1. 处理Alpha贴图时是一个像素一个像素地处理,用Texture.SetPixel()函数。推荐批量处理,用Texture.SetPixels()函数。推荐批量处理,用Texture.SetPixels()函数。”
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; public class MaterialTextureForETC1{ private static string defaultWhiteTexPath_relative = "Assets/Default_Alpha.png"; private static Texture2D defaultWhiteTex = null; [MenuItem("EffortForETC1/Depart RGB and Alpha Channel")] static void SeperateAllTexturesRGBandAlphaChannel() { Debug.Log("Start Departing."); if (!GetDefaultWhiteTexture()) { return; } string[] paths = Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string path in paths) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && IsTextureFile(path) && !IsTextureConverted(path)) //full name { SeperateRGBAandlphaChannel(path); } } AssetDatabase.Refresh(); //Refresh to ensure new generated RBA and Alpha textures shown in Unity as well as the meta file Debug.Log("Finish Departing."); } #region process texture static void SeperateRGBAandlphaChannel(string _texPath) { string assetRelativePath = GetRelativeAssetPath(_texPath); SetTextureReadableEx(assetRelativePath); //set readable flag and set textureFormat TrueColor Texture2D sourcetex = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath(assetRelativePath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; //not just the textures under Resources file if (!sourcetex) { Debug.LogError("Load Texture Failed : " + assetRelativePath); return; } TextureImporter ti = null; try { ti = (TextureImporter)TextureImporter.GetAtPath(assetRelativePath); } catch { Debug.LogError("Load Texture failed: " + assetRelativePath); return; } if (ti == null) { return; } bool bGenerateMipMap = ti.mipmapEnabled; //same with the texture import setting Texture2D rgbTex = new Texture2D(sourcetex.width, sourcetex.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, bGenerateMipMap); rgbTex.SetPixels(sourcetex.GetPixels()); Texture2D mipMapTex = new Texture2D(sourcetex.width, sourcetex.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true); //Alpha Channel needed here mipMapTex.SetPixels(sourcetex.GetPixels()); mipMapTex.Apply(); Color[] colors2rdLevel = mipMapTex.GetPixels(1); //Second level of Mipmap Color[] colorsAlpha = new Color[colors2rdLevel.Length]; if (colors2rdLevel.Length != (mipMapTex.width+1) / 2 * (mipMapTex.height+1) / 2) { Debug.LogError("Size Error."); return; } bool bAlphaExist = false; for (int i = 0; i < colors2rdLevel.Length; ++i) { colorsAlpha[i].r = colors2rdLevel[i].a; colorsAlpha[i].g = colors2rdLevel[i].a; colorsAlpha[i].b = colors2rdLevel[i].a; if (!Mathf.Approximately(colors2rdLevel[i].a, 1.0f)) { bAlphaExist = true; } } Texture2D alphaTex = null; if (bAlphaExist) { alphaTex = new Texture2D((sourcetex.width+1) / 2, (sourcetex.height+1) / 2, TextureFormat.RGB24, bGenerateMipMap); } else { alphaTex = new Texture2D(defaultWhiteTex.width, defaultWhiteTex.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); } alphaTex.SetPixels(colorsAlpha); rgbTex.Apply(); alphaTex.Apply(); byte[] bytes = rgbTex.EncodeToPNG(); File.WriteAllBytes(assetRelativePath, bytes); byte[] alphabytes = alphaTex.EncodeToPNG(); string alphaTexRelativePath = GetAlphaTexPath(_texPath); File.WriteAllBytes(alphaTexRelativePath, alphabytes); ReImportAsset(assetRelativePath, rgbTex.width, rgbTex.height); ReImportAsset(alphaTexRelativePath, alphaTex.width, alphaTex.height); Debug.Log("Succeed Departing : " + assetRelativePath); } static void ReImportAsset(string path, int width, int height) { try { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); } catch { Debug.LogError("Import Texture failed: " + path); return; } TextureImporter importer = null; try { importer = (TextureImporter)TextureImporter.GetAtPath(path); } catch { Debug.LogError("Load Texture failed: " + path); return; } if (importer == null) { return; } importer.maxTextureSize = Mathf.Max(width, height); importer.anisoLevel = 0; importer.isReadable = false; //increase memory cost if readable is true importer.textureFormat = TextureImporterFormat.AutomaticCompressed; importer.textureType = TextureImporterType.Image; if (path.Contains("/UI/")) { importer.textureType = TextureImporterType.GUI; } AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); } static void SetTextureReadableEx(string _relativeAssetPath) //set readable flag and set textureFormat TrueColor { TextureImporter ti = null; try { ti = (TextureImporter)TextureImporter.GetAtPath(_relativeAssetPath); } catch { Debug.LogError("Load Texture failed: " + _relativeAssetPath); return; } if (ti == null) { return; } ti.isReadable = true; ti.textureFormat = TextureImporterFormat.AutomaticTruecolor; //this is essential for departing Textures for ETC1. No compression format for following operation. AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(_relativeAssetPath); } static bool GetDefaultWhiteTexture() { defaultWhiteTex = Resources.LoadAssetAtPath(defaultWhiteTexPath_relative, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D; //not just the textures under Resources file if (!defaultWhiteTex) { Debug.LogError("Load Texture Failed : " + defaultWhiteTexPath_relative); return false; } return true; } #endregion #region string or path helper static bool IsTextureFile(string _path) { string path = _path.ToLower(); return path.EndsWith(".psd") || path.EndsWith(".tga") || path.EndsWith(".png") || path.EndsWith(".jpg") || path.EndsWith(".bmp") || path.EndsWith(".tif") || path.EndsWith(".gif"); } static bool IsTextureConverted(string _path) { return _path.Contains("_RGB.") || _path.Contains("_Alpha."); } static string GetRGBTexPath(string _texPath) { return GetTexPath(_texPath, "_RGB."); } static string GetAlphaTexPath(string _texPath) { return GetTexPath(_texPath, "_Alpha."); } static string GetTexPath(string _texPath, string _texRole) { string dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(_texPath); string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_texPath); string result = dir + "/" + filename + _texRole + "png"; return result; } static string GetRelativeAssetPath(string _fullPath) { _fullPath = GetRightFormatPath(_fullPath); int idx = _fullPath.IndexOf("Assets"); string assetRelativePath = _fullPath.Substring(idx); return assetRelativePath; } static string GetRightFormatPath(string _path) { return _path.Replace("\\", "/"); } #endregion }