select name from totoro; 选两列数据
select id,name from totoro; 选单列中不重复的数据
select distinct name from totoro; 选出name列中名字是pangpang3的数据
select * from totoro where name=‘pangpang3‘; 选出age>3的数据
select * from totoro where age>3; and
select * from totoro where id=1 and age=1; or
select * from totoro where id=1 or age=3; order by 排序
select age from totoro order by age; 选两列,按age排序
select id,age from totoro order by age; DESC,降序
select age,name from totoro order by name DESC; ASC,升序
select name,id from totoro order by name ASC; 部分插
insert into totoro (id,name) values (10,‘feifei‘); 部分更新
update totoro set id=13,name=‘mark‘ where age=9; 删除
delete from totoro where id=1; 选前3行 limit
select * from totoro limit 3; 以i结尾的name
select * from totoro where name like ‘%i‘; 含om的name
select * from totoro where name like ‘%om%‘; name第一个字符后是hu的
select * from totoro where name like ‘_hu‘; name第2是a,第4是k
select * from totoro where name like ‘_a_k‘; name是tom,ii
select * from totoro where name in (‘tom‘,‘ii‘); 取anan和mary之间的name
select * from totoro where name between ‘anan‘ and ‘mary‘; as指定别名
select name as n from totoro; 表名totoro as t
select t.id from totoro as t; 两张表中id相等的name
select totoro.id,totoro.name,user.name from totoro,user where totoro.id=user.id; join on
select totoro.id,totoro.name,user.name from totoro join user on totoro.id=user.id order by totoro.id; 取两张表中id相同的数据
select totoro.id,totoro.name,user.name from totoro,user where totoro.id=user.id; inner join
select totoro.id,totoro.name,user.id from totoro inner join user on totoro.id=user.id order by totoro.id;