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website project team member 角色

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  • project stakeholder(client or business owner)产品经理
  • Project manager 项目经理
  • producer 制片人
  • editor/copywriter编辑和文案人员
  • information architect: 信息架构师
  • Graphic designer 图形图像设计师
  • HTML Developer HTML开发人员(涵盖CSS, javascript开发)
  • Developer 开发人员(往往是后端)
  • Tech lead 技术team leader
  • Database administrator 数据库管理员
  • Quality assurance engineer 质量保证

往往一个典型的项目团队由三个种类的人员构成: content(内容),graphic design(平面设计),technology. 项目经理将跨组管理这些人员,作为stakeholder和项目组成员的沟通桥梁和管道。产品经理往往不会每日参加到项目的开发过程中,他负责启动一个项目,包括预算的落实,争取到相关的resource,保持PO持续不断地更新项目进展信息是项目经理的一个职责。

在technology这个side有如下的人员: tech lead, dba, developer, html developer. 和content相关的人员有以下角色:producer(制片人)编辑,文案。graphic design team往往由: creative director(创意总监),设计师designer和production artists.有两个角色将横跨tech和content两个领域: information architect和quality assurance. IA和开发人员紧密合作以便做出网站架构(site architecture: sitemap,wireframe,mockup),IA和design/content team一起工作,以确保UI满足可用性的需求。QA工程师负责从用户的视野来测试最终的产品。

  • stakeholder

项目的stakeholder有时有被成为product owner, business owner,他是启动该项目的人。这个人可能从市场部们来的,一个外部客户,一个网站编辑,一个网站制片人甚至是公司的CEO,有的stakeholder是公司的中层经理,他需要向老板要预算。stakeholder一般被期望能有如下输出: project concept/idea, budget, marketing plan, page mockups, third-party content deals(第三方内容交易)。

对于项目经理来说,PO就是你的客户。在项目的早期,甚至项目团队还未组建时,项目经理就和PO一起工作。典型地,项目经理管理团队和build,PO管理商业目标和市场启动。项目经理将和PO一起工作估算和跟踪资源费用和消耗。项目经理懂得的业务知识(business knowledge)越多,那么你将对PO的帮助越大---设定项目的商业目标。项目经理的职责就是将PO的vision变成现实。

  • producer

web制片人有很多的任务,这个角色在各个公司组织中有不同的定义,对于web开发公司的项目,一般来说制片人在客户侧,往往有一个product manager来担任这个web 制片人的角色。制片人应有如下的职责和输出:

project concept/idea, creative bridf, page maps, sitemap, final specifications, project timeline, budget, design direction, editorial content/direction, editorial resource management, third-party content deals.

通常情况下, 制片人和内容,项目的直观展示更加接近,她倾向于担任一个站在最终客户的角度来参与到项目中。项目本身可能由PO来initiated,但是制片人却给项目以不同的风味


In some companies the producer manages the entire project and all
resources without the help of a project manager. In other companies the
producer works on developing the concept and then turns over the project
to a project manager for the build phase.

  • editor



story ideas, articles and stories, procurement of stories or articles, product descriptions and reviews, interviews.

  • Information architect

One of the most challenging and interesting roles on a Web development team is
that of the information architect, or IA. The IA is the person who ensures that the
Web site will be usable by human beings and ensures that the underlying structure
of the Web site, including the design, content, and technology, will make sense to
users. IAs come from either a technology or design background and are conversant
in the finer points of both. IAs are usability experts and have logged many hours
observing people interact with various types of graphical interfaces, computer
hardware and software, and other objects that require quick comprehension by
humans to be used successfully.
Depending on the company, IAs can wield a great deal of power on a Web
initiative. They often take part in every aspect of the project build but especially in
the early design and functionality planning stages. Having an IA on board helps all
groups in the build process by providing a person solely dedicated to safeguarding
against bad design or whacky functionality that will eventually be deemed
unusable by the intended audience.

  • Graphic designer

typography,photograph,iconography, color palettes,graphics,animation等都是designer用于表达概念,情感,信息,感觉,质量,态度的方式

  • HTML developer

需要懂得layout,css,browser兼容性,alignment, frames,fonts,download time。html developer和desiner, backend developer紧密合作,通常是同时工作,html developer必需有好的设计感性和技术实力。由于这个角色经常处于design和layout的争吵,故如果有较好的谈判能力,也很不错。

html frameworks for all display templates, the execution of smaller, nondynamic "flat" or HTML-only projects, HTML mockups of proposed designs, style sheet implementation, image directory maintenance

  • The developer


  • Tech lead


  • The database administrator


  • QA engineer

website project team member 角色



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