标签:web js angular angularjs template
AngularJS版本 : AngularJS v1.4.0-rc.1
<!doctype html> <html ng-app="dynamicTemplate"> <head> <script src="jslib/angular.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> angular.module(‘dynamicTemplate‘, []).controller(‘PhoneListCtrl‘,function($scope) { $scope.phones = [ { "name": "Nexus S", "snippet": "Fast just got faster with Nexus S." }, { "name": "Motorola XOOM with Wi-Fi", "snippet": "The Next, Next Generation tablet." }, { "name": "MOTOROLA XOOM", "snippet": "The Next, Next Generation tablet." } ]; }); </script> </head> <body> <div ng-controller="PhoneListCtrl"> <ul> <li ng-repeat="phone in phones"> {{phone.name}} <p>{{phone.snippet}}</p> </li> </ul> <p>Total number of phones: {{phones.length}}</p> </div> <table> <tr><th>row number</th></tr> <tr ng-repeat="i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]"><td>{{‘row number : ‘+(i+1)}}</td></tr> </table> </body> </html>
标签:web js angular angularjs template