偶然看到最短路劲问题,在游戏、导航等领域都有所应用,觉着挺有意思的,便打算自己也实现一版 。最后选择了高效简洁的A*算法。
A*的实现却并不复杂,关键第一点:判断当前每一步后,下一步怎么走,一般用一个开集和一个闭集分别来存储下一步待走的格子 和已经走过的格子;第二点:如何判断下一步走哪一个格子,这也是A*的优秀之处,它考虑了走过的距离(成本)和预期将要走的距离(期望),拥有快速有效的寻路能力;此处再省略1万字的赞美……
1、MyCompare.java 是一个接口
2、MinHeap.java 泛型最小堆 , 实现参照了java API中的ArrayList ,代码可重用
4、AStar.javaA* 算法主要逻辑类
package com.study.algorithm; /** * 比较大小的函数接口 * @author zhangshaoliang * 2015-5-7下午12:28:12 */ public interface MyCompare { public boolean isLarger(MyCompare m2); public boolean isSmaller(MyCompare m2); public boolean isEqual(MyCompare m2); }
package com.study.algorithm; /** * pojo ,格子 * <pre> F = G + H * G 表示从起点 A 移动到网格上指定方格的移动耗费 (可沿斜方向移动,斜方向的代价为对角线长度) * H 表示从指定的方格移动到终点 B 的预计耗费 (H 有很多计算方法, 这里我们设定只可以上下左右移动).</pre> * @author zhangshaoliang * 2015-5-7下午1:00:09 */ public class Grid implements MyCompare{ private double F; private double H; private double G; private int i ; private int j; private Grid parent; ///该格子的父格子 /** * pojo ,格子 * @param F F = G + H * @param G 表示从起点 A 移动到网格上指定方格的移动耗费 (可沿斜方向移动,斜方向的代价为对角线长度) * @param H 表示从指定的方格移动到终点 B 的预计耗费 (H 有很多计算方法, 这里我们设定只可以上下左右移动). * @param i 纵坐标i * @param j 横坐标j * @param parent 父结点 */ public Grid(double F,double G,double H,int i,int j,Grid parent){ this.F = F; this.G = G; this.H = H; this.i = i; this.j = j; this.parent = parent; } public Grid(){} public Grid getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(Grid parent) { this.parent = parent; } public int getI() { return i; } public int getJ() { return j; } public void setI(int i) { this.i = i; } public void setJ(int j) { this.j = j; } /** * 经过当前点到终点B的总耗费 期望值 * @return */ public double getF() { return F; } /** * H 表示从指定的方格移动到终点 B 的预计耗费 (H 有很多计算方法, 这里我们设定只可以上下左右移动) * @return */ public double getH() { return H; } /** * 表示从起点 A 移动到当前网格上的移动耗费 (可沿斜方向移动,斜方向的代价为对角线长度) * @return */ public double getG() { return G; } public void setF(double f) { F = f; } public void setH(double h) { H = h; } public void setG(double g) { G = g; } @Override public boolean isLarger(MyCompare m2) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.F>((Grid)m2).getF(); } @Override public boolean isSmaller(MyCompare m2) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.F<((Grid)m2).getF(); } @Override public boolean isEqual(MyCompare m2) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return this.F==((Grid)m2).getF(); } }
package com.study.algorithm; /** * 最小堆 * @author zhangshaoliang * 2015-5-7上午11:08:20 */ public class MinHeap<E extends MyCompare> { private int size; private Object[] element; public MinHeap(int maxSize){ size = 0; element = new Object[maxSize]; } public MinHeap(){ this(10); } /** * 元素入堆 * @param e */ public void append(E e){ ensureCapacity(size+1); element[size++] = e;///put the element to the end of the heap adjustUp(); //adjust the heap to minHeap } /** * 取出堆顶元素(最小元素) * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public E poll(){ if(isEmpty()){ return null; } E min = (E) element[0]; element[0] = element[size-1];///replace the min element with the last element element[size-1] = null ;///let gc do its work size--; adjustDown();///adjust the heap to minHeap return min; } /** * 查看堆顶元素(最小元素) * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public E peek(){ if(isEmpty()){ return null; } return (E) element[0]; } /** * 是否为空堆 * @return */ public boolean isEmpty(){ return size == 0 ; } /** * 确保容量空间足够 * @param minCapacity */ private void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity){ int oldCapacity = element.length; if(minCapacity > oldCapacity){ int newCapacity = (oldCapacity*3)/2+1;///每次扩容至1.5倍 Object[] copy = new Object[newCapacity]; ///调用本地C方法进行数组复制 System.arraycopy(element, 0, copy, 0, element.length); element = copy; } } /** * 向上调整为堆,将小值往上调 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void adjustUp(){ E temp = (E) element[size-1]; ///get the last element int parent = size - 1; while(parent>0&&((E)element[(size - 1)/2]).isLarger(temp)){ ///if smaller than it parent element[parent] = element[(parent - 1)/2]; parent = (parent - 1)/2; } element[parent] = temp; } /** * 向下调整为堆 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void adjustDown(){ E temp = (E) element[0]; ///get the first element int child = 1; while(child<size){ E left = (E) element[child]; E right = (E) element[child+1];///这里的child+1不会越界(想想为什么) if(right!