Ruby可以很容易地写Thread类的多线程程序。 Ruby线程是一个轻量级的和有效的方式,以实现在你的代码的并行.
# Thread #1 is running here Thread.new { # Thread #2 runs this code } # Thread #1 runs this code
#!/usr/bin/ruby # by www.yiibai.com def func1 i=0 while i<=2 puts "func1 at: #{Time.now}" sleep(2) i=i+1 end end def func2 j=0 while j<=2 puts "func2 at: #{Time.now}" sleep(1) j=j+1 end end puts "Started At #{Time.now}" t1=Thread.new{func1()} t2=Thread.new{func2()} t1.join t2.join puts "End at #{Time.now}"
Press ENTER or type command to continue Started At Wed May 14 08:21:54 -0700 2008 func1 at: Wed May 14 08:21:54 -0700 2008 func2 at: Wed May 14 08:21:54 -0700 2008 func2 at: Wed May 14 08:21:55 -0700 2008 func1 at: Wed May 14 08:21:56 -0700 2008 func2 at: Wed May 14 08:21:56 -0700 2008 func1 at: Wed May 14 08:21:58 -0700 2008 End at Wed May 14 08:22:00 -0700 2008
类的方法Thread.current返回表示当前线程的Thread对象。这使得线程来操纵自己类方法返回的Thread对象代表主要thread.this. Thread.main是Ruby程序的开始,开始时的初始线程的执行.
t = Thread.new { ... } t.abort_on_exception = true
在这个例子中,每个线程都记录在一个关键mycount ThreadLocal变量变量计数当前值.
#!/usr/bin/ruby #by www.yiibai.com count = 0 arr = [] 10.times do |i| arr[i] = Thread.new { sleep(rand(0)/10.0) Thread.current["mycount"] = count count += 1 } end arr.each {|t| t.join; print t["mycount"], ", " } puts "count = #{count}"
8, 0, 3, 7, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4, 9, count = 10
#!/usr/bin/ruby require ‘thread‘ count1 = count2 = 0 difference = 0 counter = Thread.new do loop do count1 += 1 count2 += 1 end end spy = Thread.new do loop do difference += (count1 - count2).abs end end sleep 1 puts "count1 : #{count1}" puts "count2 : #{count2}" puts "difference : #{difference}"
count1 : 1583766 count2 : 1583766 difference : 637992
#!/usr/bin/ruby require ‘thread‘ mutex = Mutex.new count1 = count2 = 0 difference = 0 counter = Thread.new do loop do mutex.synchronize do count1 += 1 count2 += 1 end end end spy = Thread.new do loop do mutex.synchronize do difference += (count1 - count2).abs end end end sleep 1 mutex.lock puts "count1 : #{count1}" puts "count2 : #{count2}" puts "difference : #{difference}"
count1 : 696591 count2 : 696591 difference : 0
#!/usr/bin/ruby require ‘thread‘ mutex = Mutex.new cv = ConditionVariable.new a = Thread.new { mutex.synchronize { puts "A: I have critical section, but will wait for cv" cv.wait(mutex) puts "A: I have critical section again! I rule! - by www.yiibai.com" } } puts "(Later, back at the ranch...)" b = Thread.new { mutex.synchronize { puts "B: Now I am critical, but am done with cv" cv.signal puts "B: I am still critical, finishing up" } } a.join b.join
A: I have critical section, but will wait for cv (Later, back at the ranch...) B: Now I am critical, but am done with cv B: I am still critical, finishing up A: I have critical section again! I rule!
Thread state | Return value |
Runnable | run |
Sleeping | Sleeping |
Aborting | aborting |
Terminated normally | false |
Terminated with exception | nil |
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
SN | Methods with Description |
1 | Thread.abort_on_exception Returns the status of the global abort on exception condition. The default is false. When set to true, will cause all threads to abort (the process will exit(0)) if an exception is raised in any thread. |
2 | Thread.abort_on_exception= When set to true, all threads will abort if an exception is raised. Returns the new state. |
3 | Thread.critical Returns the status of the global thread critical condition. |
4 | Thread.critical= Sets the status of the global thread critical condition and returns it. When set totrue, prohibits scheduling of any existing thread. Does not block new threads from being created and run. Certain thread operations (such as stopping or killing a thread, sleeping in the current thread, and raising an exception) may cause a thread to be scheduled even when in a critical section. |
5 | Thread.current Returns the currently executing thread. |
6 | Thread.exit Terminates the currently running thread and schedules another thread to be run. If this thread is already marked to be killed, exit returns the Thread. If this is the main thread, or the last thread, exit the process. |
7 | Thread.fork { block } Synonym for Thread.new . |
8 | Thread.kill( aThread ) Causes the given aThread to exit |
9 | Thread.list Returns an array of Thread objects for all threads that are either runnable or stopped. Thread. |
10 | Thread.main Returns the main thread for the process. |
11 | Thread.new( [ arg ]* ) {| args | block } Creates a new thread to execute the instructions given in block, and begins running it. Any arguments passed to Thread.new are passed into the block. |
12 | Thread.pass Invokes the thread scheduler to pass execution to another thread. |
13 | Thread.start( [ args ]* ) {| args | block } Basically the same as Thread.new . However, if class Thread is subclassed, then calling start in that subclass will not invoke the subclass‘s initialize method. |
14 | Thread.stop Stops execution of the current thread, putting it into a sleep state, and schedules execution of another thread. Resets the critical condition to false. |
#!/usr/bin/ruby thr = Thread.new do # Calling a class method new puts "In second thread" raise "Raise exception" end thr.join # Calling an instance method join
SN | Methods with Description |
1 | thr[ aSymbol ] Attribute Reference - Returns the value of a thread-local variable, using either a symbol or a aSymbol name. If the specified variable does not exist, returns nil. |
2 | thr[ aSymbol ] = Attribute Assignment - Sets or creates the value of a thread-local variable, using either a symbol or a string. |
3 | thr.abort_on_exception Returns the status of the abort on exception condition for thr. The default is false. |
4 | thr.abort_on_exception= When set to true, causes all threads (including the main program) to abort if an exception is raised in thr. The process will effectively exit(0). |
5 | thr.alive? Returns true if thr is running or sleeping. |
6 | thr.exit Terminates thr and schedules another thread to be run. If this thread is already marked to be killed, exit returns the Thread. If this is the main thread, or the last thread, exits the process. |
7 | thr.join The calling thread will suspend execution and run thr. Does not return until threxits. Any threads not joined will be killed when the main program exits. |
8 | thr.key? Returns true if the given string (or symbol) exists as a thread-local variable. |
9 | thr.kill Synonym for Thread.exit . |
10 | thr.priority Returns the priority of thr. Default is zero; higher-priority threads will run before lower priority threads. |
11 | thr.priority= Sets the priority of thr to an Integer. Higher-priority threads will run before lower priority threads. |
12 | thr.raise( anException ) Raises an exception from thr. The caller does not have to be thr. |
13 | thr.run Wakes up thr, making it eligible for scheduling. If not in a critical section, then invokes the scheduler. |
14 | thr.safe_level Returns the safe level in effect for thr. |
15 | thr.status Returns the status of thr: sleep if thr is sleeping or waiting on I/O, run if thr is executing, false if thr terminated normally, and nil if thr terminated with an exception. |
16 | thr.stop? Returns true if thr is dead or sleeping. |
17 | thr.value Waits for thr to complete via Thread.join and returns its value. |
18 | thr.wakeup Marks thr as eligible for scheduling, it may still remain blocked on I/O, however. |