使用HttpClient,总是报出“Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended.”的WARN日志,定位到HttpClient的源码如下:
public abstract class HttpMethodBase implements HttpMethod { ... public byte[] getResponseBody() throws IOException { if (responseBody == null) { InputStream instream = getResponseBodyAsStream(); if (instream != null) { long contentLength = getResponseContentLength(); if (contentLength > 2147483647L){ throw new IOException("Content too large to be buffered: " + contentLength + " bytes");
} int limit = getParams().getIntParameter("http.method.response.buffer.warnlimit", 1048576); if (contentLength == -1L || contentLength > (long) limit){ LOG.warn("Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended.");
} LOG.debug("Buffering response body"); ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(contentLength <= 0L ? 4096: (int) contentLength); byte buffer[] = new byte[4096]; int len; while ((len = instream.read(buffer)) > 0){
outstream.write(buffer, 0, len);
} outstream.close(); setResponseStream(null); responseBody = outstream.toByteArray(); } } return responseBody; } ... }
报WARN的条件是((contentLength == -1) || (contentLength > limit)),也就是说,或者是返回的HTTP头没有指定contentLength,或者是contentLength大于上限(默认是1M)。如果能确定返回结果的大小对程序没有显著影响,这个WARN就可以忽略,可以在日志的配置中把HttpClient的日志级别调到ERROR,不让它报出来。
当然,这个警告也是有意义的,HttpClient建议使用InputStream getResponseBodyAsStream()代替byte[] getResponseBody()。对于返回结果很大或无法预知的情况,就需要使用InputStreamgetResponseBodyAsStream(),避免byte[] getResponseBody()可能带来的内存的耗尽问题。