图1.1 颜色RGB整数结构图
表1-1 颜色及其RGB值
颜色 |
RGB值 |
RGB值的十六进制 |
java.awt.Color常量 |
红 |
(255,0,0) |
0xffff0000 |
Color.red |
绿 |
(0,255,0) |
0xff00ff00 |
Color.green |
蓝 |
(0,0,255) |
0xff0000ff |
Color.blue |
黑 |
(0,0,0) |
0xff000000 |
Color.black |
白 |
(255,255,255) |
0xffffffff |
Color.white |
public class Color { //颜色类 private int value; //颜色值 public Color(int red, int green, int blue) //以三元色构造颜色对象 public Color(int rgb) //以三元色构造颜色对象 public int getRGB() //返回颜色对象的RGB值 public int getRed() //返回颜色对象的红色值 public int getGreen() //返回颜色对象的绿色值 public int getBlue() //返回颜色对象的蓝色值 public String toString() //返回颜色对象的字符串描述 }
import java.util.*; public class Color{ private int value; int red,green,blue; public Color(int red,int green,int blue){ this.set(red,green,blue); this.value=blue+(green<<8)+(red<<16)+(255<<24); } public Color(int rgb){ this.value=rgb; this.set(rgb); } public void set(int rgb){ this.blue=this.value&255; this.green=(this.value&(255<<8))>>8; this.red=(this.value&(255<<16))>>16; } public void set(int red,int green,int blue){ this.red=red; this.green=green; this.blue=blue; } public String getRGB(){ return Integer.toHexString(this.value); } public int getRed(){ return this.red; } public int getGreen(){ return this.green; } public int getBlue(){ return this.blue; } public String toString(){ return "( red , green , blue ) === ( "+this.red+" , "+this.green+" , "+this.blue+" )"; } } class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ final int MIN=-16777216; Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in); int a=(255<<24)+(255<<16)+(255<<8)+255; //System.out.println("Please input n ( "+a+"<=a<="+(255<<24)+")"); System.out.println("Please input red ,green and blue`s single color value"); System.out.println("( 0<=value <=255 ) :"); while(sc.hasNext()){ Color c=new Color(sc.nextInt(),sc.nextInt(),sc.nextInt()); System.out.println(c); System.out.println("RGB = 0x"+c.getRGB()); System.out.println("Red = "+c.getRed()); System.out.println("Green = "+c.getGreen()); System.out.println("Blue = "+c.getBlue()); System.out.println("-----------------"); System.out.println("Please input n ( "+MIN+" <= n <= -1) : "); c=new Color(sc.nextInt()); System.out.println(c); System.out.println("RGB = 0x"+c.getRGB()); System.out.println("Red = "+c.getRed()); System.out.println("Green "+c.getGreen()); System.out.println("Blue = "+c.getBlue()); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Please input red ,green and blue`s single color value :"); } } }