Introduction to Java EE
- Gain an understanding of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
- Examine the Java EE application architecture
- Examine Java EE container services
- Examine the EJB component types
- Evaluate the EJB Lite Container
- Compare Java EE application development with traditional enterprise application development
Implementing Session Beans
- Examine session beans
- Identify the three types of session beans
- Choose the correct session bean type given a business constraint
- Create session beans Package and deploy session beans
Accessing Session Beans
- Understand the purpose and role of JNDI in relation to EJB components
- Configure JNDI environment properties
- Use JNDI to look up a resource
- Write code that receives a resource reference through injection
- Create a session bean client
- Create a session facade
- Use dependency injection to locate an EJB
Advanced Session Bean Concepts
- Understand the relationship between the EJB container and an EJB component
- Describe the life cycle for stateless and stateful session beans
- Implement session bean life cycle methods
- Use a session bean to perform asynchronous communication
- Have fine-grained control over packaging and deployment
Singleton Session Bean
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using a singleton session bean
- Create a singleton session bean
- Describe the life cycle of a singleton session bean
- Implement singleton session bean life cycle methods
- Describe singleton concurrency access
- Implement a concurrency management strategy
Developing Java EE Applications Using Messaging
- Review JMS technology
- Describe the roles of the participants in the JMS API messaging system
- Create a queue message producer
- Create a synchronous message consumer
Developing Message-Driven Beans
- Understand the short-comings of using session beans as messaging consumers
- Describe the properties and life cycle of message-driven beans
- Create a JMS message-driven bean
- Create life cycle event handlers for a JMS message-driven bean
- Configure a JMS message-driven bean
Using Timer ServicesObjectives
- Describe timer services
- Create a timer notification callback
- Process a timer notification callback Manage timer objects
Implementing Interceptor Classes and Methods
- Describe interceptors and interceptor classes
- Create a business interceptor method in the enterprise bean class
- Create an interceptor class
- Associate multiple business interceptor methods with an enterprise bean
- Include life cycle callback interceptor methods in an interceptor class
Implementing Transactions
- Describe transaction demarcation management
- Implement CMT
- Interact programmatically with an ongoing CMT transaction
- Implement BMT Apply transactions to messaging
Implementing Security
- Understand the Java EE security architecture
- Authenticate the caller Examine Java EE authorization strategies
- Use declarative authorization
- Use programmatic authorization Examine the responsibilities of the deployer
Using EJB Technology Best Practices
- Define best practices and state the benefits of using EJB technology best practices
- Select and apply known patterns to Java EE application design
- Incorporate effective exception handling into your Java EE application design
Package and Deploy EJB applications
Perform EJB Exception Handling
Java EE (2) -- Java EE 6 Enterprise JavaBeans Developer Certified Expert