=null&&left.isLarger(right)){ child++; } if(temp.isSmaller((E)element[child])){ break; ////如果比两个孩子中较小者都还小,则结束 } element[(child-1)/2] = element[child]; ///assign the smaller to its parent child = child*2 + 1; } element[(child-1)/2] = temp; } }
package com.study.algorithm; /** * A*寻路算法 * <pre> * 思路: 每次取期望值最小的位置作为下一步要走的位置,F = G + H * G 表示从起点 A 移动到网格上指定方格的移动耗费 (可沿斜方向移动,斜方向的代价为对角线长度). * H 表示从指定的方格移动到终点 B 的预计耗费 (H 有很多计算方法, 这里我们设定只可以上下左右移动). * * 此处用一个最小堆来记录开启列表中的格子,每个格子有一个指向父格子的指针,以此记录路劲 </pre> * @author zhangshaoliang * 2015-5-7上午10:58:54 */ public class AStar { private static MinHeap<Grid> open ;//= new MinHeap<Grid>(); // private static MTree close ;//= new MTree(); private Grid last; //记录最后一个格子 private final String obstacle = "1";//障碍物标记值 private String end = "e"; ////目标标记值 private String start = "s";////开始标记值 //目标坐标 private int end_i = -1; private int end_j = -1; //开始目标 private int start_i = -1; private int start_j = -1; /** * 初始化操作 * @param boxs */ public void init(String[][] boxs){ for(int i=0;i<boxs.length;i++){ for(int j=0;j<boxs[0].length;j++){ if(boxs[i][j].equals(start)){ start_i = i; start_j = j; } if(boxs[i][j].equals(end)){ end_i = i; end_j = j; } } } Grid sGrid = new Grid(0, 0, 0, start_i, start_j, null); open = new MinHeap<Grid>(); open.append(sGrid);///、将开始位置加入开集 } /** * 开始搜索 */ public void search(String[][] boxs){ int height = boxs.length; int width = boxs[0].length; while(open.peek()!=null){//对开集进行遍历,直到找到目标或者找不到通路 Grid g = open.poll(); int i = g.getI(); int j = g.getJ(); double pre_G = g.getG();///已耗费 for(int h=-1;h<=1;h++){ for(int w=-1;w<=1;w++){ int next_i = i + h; ///下一个将加入open 集的格子的i int next_j = j + w;///下一个将加入open 集的格子的j if(next_i>=0 && next_i<=height-1 && next_j>=0 && next_j<=width-1){ ////数组不越界,则进行计算 if(boxs[next_i][next_j].equals(obstacle) || boxs[next_i][next_j].equals("-1") ||(h==0&&w==0)){ //如果该格子是障碍,或者格子本身,跳过 continue; } ////计算该点到终点的最短路劲 double H = Math.abs(end_i - next_i) + Math.abs(end_j - next_j) ; if(H<1){ ///找到目标,记录并结束 last = new Grid(0, pre_G, 0, next_i, next_j,g); ; return ; } ////如果是对角线则加1.4,否则加1 double G = Math.sqrt((next_i-i)*(next_i-i)+(next_j-j)*(next_j-j))>1 ? pre_G+1.4 : pre_G+1; //生成新格子 Grid temp = new Grid(H+G, G, H, next_i, next_j,g); ////加入open集 open.append(temp); boxs[i][j] = "-1";///表示此处已经计算过了 } } } last = g; } } /** * 打印路劲 */ public void printPath(){ if(end_i!=last.getI()||end_j!=last.getJ()){ System.out.println("无法到达终点!"); return ; } System.out.println("路劲逆序为:"); while(true){ System.out.print("("+last.getI()+","+last.getJ()+")"); last = last.getParent(); if(last==null){ break; } System.out.print(" <———"); } } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub /*Grid g1 = new Grid(2, 1, 2, 0, 0,null); Grid g2 = new Grid(5, 1, 2, 0, 0,g1); Grid g3 = new Grid(1, 1, 2, 0, 0,g1); Grid g4 = new Grid(6, 1, 2, 0, 0,g2); Grid g5 = new Grid(3, 1, 2, 0, 0,g3); open = new MinHeap<Grid>(); open.append(g1); open.append(g2); open.append(g3); open.append(g4); open.append(g5); //、测试最小堆 while(null!=open.peek()){ System.out.println(open.poll().getF()); } */ String[][] boxs = {//{"0","g"},{"s","0"}}; {"0","0","1","0","0"}, {"0","0","1","e","0"}, {"0","0","1","1","0"}, {"0","0","0","1","0"}, {"s","0","1","0","0"}, }; AStar star = new AStar(); star.init(boxs); star.search(boxs); star.printPath(); } }
<span style="font-size:18px;">路劲逆序为: (1,3) <———(2,4) <———(3,4) <———(4,3) <———(3,2) <———(3,1) <———(4,0)</span>