标签:编译错误 java网站开发 propertynotfoundexce
在使用MyEclipse开发Java Web时,调用DAO和Java Bean出现了如下错误:
严重: Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] in context with path [/JDBCbyDao] threw exception [An exception occurred processing JSP page /student.jsp at line 37
35: <c:forEach items="${ studentList }" var="student">
36: <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
37: <td><input type="checkbox" name="id" value="${ student.id }" /></td>
38: <td>${ student.id }</td>
39: <td>${ student.name }</td>
40: <td>${ student.password }</td>
Stacktrace:] with root cause
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property ‘id‘ not found on type bean.Student
at javax.el.BeanELResolver$BeanProperties.get(BeanELResolver.java:290)
at javax.el.BeanELResolver$BeanProperties.access$300(BeanELResolver.java:243)
package bean;
public class Student {
private Integer id; //学号
private String name; //姓名
private String password; //密码
public Integer getID() { return id; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public String getPassword() { return password; }
public void setID(Integer id) { this.id = id; }
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
public void setPassword(String pwd) { this.password = pwd; }
<%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<jsp:directive.page import="DAO.StudentDAO"/>
<jsp:directive.page import="java.util.List"/>
List studentList = StudentDAO.listStudents();
request.setAttribute("studentList", studentList);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>My JSP 'student.jsp' starting page</title>
<form action="operateStudent.jsp" method=get>
<table bgcolor="#CCCCCC" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5 width=100%>
<tr bgcolor=#DDDDDD>
<c:forEach items="${studentList}" var="stu">
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<td><input type="checkbox" name="id" value="${stu.id}" /></td>
<a href="addEmployee.jsp?action=edit&id=${stu.id}">修改</a>
<a href="addEmployee.jsp?action=del&id=${stu.id}"
onclick="return confirm('确定删除?')">删除</a>
1.可能你遇到的错误是“Property ‘id‘ not found on type java.lang.String”异常
<c:forEach items="videos" var="video" >
<c:forEach items="${videos}" var="video" >
但是你需要注意它的错误是: java.lang.String对比type bean.Student,其中对应src/bean.Student.java文件。而且我在JSP中已经是${studentList}这种变量了,所以该方法不是该错误的解决方案。
2.有人说是bean的属性名称错误,或者没有get,set方法,但是我的bean如下方法。又参考错误“javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property ‘pNum‘ not found on type com.manager.Paper”,此时的解决方案是:
private int pNum;
private int pSize;
private int pnum;
private int psize;
据说是应为命名规范,同时stu.EmpNo估计是大小写错了,换成 ${stu.empNo} 就能成功,因为EL是读取属性的getter方法的,一般按照属性首字母小写来处理。但是我的名字是id,因此该方法也是行不通的。
Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] in context with path
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property ‘id‘ not found on type bean.Student
(1).首先确保循环<c:forEach items="${studentList}" var="stu">,然后调用是${stu.id}、${stu.name};
(3).在数据库中create table student( stuid int,username varchar(20)
)对应的Student类变量private Integer id; private String name;其中类型需要一致,同时设置get和set方法:
<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>private Integer id; //学号
private String name; //姓名
public Integer getID() { return id; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; }
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
public static int delete(Integer id) throws Exception {
String sql = "DELETE FROM student WHEREstuid = ? ";
return JDBCConnect.executeUpdate(sql, id);
当我定义函数public Integer getID() { return id; }时就会报错
HTTP Status 500 - javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property ‘id‘ not readable on type bean.Student
而当我修改为public IntegergetId() { return id; }后运行结果如下图所示:
同样setId()方法也修改,同时DAO中调用setId()和getId()方法也修改“D=>d”。所以我还是怀疑是使用EL时的命名规范在作怪。而且我通过代码验证修改成小写d可以成功。而第一个错误Servlet.service() for
另一种猜测:在jstl的el表达式引用错误应该使用${info.type.id } 而不是${info.id }(未验证)
1.JSP not finding property in bean - stackoverflow 丢失set方法
2.javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property ‘answer‘ not - stackoverflow
3.异常:javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property ‘id‘ not found on - CSDN
4.javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property ‘Owner‘ not found on - 百度知道
5.JSP没有使<c:forEach items="${specialty}" var="spe"> - CSDN论坛
(By:Eastmount 2015-5-19 凌晨4点 http://blog.csdn.net/eastmount/)
[java] javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'id' not found on type bean.Student
标签:编译错误 java网站开发 propertynotfoundexce