一 插入多行数据的几种方式
1 insert into target_table(column1,column2) select column1,5 from source_table;
target_table 表存在的时候 2 select * into target_table from source_table;
target_table 表不存在的时候 3 select * identity(int,1,1) As sid target_table from source_table
target_table 表不存在的时候, 插入标识符, 但是如果source_table 也有唯一标识符的时候,就不能把那个也插进去了
1 不在前30条的前10条
SELECT top 10 * FROM dbo.ActivityComment WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT top 30 id FROM [dbo].[ActivityComment] )
2 id大于第30条的id,的前10条
SELECT top 10 * FROM dbo.ActivityComment WHERE id > (SELECT max(id) FROM (SELECT top 30 id FROM dbo.ActivityComment ORDER BY id) AS ids) ORDER BY id
3 利用 ROW_NUMBER() over(order by id) as num 来实现分页, 取出rumber 大于30的前10条
SELECT top 10 * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over(ORDER BY id) AS num, * FROM dbo.SPProduct) AS a WHERE num > 30
三 CET 的入门
SELECT * FROM dbo.SPProduct WHERE id NOT in (SELECT id FROM dbo.SPProduct WHERE name LIKE ‘%30%‘);
declare @t table(SPProduct int)
把子查询的结果存入表变量 insert into @t(SPProduct)(select id from dbo.SPProduct where name like ‘%30%‘)
再做外层查询 select * from dbo.SPProduct where id not in (select * from @t)
3 CTE方式
with cr as (select id from SPProduct where name like ‘%30%‘) select * from SPProduct where id not in (select * from cr)
with cr1(id) as (select id from SPProduct where name like ‘%30%‘ union all select id from SPProduct where name like ‘%20%‘) select * from SPProduct where id not in (select * from cr1)