProfilerStop: disable profiling;