ssh xshell 连接在vim中无法用 ctrl+insert 复制黏贴 修改.vimrc set mouse=c vi的三种模式:命令模式,插入模式,可视模式.鼠标可以启动于各种模式中: The mouse can be enabled for different modes: n Normal mode v Visual mode i Insert mode c Command-line mode h all previous modes when editing a help file a all previous modes r for |hit-enter| and |more-prompt| prompt Normally you would enable the mouse in all four modes with: :set mouse=a When the mouse is not enabled, the GUI will still use the mouse for modeless selection. This doesn‘t move the text cursor. 所以配置文件中的set mouse=a启动了所有模式,这样就屏蔽了鼠标右健功能.