工厂方法模式(Factory Method):定义一个用于封建对象的接口,让子类觉得史丽华哪一个类,工厂方法使一个类的实例化延迟到其子类。
简单工厂模式优点 :工厂类中包含了必要的逻辑判断,根据客户端的选择条件动态实例化相关的类,对于客户端来说,去除了与具体产品的依赖。但是因为我们需要根据客户端的输入来修实例化类,如果我们要增加类的话,我们需要修改工厂类方法,把该类加入其中,这意味着我们不但对扩展开发了,对修改也开发了,违背了开放-封闭原则。这就可以用工厂方法来解决这个问题。
<pre name="code" class="cpp">#ifndef FACTORY_MEANS_H #define FACTORY_MEANS_H #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Operation { protected: double opA, opB; public: bool SetValue(double& n, double& m); virtual double GetResult()const = 0; }; class OperationAdd :public Operation { double GetResult()const; }; class OperationSub :public Operation { double GetResult()const; }; class OperationMul :public Operation { double GetResult()const; }; class OperationDiv :public Operation { double GetResult()const; }; class IFactory { public: virtual Operation *CreatOperation()=0; }; class AddFactory : public IFactory { public: Operation *CreatOperation() { return new OperationAdd(); } }; class SubFactory : public IFactory { public: Operation *CreatOperation() { return new OperationSub(); } }; class MulFactory : public IFactory { public: Operation *CreatOperation() { return new OperationMul(); } }; class DivFactory : public IFactory { public: Operation *CreatOperation() { return new OperationDiv(); } }; bool Operation::SetValue(double &n, double &m) { opA = n; opB = m; return true; } double OperationAdd::GetResult()const { double result; result = opA + opB; return result; } double OperationSub::GetResult()const { double result; result = opA - opB; return result; } double OperationMul::GetResult()const { double result; result = opA * opB; return result; } double OperationDiv::GetResult()const { if (opB == 0){ cout << "opB in OperationDiv can't be zero.\n"; return 0.00000001; } double result; result = opA / opB; return result; } #endif
#include"FactoryMeans.h" int main() { IFactory *operA = new AddFactory; Operation *opera = operA->CreatOperation(); IFactory *operS = new SubFactory; Operation *opers = operS->CreatOperation(); IFactory *operM = new MulFactory; Operation *operm = operM->CreatOperation(); IFactory *operD = new DivFactory; Operation *operd = operD->CreatOperation(); double a, b; while (cin >> a&&cin >> b) { opera->SetValue(a,b ); cout << "the result of " << a << " add " << b << " equal " << opera->GetResult() << endl; opers->SetValue(a, b); cout << "the result of " << a << " sub " << b << " equal " << opers->GetResult() << endl; operm->SetValue(a, b); cout << "the result of " << a << " mul " << b << " equal " << operm->GetResult() << endl; operd->SetValue(a, b); cout << "the result of " << a << " div " << b << " equal " << operd->GetResult() << endl; } return 0; }